Cola- not coca-Cola - refers to the part of a female cannabis plant where the flowers (buds) come together at the plant stem’s tip. Technically speaking, the correct botanical term is “terminal bud,” but most people refer to it as the “cola.” The size and quantity of colas can be increased during growing- trimming (toppping), or training, like Screen of
Green (ScrOG) or Low Stress Training (LST).
[By; Jeremy Kossen]
Posted 10/2016
The flowering site of a female cannabis plant. More simply, it’s the place where cannabis buds bloom.
The calyx is the first part of the plant to form. It is a collection of small leaves that form in a spiral near where the flower meets the stem, and is made up of sepals, which are tiny leaves that protect the flower at its base. It’s basically the base of the flower that holds everything together. It provides stability to the flower and creates a protective cocoon for the plant‘s reproductive organs. The Calyx holds many of the most important parts including; Pistils & Trichomes. The pistils and the calyx are most cannabinoid-dense parts of the plant. Resin is highly concentrated in the calyx and pistil. This is the part of the plant the is sold as bud.
[By: Anna Wilcox]
The Term Calyx comes from the Latin word, Ka’lyx, meaning ‘husk’ or ‘covering’. To the naive, untrained eye, cannabis buds may just look like petals. In practice, the calyx is actually the bud. If you take a gander beneath those tiny leaves - that look like sugar leaves - you’ll see the tear-shaped nodules: calyxes. They’re a diverse bunch that come in various colors,shapes, and sizes. When fertilized, you’ll find the highest density of those vital trichomes ( the glands chiefly responsible for secreting cannabinoid and terpenes) on the Carlyle’s.
[By; Jeremy Kossen]
Posted 10/2016
TRICHOMES may be tiny, but given how prominently they feature on the cannabis flower, it’s difficult to underscore their importance. These bulbous globes that are beautifully translucent, microscopic resin glands that coat the flowers with their crystallly-like magnificence. TRICHOMES are also rich in cannabinoids, and ooze aromatic oils called terpenes, which is what is responsible for cannabis’s euphoric and therapeutic effects. Dense on active constituents including cannabinoids and terpenoids, trichomes peck a lot of punch. They produce the medicinally rich reason used in a variety of concentrates and extractions including BHO, Kira, hash, and their modern interpretations popular for dabbing: wax, shatter, and glass.
[By; Jeremy Kossen]
Posted 10/2016
Most people call pistils “hairs”, and growing out of each side of the calyx, that’s what they look like. Initially, white, but eventually morphing into red, orange, and brown. It’s not uncommon for them to bend like they’re searching for something. In fact, they are! Only female plants have pistils, and their function is to capture pollen from the male plants. Many people think bright orange “hairs” characterize high- quality cannabis, but in actuality, pistils don’t contain any trichomes, so they have little influence over cannabinoids and terpene-count.
[By; Jeremy Kossen]
Posted 10/2016
The big, protruding leaves appearing along the length of the plant constitute “fan leaves”. They usually have five leaves, but can have seven or even nine leaves. Sativa often have more leaves. Fan leaves are part of the harvest, and are of interest to anyone wanting to create extracts, infused products, and edibles. They’ve also become popular among juicers who use them to promote heath of treat ailments. You’ll derive no psychoactive effects juicing, but you will get a nice amount of THC-1 (the acidic precursor to THC known as one of the most therapeutically valuable cannabinoids). Most psycho activity occurs once cannabis is burned or vaped (called decarboxylation). When consumes orally, the body processes the THC in a distinct way.
[By; Jeremy Kossen]
Posted 10/2016