Cancer Flashcards
What is cancer?
- An uncontrolled overgrowth of highly abnormal cells which infiltrate and destroy healthy tissue
- They are formed from our own cells, not foreign, so this is not why they are immunogenic
- Can form solid masses (tumours) or be suspended in the blood (leukemia)
- Can spread around the body (metastasis)
- Caused by mutations in oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes
- Genetically unstable= gives cancer the opportunity to evolve under a selective pressure
What is the scale of the cancer epidemic?
- Affects 1/3rd to ½ people in their lifetime
- ¼ to 1/3rd of those afflicted die
- Incidence rates are still climbing for many cancers, but mortality rates are falling due to earlier detection and breakthroughs in the therapy
What are the 3 ways that the immune system protects the body from cancer?
- Eradicates viruses (eg, HPV, EBV, HHV8, HTLV-1) that cause cancer → about 5% cancer caused by HPV
- Rapid elimination of pathogens and resolution of inflammation → inflammation is a risk factor for cancer – cancer typically occurs in the presence of chronic inflammation, eg) liver cirrhosis, colitis….
- Specific identified and eliminates cancer cells → immunosurveillance
What are the 4 things that can make a tumour immunogenic?
• DAMPs → tumours tend to have areas of necrosis within them, so release DAMPs. This stimulates macrophages and neutrophils to enter the tumour. Some of these are directly tumoricidial – could phagocytose cells, or secrete cytokines etc…
− IL-1a
• Stress related ligands → Transformed cells (with mutations) upregulate stress related atnigens that bind to innate immune receptors.
− MICA/B, RAET1 → NKG2D (stimulates NK cells)
− CD112/CD115 → DMAM
• Tumour associated antigens (TAA) →
− Over-expressed tissue-specific proteins/differentiation antigens eg) MART1/Melan-A → unsure as to why this becomes immunogenic, as still self and should have been selected against
− Cancter testist antigens (eg, MAGE1, LAGE1) → typically expressed in sperm, but for some reason become expressed in cancer cells. Immune system recognizes them because they are normally expressed in the testis (an immune privileged site), so haven’t been seen and selected against.
• Tumour specific antigens (TSA) →
− Viral proteins (cancer causing viruses)
− Neoantigens (oncoproteins and passenger proteins)
What is the immunosurveillance hypothesis?
- Beginning of 20th century, Paul Ehrlick theorises that cancer cells appear continuously throughout life, but are mostly destroyed before they become a problem by immune cells
- In the 1950s, following the demonstration of TSAs, Thomas & Macfarlane Burnet reassert this theorem by adding that neoantigens created by mutations would allow the immune system to recognise cancer cells.
What was the experimental evidence for the immunosurveillance hypothesis?
Shankaran et al, 2001: IFNy and lymphocytes prevent primary tumour development:
• RAG2 deficient mice (lacking B and T cells) develop more sarcomas in response to MCA carcinogen when compared with immunocompetent mice
• They also developed more spontaneous neoplasms upon ageing
• Similar results were also found in IFNy receptor KO, STAT1 KO
Immune recognition was thought to be mediated by T cells:
• Mediated by T cells recognizing neoantigens
• Demonstrated experimentally using an MCA induced tumour
− They either directly generated escape tumours (progresses that have escaped immunosurveillance) and transplanted these into WT mice, or they just cloned it to create sub-clones of the original cell line, some that would progress and others that would not
− They wanted to compare gene expression in clones that regress compared to those that progress
− Discovered that all regressors (clones that would shrink upon injection into a mouse) had a neoantigen in spectrin B2
− This protein is actually nothing to do with cancer- is a passenger protein, not involved in driving cancer
− It was found that lymphocytes from a mouse that is harbouring a regressor clone would secrete IFNy only upon injection with the spectrin B2 neoantigen.
− When they took a progressor clone and forced it to express the spectrin B2 neoepitope, it converted into a regressor clone
However, increasing evidence shows involvement of innate immunity too:
What other evidence (using models) showed a role for both innate and adaptive immunity in cancer immunosurveillance?
