canil et al Flashcards
what are the background of canil et al
we have 2 different scans
1- functional: shows activity level in different areas of the brain
2-structural scan: shows a detailed pic of the brain
canil et al found that strong amygdala activation results in improved memorization of the causing stimuli
what are the aims of canil et al
to find out
1- whether emotive images will be better remembered than images that are less emotive
2- to find out if the amygdala is sensitive to varying levels of emotional intensity to external stimuli
3- and whether the level of emotional intensity would enhance the memory of the stimuli
research method
laboratory experiment
research design
repeated measure design
sampling technique
self selecting sampling technique
sampling technique
10 right handed female
level of arousal of each picture shown
DV 1
the Fmri measure of amygdala activation for the 96 scenes shown
DV 2
the memory of the scene after 3 weeks
1- Participants viewed 96 scenes from the ‘International Affective Picture System’ stimuli set.
2- Scenes were presented randomly, each for 2.88 seconds, with a 12.96-second fixation cross interval.
3- Participants indicated their emotional arousal using one of four buttons.
4- fMRI data was collected by a 1.5 Tesla scanner.
5- Three weeks later, participants were tested in an unexpected recognition test with 96 scenes and 48 foils.
6- Foils were selected to match the valence rating of previous scenes.
7- Participants judged scenes as remembered, familiar, or forgotten.
1- Correlation between intensity rating and valence was -0.66.
2- Correlation between intensity rating and arousal was 0.68.
3- Memory performance was better for highly emotionally intense scenes.
4- Left amygdala activation predicted subsequent memory.
1- Emotionally intense images are more likely to be remembered.
2- Activity in the left amygdala during encoding predicts subsequent memory.
strength and weakness
1- Standardized procedures in a lab experiment led to interval validity.
2- Quantitative data collection increases reliability and comparability.
3- The task lacks ecological validity, but participants did not respond to demand characteristics, increasing validity.
4- fMRI measures biological responses objectively, reducing the need for interpretation.
5- the sample consisting only of right-handed females introduces participant variables that could distort results and reduce validity.
ethical issues
1- Participants gave informed consent.
2- individuals operating the fMRI scanner were trained and competent in safety arrangements.
Individual vs. Situational :
1-,Our tendency to cry at sad films suggests that situational factors influence emotional expression.
2- Individual factors also play a role, as not everyone cries at the same film.
nature vs nurture
Biological processes underlying emotions are a product of the brain and hormones. However,
there are differences between individuals’ emotional responses. Differences can be due to
hormone levels or experiences.