Cancer 7: External factors controlling division and behaviour Flashcards
Define cell behaviour
the way cells interact with their external environment and their reactions to this, particularly proliferative and motile responses of cells.
Which external influences are detected by cells
Chemical:- hormones, growth factors, ion concs, ECM, molecules on other cells, nutrients and dissolved gas (O2/CO2) concs.
Physical:- mechanical stresses, temperature, the topography or “layout” of the ECM and other cells
What are the important external factors influencing cell proliferation
Growth factors
Cell-cell adhesion
Cell-ECM adhesion
What happens when a cell is in suspension vs when it hits a culture surface
In suspension, a cell is spherical, but when it hits a culture surface, it SPREADS
The cell sits on the culture surface and spreads (settles on the matrix surface)
Why does a cell spread on a culture surface
As it spreads, it acquires motility because it acquires a polarity (guided by a lamellipod)
Cell spreading is a passive event, mediated by gravity. T/f
Cell-spreading is not a passive, gravity-dependent event
What does cell spreading require
Energy is required to modulate cell adhesion and the cytoskeleton during spreading.
What might happen if you place one cell on top of another
Bottom one (in contact with ECM) will spread,
one on top will bleb as it has no contact with ECM substratum
In the presence of growth factors, how does ECM binding affect cellular proliferation?
It impacts hugely.
A susepended cell is less likely to enter S phase, than a cell perched on a small ECM patch, which itself is less likely to enter S phase than a cell spread on a big adhesive patch.
Cells need to be bound to ECM to be competent in responding to soluble growth factor
T/F it is the distribution rather than the amount of ECM which determines whether a cell spreads and survives
If fibronectin is in a single patch, then the cell dies by apoptoosis,
if the same amount of fibronectin is distributed in small spots, the cell spreads, survives and grows
Outline the concept of anchorage dependence
Cell-ECM adhesion is critical
cells require to be attached to ECM (and a degree of spreading is required) to begin protein synthesis and proliferation (DNA synthesis)
ECM attachment may be required for cell survival
Other than proliferation, what other cell features can be influenced by the ECM
Cell Phenotype can be determined by the composition of the matrix
Give an example of the ECM affecting cell phenotype
In interstitial matrix (type 1 collagen), mammary epithelium does not differentiate to secretory cells
in basal lamina (basement membrane) matrix, mammary cells organise into “organoids” (a circle) and produce milk proteins
How do cells sense their environment, and how do we know they do this
The effects that matrix-binding can have on cell function suggest that cells can sense the composition of their environment
They have cell surface receptors LINKED TO THEIR CYTOSKELETON which bind specifically to ECM
MECHANICAL CONTINUITY between ECM and cell interior
What are integrins
heterodimer complexes of a and b subunits that associate extracellularly by their “head” regions. Each of the “leg” regions spans the plasma membrane.
Where does ligand binding occur in integrins, and what are these ligands. How many combinations of alpha and beta regions.
Ligand-binding occurs at the junction of the head regions
more than 20 combinations of a/b bind specifically to short peptide sequences of ECM proteins
Give an example of an integrin molecule which binds an ECM molecule
a5b1 fibronectin receptor binds arg-gly-asp (RGD)
T/F RDG peptide sequence on the fibronectin molecule is specific to fibronectin
F…. peptide sequences such as RGD are found in more than one ECM molecule, e.g. RGD found in fibronectin, vitronectin, fibrinogen plus others
What is the consequence of common peptide sequences among ECM molecules in terms of integrin binding
Some integrin molecules (which bind to a shared short peptide sequence) may bind more than 1 ECM molecule
But this is not the case in a5b1, the ligand of which is just fibronectin
T/F not all integrins link to the actin cytoskeleton via actin-binding proteins
T, because a6b4 integrin is found in EPITHELIAL HEMIDESMOSOMES and is linked to cytokeratin (intermediate filament) not the actin
Outline how integrins are distributed on the cell surface
integrin complexes cluster to form focal adhesions (most) or hemidesmosomes (a6b4)
What is the function of integrin clusters
Focal adhesion AND
Other than ECM molecules, what else can SOME integrins bind.
Give an example of this
specific adhesion molecules on other cells
avb3 binds to PECAM-1(CD31) and
aIIb/b2 to ICAM-1 on endothelial cells in inflammation
Outline a clustered integrin complex
Group of integrins on cell surface. Bound to ECM extracellularly and to a linker protein which then binds to actin microfilaments intracellularly
What is ‘outside in’ integrin signalling
ECM receptors (e.g. integrins) can transduce signals
I.e. ECM binds to integrin complex, stimulating complex to produce intracellular signal
So COMPOSITION OF ECM affects WHICH INTEGRIN COMPLEXES BIND (depending on the short peptide structure of ECM molecules) which can ALTER CELL PHENOTYPE
How can integrin signalling be switched on and off
Integrin molecules can have ‘flexed’ or ‘extended’ molecular shapes.
Swtiching between these positions affects their ability to bind ligands, and therefore signal.
So they can be switched on and off
Note. In the extended position, legs can be open or closed