Canine and Feline Liver Disease Flashcards
what are the causes of acute hepatitis?
- hepatotoxins (CCl4, mycotoxins, xylitol)
- drugs (acetaminophen in cats, azathioprine, trimethoprim-sulfa)
- mushrooms (Amanita)
- viruses
- sago palm (when ingested, esp in FL)
- cause usually can’t be found so get histo diagnosis of just toxic hepatitis
how is acute hepatitis diagnosed?
- increase in ALT and AST
- ALP normal or mildly increased
- increase in serum bilirubin if many hepatocytes affected
- liver biopsy not helpful or essential
how is acute hepatitis managed?
- good prognosis if cause found, stop any suspected drugs
- supportive care w/ fluids
- anti-emetics
- nutritional support
- antioxidants maybe, especially if amanita mushroom toxicity
what are the possible causes of chronic hepatitis in the dog?
drugs (phenobarbital)
copper metabolism
which breeds are prone to chronic hepatitis?
Dobermans, Cocker Spaniels, Labrador Retrievers
which breeds are susceptible to copper-associated hepatopathy?
Dalmation, Bedlington terrier, West Highland white terrier, Labradors
how is chronic hepatitis managed?
- remove the cause (drugs, copper)
- anti-inflammatories (GCs usually)
- antioxidants
- supportive therapy
- copper chelators for copper related disease, copper restricted diet
- UCDA (bile acid to prevent apoptosis and mitochondrial damage, increase bile flow, immunodilating effects)
what are the two forms of cholangitis in the cat?
neutrophilic and lymphocytic
based on type of infiltrate in the bile duct lumen and/or biliary epithelium, need a liver biopsy and bile culture to diagnose
what are the signs of neutrophilic cholangitis?
- fever, lethargy, vomiting, jaundice
- may be acute or chronic
- thought to be from ascending bacterial infection from intestine
what are the signs of lymphocytic cholangitis?
- ascites and jaundice
- may be from some initiating factors that triggers immune-mediated mechanisms that perpetuate liver pathology
what is triaditis?
cholangitis + pancreatitis + inflammatory bowel disease
what is the treatment for neutrophilic cholangitis?
- antibiotic therapy (based on culture), E. coli usually the culprit
- glucocorticoids for inflammation
- cholecystectomy: in cases with inspissated bile and biliary duct obstruction
- fluid therapy and nutritional support
what is the treatment for lymphocytic cholangitis (and chronic neutrophilic/mixed inflammatory)?
- glucocorticoids at immunosuppressive doses
- may treat with antibiotics if suspect chronic neutrophilic cholangitis
- fluids, nutritional, antioxidant support
- with ascites, give low Na+ diet and diuretics
what is the most common liver disease of the cat?
hepatic lipidosis
what are the causes of feline hepatic lipidosis?
- may be primary idiopathic or secondary
- no confirmed etiology
- from formation of a metabolic disorder
- believed to be related to pathogenesis of malnutrition
- obesity = increased risk
- increased risk from sudden rapid weight loss or decreased calorie intake
- may be related to negative nitrogen balance