cancer pt 1 Flashcards
cancer staging
T - tumor location, size, level of tumor invasion
N - absence or presence and extent of nodal involvement
M - presence or absence of systemic metastases (M1, M0)
paraneoplastic syndrome
clinical syndrome involving non-metastatic systemic effects that accompany malignant disease (not directly caused by tumor mass)
may provide with clues about new cancer dx
ex. serotonin syndrome, SIADH, hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia
induction chemotherapy
causes shrinkage or the disappearance of tumors
neoadjuvant chemotherapy
administered before localized (surgical or radiation) treatment
adjuvant chemotherapy
administered after surgical excision with the goal of eliminating micrometastases
breast cancer hormone receptors
ER/PR + - take Tamoxifen/aromatase inhibitor to slow growth (5-10 years, menopause s/s, inc risk for uterine CA)
HER-2 amplified - more aggressive, tx w Herceptin (AE HF)
triple negative - young, <40, rapid mutations, poor outcomes
breast cancer RF
age 60-70
white race
family hx
genetic mutations - BRCA1/2
hx of endometrial CA or other proliferative disorders
early menarche (<12), late menopause (>50)
nulliparous or late first pregnancy
ductal vs lobular carcinoma
ductal in situ - cancer fully contained in milk duct
invasive ductal - cells break through ductal lumen and invade adipose tissue
(85-90% of cancers are ductal)
lobular carcinoma - arises from lobes/glands deeper within breast (can be in situ/invasive)
paget’s carcinoma
less common form of breast cancer
burning/itching of nipple
most have underlying ductal breast cancer
inflammatory carcinoma
rare form of breast cancer but most malignant
rapidly growing mass with erythema, edema, warmth
mistaken for cellulitis/mastitis
who to test for BRCA1/2
dx <50
cancer in both breasts
concurrent ovarian & breast CA in fam
multiple breast CA in fam
two or more primary types of BRCA 1/2 CA in a fam member
cases of male breast CA
ashkenazi jewish
breast cancer screening
mammography & CBE - q 2 years vs annually starting at 40
BSE - not recommended
MRI w mammography for high risk (dense breasts)
breast cancer dx
mammogram first
then US, MRI if concerning lump ID
biopsy if mass found
hormone testing w biopsy
breast cancer tx
stage I, II, III - curative intent
- surgical resection
- adjuvant radiation and chemo vs neuoadjuvant or both
- adjuvant endocrine therapy (tamoxifen vs aromatase inhibitor)
- HER 2 target treatments
stage IV - palliative intent
- radiation for pain relief
- palliative chemo
- endocrine therapy
cervical cancer basics
highest malignancy cancer worldwide
most squamous cell/adenocarcinoma