cancer pt 2 Flashcards
ovarian cancer basics
difficult to detect until advanced state
often postmenopausal women
epithelial, stromal, germ cell cancers
ovarian cancer RF
age >30
family hx
genetics - breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, Lynch II syndrome
never used oral contraceptives
menopausal hormones
nulliparity or fist pregnancy >35
ovarian cancer screening
only high risk patients - genetics, fam hx
tumor marker : CA-125
pelvic US
ovarian ca s/s
GI symptoms ( consipation, bloating, urinary changes), pelvic pressure/back pain
heartburn, nausea, early satiety, abd pain, ascites, increased abd girth
adnexal mass on pelvic exam
advanced disease - pleural effusions, bowel obstruction, lower extremity edema/DVT
ovarian CA dx
transvaginal US
if mass, CT scan
CA 125
ovarian CA mgmt
ref to gyn onc
surgical removal of cancerous tissue
salpingo-ooophorectomy w hysterectomy, omentectomy
chemo w platinum therapy (cisplatin/carboplatin)
types of lung cancer
non small cell - (squamous cell, adenocarcinoma, large cell carcinoma) majority of cases, tx w surgery
small cell (oat cell cancer) - tx w chemo/radiation, high smoking link
lung cancer s/s
cough - new or change
anorexia, weight loss
gen weakness/fatigue
chest pain
paraneoplastic syndromes
asymmetric breath sounds
pan coast tumor - tumor in lung apex - neuro sx + Horner’s syndrome (ptosis, mitosis, anhidrosis)
lung CA diagnostics
CT scan - for staging
tissue or cytology specimen (Thoracentesis vs thorascopy vs bronchoscopy vs VATS)
lung CA screening
low dose CT for
age 50-74 plus 30 pack/year smoking history (current or quit in past 15 years)
malignant effusion
pleural, pericardial, peritoneal
result from direct neoplastic involvement of serous surface or obstruction of lymphatic drainage
normally exudative - send culture for cytology
treatment = drainage
occurs 2/2 tumor secretion of PTHrP
paraneoplastic syndrome
early s/s : anorexia, nausea, fatigue, constipation, polyurria
late : muscular weakness, hyporeflexia, confusion, psychosis,, tremor, lethargy
tx: volume replacement!!!, bisphosphonates, HD, steroids, treat cancer
tumor lysis syndrome
2/2 release of tumor contents into blood stream following anticancer therapy (heme malignancies common, SCLC, DLBCL)
hyperuricemia, hyperphosphatemia, hyperK, hypoCa
dx based on Cairo-Bishop criteria
tx - IVF, allopurinol
s/s: urate nephropathy, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias/death
spinal cord compression
physical damage to spinal cord from edema, hemorrhage, pressure induced ischemia
back pain -> neuro complaints
tx w steroids, surgical decompression/radiation
neutropenic infection
rf: cytotoxic cancer therapy, immunosuppression, hematologic malignancies, solid tumor malignancy w bone marrow involvement, impaired defense mechanism(foley, impaired mucosa)
neutropenia = ANC <500
fever 101 (38.3)
if fever & neutropenia - pan cx
tx w empiric abx, hospital admit, monitor for sepsis, consider antifungalss