Canine Substitution (Tufecki) Flashcards
What is the second most common congenitally missing tooth?
Maxillary lateral incisor
What are 2 options for replacing a congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisor?
- Space closure (canine substitution)
2. Space filling (FPD, implant)
What is one of the main considerations during canine substitution?
What is the scheme in which canines serve as lateral incisors and first premolars serve as canines?
Canine substitution
What Angle class occlusion does NOT allow replacing a missing lateral incisor?
Class I
What is the disadvantage of NOT replacing a missing lateral incisor?
It will require a prosthetic. The esthetic zone will be hard to match the shade and contour
Is canine substitution permanent or is there a tendency for space to open?
There is a tendency for a space to open
What occlusal scheme is lacking in canine substitution?
Canine-protected occlusion
What malocclusion with missing lateral incisors is suited to canine substitution?
Class II
What is the canine morphology that is more favorable for canine substitution?
Small, short, less angular canines
What is a concern esthetically when doing canine substitution?
Color match with the central incisors (canines are usually darker
How much wider are canines than laterals, on average?
1.2mm wider
On which side of the canine is more reduction required to reduce it to the width of a lateral?
Reduce more on the distal
When is flattening of the facial canine surface completed: before or after ortho?
After ortho
What is a concern of the facial flattening done for canine substation?
It can have a yellowing effect as more dentin is exposed
What must be done to the premolar that is moved up into the canine space for canine substitution?
- Extrude first premolar
2. Rotate it mesially
What are 2 reasons to rotate the premolar medially in canine substitution?
- Create a better contact point
2. Camouflage the flast mesial surface of the premolar
What has a huge effect on the perceptions of the outcome of canine substitution?
Surrounding teeth
Is there a noticeable difference in function between canine substitution orthodontic treatment or prosthodontic treatment?
Studies showed which group of people had a higher esthetic expectation for canine substitution orthodontic treatment: dentists or laypeople?