Cancer Flashcards
Why is cancer a genetic disease?
- There are a number of environmental factors that cause cancer, but these act through genetic modifications e.g. activation of oncogenes
- Additionally 5-10% of cancers are due to inherited mutations
What proportion of cancers are attributable to modifiable risk factors?
- 30-40% of cancers are preventable due to modifiable variables such as low fruit/veg intake, lack of physical activity, high BMI, alcohol and tobacco use
- Smoking is the most important risk factor in terms of cancer mortality
What is the trend in cancer incidence and mortality in developed countries?
- The incidence of cancer is rising (due to aging population) and the mortality is decreasing
- This combines to increase the prevalence
What proportion of cancer deaths occur in low and middle income countries?
- 70%
What is attributable vs avoidable burden?
- The attributable burden can be estimated if the past prevalence of population to the risk factor and their relative risk of association with a cancer disease are known
- The avoidable burden is the burden of disease averted as a result in exposure reduction
What are the main risk factors for cancer?
- Tobacco smoking
- leading cause of cancer death worldwide - Alcohol:
- 22% of mouth and oropharynx cancers in men and 6-20% of breast cancers in women - Diet, overweight and obesity:
- Linked with cancers of oesophagus, colo–rectum, breast (19%), endometrium (40%) and kidney - Hepatitis B and C:
- Cause of hepatocellular cancers - Human papillomavirus:
- Cause of all cervical cancer, 90% of anal cancer and 40% of cancers of the external genitals - Environmental pollution:
- Pollution of air, water and soil with carcinogenic chemicals - Occupational carcinogens
e. g. asbestos - Radiation exposure:
- X-rays and ionizing radiation
- UV radiation
What are the 4 strategies to deal with cancer?
- Prevention:
30-40% of cancer deaths are preventable - Screening:
- aims to detect ‘pre-cancerous stage’
- should meet WHO criteria for screening program - Treatment
- Pallative care
What are the features of a good preventative campaign?
What are some examples?
- Multi-dimensional approach
- Ingenuity
- Communication
- Patience
- Sustainability
- Creation of new norms
- Persistence
- Sun exposure campaigns
- Preventing sale of alcohol to minors
What are the WHO criteria for introducing a screening program?
- Condition should be important heath problem
- There should be a recognisable latent or early symptomatic stage
- The natural history of the disease should be adequately understood
- There should be an accepted treatment for the disease
- The test should be acceptable to population
- There should be an agreed upon policy as whom to treat as patients
- Facilities for diagnosis and treatment should be available
- The cost of screening should be economically balanced in relation to possible expenditure on medical care
- The screening should be a continuous project
What are the 6 hallmarks of cancer?
- Resisting cell death
- Sustaining proliferative signalling
- Evading growth suppresors
- Activating invasion and metastasis
- Enabling replicative immortality
- Inducing angiogenesis
How does resisting cell death lead to cancer?
- In normal cells a cellular stressor such as DNA damage will activate tumour suppressor programs e.g. p53 that will initiate the apoptosis (controlled cell death) of the damaged cell
- In cancer cells a cellular stressors such as DNA damage may occur, but the tumour suppressor gene e.g. p53 may be mutated, or antiapoptotic proteins such as Bcl2 may be overexpressed. This means that apoptosis is not initiated and the cancer cell survives and is allowed to accumulate mutations
e. g. B-cell lymphomas: a chromosomal translocation resulting in an immunoglobulin promoter being next to the Bcl1 gene leads to the cells becoming resistant to apoptosis and contributes to them becoming malignant
How does sustained proliferative signalling lead to cancer?
- In normal cells growth and division are tightly constrained by both extrinsic factors such a growth factor and cytokine stimulation and hormone dependency and cell intrinsic factors such as intracellular signalling pathways and cell cycle regulators
- In many cancerous cells these proliferative signalling pathways are abberantly upregulated
e.g. B-cell sustained proliferate signalling in lymphomas: B-cells should only proliferate when they receive antigen-dependent proliferative signals. Mutations in B-cell receptor signalling leads to the constitutive activation of the BCR and thus abberant proliferation in B-cell lymphomas
How does evading growth suppressors lead to cancer?
