Cancer Pain Flashcards
punctate midline myelotomy
ablation of the midline of the dorsal column to treat intractable abdominal and pelvic cancer pain
where is celiac plexus located?
between T12 and L1
clubbing and periosteal proliferation of tubular bones causing pain at large joints, including ankles, knees, wrists, elbows
hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
what medications can you use to treat hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
bisphosphonates and NSAIDs
ablation of spinothalamic tract causing contralateral loss of pain and temperature below the level of the lesion
dorsal root entry zone lesioning
selectively destroying neurons in the posterolateral spinal cord
patient with Hx of multiple myeloma and bone pain - main DDx?
bone fracture or tumor compressing nerve
definitive treatment of costoplueral pain due to chest wall pain from cancer
percutaneous cervical cordotomy - interrupts spinothalamic tract at C1/2 which causes loss of contralateral pain and temperature below level of lesion
what causes intercostobrachial neuralgia
post-mastectomy pain syndrome. Affects intercostal nerves from T1-T2
WHO analgesic ladder for mild to moderate, moderate and severe pain
mild to moderate: non-opioids +/- adjuvants
Moderate: short-acting opioids +/- non-opioids +/- adjuvants
Severe: long-acting opioids +/- all of the above
celiac plexus is formed by…
greater and lesser splanchnic nerves and vagus nerve