cancer Flashcards
SVC obstruction: Causes and symptoms
Obstruction of flow through SVC, caused by SCLC, lymphomas
blackout, early morning headaches, facial swelling, tightness around collar, dyspnoea, cough, hoarse voice
Facial/upper limb odema, prominent blood vessels in neck, trunk and arms. cyanosis
SVC Obstruction: Investigations
CXR- mediastinal widening and may show tumour
SVC: Management
High dose corticosteroids (dexamethasone- for short term syx relief)
Vascular stenting required, followed by radiotherapy or chemotherapy
Metastatic cord compression: symptoms
Back pain- uni or bilat. aggrevated by movement, coughing, lying flat
Motor weakness- changes in strength. can develop quick or slow
subjective physical changes precede obj. changes
Bladder/bowel incontinence - often late stage
MSCC: Signs
change in sensation below level of compression
INCREASE in reflexes below level of lesion
clonus (like clonic) and painless bladder present
MSCC: Management
MRI of spine
Corticosteroids (dex) in interim
normally give surgery for vertebral collapse where there is not a lot of disease elsewhere.
Breast, lung, SCC, Myeloma causing bony mets.
ALSO can get from Squamous cell lung cancer creating causing release of ectopic PTHrelatedProtein
Hypercalcaemia: symptoms and signs
STONES- kidney stones that can cause renal failure .
BONES- pain.
GROANS- n and v, anorexia, indig.
MOANS- confusion, lethargy, memory loss and low mood
serum calcium and serum albumin
Rehydration: saline, IV bosphosphonate. average 3- 4 weeks
max response from 6- 11 days.
Breast cancer: Pathophysiology
Ductal carcinoma (80%) Lobular carcinoma (20%) Mets into axilla lymph nodes. Lungs, liver, brain, ovaries
Breast cancer: RF
Age, long oestrogen exp.- late childbearing, nulliparity, early menarche, late menopause, obesity
Genetics: BRCA1 (both ovarian and breast), BRCA2 (breast in men and women)
Breast cancer: Symptoms
Most painless, immovable lump, thickening of skin.
Nipple changes:
retraction, Paget’s disease- looks like eczema on nipple, discharge (esp. bloody)
Skin changes: dimpled, orange peel
Breast cancer: Staging
T: <2cm T1, 2-5cm T2, >5cm T3, to skin or chest wall T4.
N: N1 met to ipsilateral, movable axillary LN, N2 Met to ipsilat. fixed axillary or Int. mammary lymph nodes. N3, infra/supra clavicular LN or axillary and IM LN
Breast cancer: Investigations
Triple assessment: Clinical assessment (Hx and exam), bilat. mammography, Targeted USS of suspicious area
(biopsy confirms diagnosis either fine needle aspiration or incisional/excisional)
Breast cancer: Management Chemo
adjuvant effective in reducing recurrence and mortality (only used in higher stage)
Neo- adjuvant can be used. in inflam breast cancer
Breast cancer: Management
first line for localised
can get wide local excision or whole mastectomy.
Axillary lymph node assessment done at same time
If not evidence of mets do sentinel node biopsy
Breast cancer: Management
Adjuvant radiotherapy done in all following conservative surgery
Palliative radiotherapy can be indicated in locally recurring disease or to control syx such as bone mets