- Tumour suppressor programs are commonly inactivated in cancer
e. g. P53: - Integrates signals from cellular stressors to induce cell growth and arrest and allow DNA repair, if DNA cannot be repaired it induces cell death
e. g. Rb (retinoblastoma protein) - Central regulator of cell cycle (regulates the G1 checkpoint which is an important barrier to abnormal proliferation)
- Inhibited by phosphorylation which is done by cyclin-CDK complexes
e. g. Mantle cell lymphoma:
- Immunoglobulin promoter is translocated next to cyclin D1 (due to t(11;14))
- This leads to overexpression of cyclin D1 which inhibits the action of Rb and thus leads to unconstrained cell proliferation (no G1 checkpoint)
How does enabling replicative immortality lead to cancer?
- Normal cells have a replicative mortality ‘Hayflick limit’ that is the number of times the cell will divide before cell division stops ‘replicative senescence’
- The replicative mortality is due to the loss of genetic material on the lagging side, this is capped with telomeres, which are synthesised by TERT enzymes
- The TERT enzyme is tightly controlled so the telomeric ends will only be lengthened appropriately (within the Hayflick limit)
- TERT can become activated in cancers via mutation of its promoter region which leads to the upregulation of the enzyme and thus the overcoming of the Hayflick limit making the cell have replicative immortality
What are the cancer enablers/emerging hallmarks?
Emerging hallmarks:
- Deregulating cellular energetics
- Avoiding immune destruction
Enabling characteristics:
- Genome instability and mutation
- Tumour-promoting inflammation
How does deregulating cellular energetics lead to cancer?
- The deregulation of cellular energetics in cancer cells is known as the Warburg effect:
- Tumour cells are more likely to undergo glycolysis (anaerobic respiration) if in the presence of sufficient amounts of oxygen
e. g. IDH2 mutation in T-cell lymphoma:
- IDH2 is an enzyme that convert isocitrate into a-ketogluterae in the CAC
- When IDH2 is mutated the CAC cycle is broken and this causes the cancer cell to undergo glycolysis even when there is sufficient methylation
How does avoiding immune destruction lead to cancer?
Cancer cells are able to avoid immune destruction by:
- Downregulating MHC expression and reducing costimulatory molecule expression
- Expressing inhibitory ligands (e.g. PDL1 and PDL2) and immunosuppressive cytokines to exhaust host T-cells
e.g. overexpression of PDL1 in Hodgkins Lymphoma
How does genome instability and mutation enable cancer?
- Inactivation of tumour suppressor genes regulating DNA repair
- Telomere loss leading to karyotypic instability
- Hijacking of physiological mutation prone states e.g. B-cell somatic hypermutation
- Gives intra-clonal heterogeneity
- Iatrogenic changes can be evoked by cytotoxic therapy/radiotherapy
- Tumour clonal proliferation
- Acquisition of a more aggressive disease phenotype
- Resistance to therapy
How does venetoclax therapy work?
- Venetoclax is a Bcl-2 antagonist that binds to the Bcl-2 and allows apoptosis to occur
- It is able to overcome the ‘evasion of cell death’ hallmark of cancer
- Used to treat CLL
How does Ibrutinib therapy work?
- Ibrutinib is a drug (kinase inhibitor) that targets B-cell receptor signalling
- Ibrutinib initially pushes lymphocutes out of the lymph nodes where they eventually die
- When combined with ventoclax, an excellent treatment for relapsed refractory CLL
What is the difference between instrinsic apoptotic stimuli and extrinsic apoptotic stimuli?
Intrinsic apoptotic stimuli:
- DNA damage
- Via a mitochondrial pathway
- When DNA damage is induced, p53 is upregulated which promotes the permeabilisation of the mitochondrial membrane and apoptosis
Extrinsic apoptotic stimuli:
- Immune mediated deletion
- Via a death receptor pathway which activates intrinsic and executioner pathways
Describe the extrinsic apoptotic pathway:
- When cytotoxic lymphocytes e.g. NK cells and CD8+ T cells recognise hazerdous antigens on cells an immune synapse is formed and they will release granzyme and perforin from cytotoxic granules
- The perforin creates holes in the target cell membrane
- Granzymes activate caspases to induce apoptosis
- Involves death receptors: initiation of cell death by Fas ligand binding to Fas receptor which activates caspase 8
How do tumours develop resistance against extrinsic apoptosis?
- Downregulation of Fas receptor (death receptor)
- Decoy receptors expressed
- Silencing (e.g. methylation) of genes required to transduce death signals
- Overespression of negative regulators of death receptor
- Overexpression of inhibitor of apoptosis proteins
Describe the intrinsic apoptotic pathway:
- p53 is one of the most important regulators of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway
- p53 works by protein-protein interactions so it is difficult to devise ways to restore its function
- p53 is upregulated in the event of DNA mutation/cellular stressors and it upregulates proapoptotic proteins to induce apoptosis