Carcinogen induced tumours:
Cells of the innate and apative immune system are critical for their elimination:
• RAG -/- (lack B and T cells) → increased MCA induced sarcomas
• SCID (lack T, B and NK cells) → increased MCA induced sarcomas
• TCR -/- (lack T cells) → increased DMBA induced skin tumours
• CD11 -/- (lacks eosinophils) → increased MCA induced sarcomas
• IFN -/- → increased MCA and DMBA induced tumours
IFNs can contribute in a number of ways:
• Enhance MHC-I expression, making them better targets for CD8+ T cells
• IFNy signaling in host immune cells and stromal cells plays an important role
• Contributes to an inflammatory foreign body reaction that encapsulates injected MCA, limiting its spread and reducing carcinogenic effects.
Initiation of sarcomas requires an inflammatory event:
• Induction of DMBA skin carcinomas is MyD88, TNFa, RAGE and IDO dependent
Not all immune cells function equally:
• yd T cells and CD8+ T cells confer protection from DMBA induced papillomoas
• In contrast, CD4+ T cells promote tumour progression, implying opposite roles for ab T cell subsets in the protection or promotion of DMBA induced carcinogenesis
• One mechanism by with yd T cells and CD8+ T cells might regulate tumour development is through recognition by NKG2D of the stress ligand RAE1 that is induced in the skin after DMBA treatment.
Spontaneous Tumours in Immunodeficient Mice
• An elegant approach to examining the role of the immune system in controlling tumour development is to simply remove specific components of the murine immune system and monitor the mice as they age for the development of spontaneous tumours.
• Mice have long telomeres and normally have low incident of spontaneous tumour development}
• RAG -/- → mice develop intestinal and lung neoplasms
• IFNy -/- → mice develop disseminated lymphomas and lung adenocarcinomas
• Pfp -/- → mice develop B cell lymphomas - very striking penetrance of B cell lymphomas – increases from 0-5% in WT mice to 40-60%.
− When mice additionally lack B2 microglobulin or IFNy, there is an even greater prevalence, with an earlier onset.
− The absence of other lymphocyte cytotoxic pathways such as TRAIL or FasL also increases the susceptibility of mice to spontaneous lymphomas.
− Interestingly, human patients with perforin mutations that develop familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis also develop leukemia and lymphomas.
→ Provides strong evidence that cytotoxic molecule is in lymphocytes protect the host from spontaneous tumour development.
Genetic Tumour Models and Immundeficiency
p53 is the key tumour suppressor. Mice with p53 mutations are genetically predisposed to tumour development:
• IFNyR -/- Trp53 -/- (insensitive to IFNy and lacks p53) → mice develop broader spectrum of tumours with earlier onset than solely Trp53 mice
• Prp -/- Trp53 +/- (lacks perforin and is heterozygous for p53) → mice develop B cell lymphomas with earlier onset than Trp53 +/- mice
→ Provides evidence that immune components participate in the elimination of nascent transformed cells
What is the idea of immune sculpting, and how did it chance the original view of cancer immunosurveillance?
Shankaran et al, 2001:
• 40% of MCA sarcomas derived from immunodeficient mice were spontaneously rejected when transplanted into WT mice, whereas all MCA sarcomas from WT mice grew progressively when transplanted into WT mice
• Thus, tumours formed in the absence of an intact immune system are, as a group, more immunogenic than tumours from immunocompetent hosts
• Those that form in an intact immune system have been immunoedited → their immunogenicity has been wiped.
− By eliinating tumor cells of high intrinsic immunogenicity, this imprinting process may select for tumor cell variants of reduced immunogenicity and therefore favor the generation of tumors that are either poorly recognized by the immune system or that have acquired mechanisms that suppress immune effector functions.
− In this manner, the immunologic sculpting of developing tumor cells provides them with mechanisms to resist the extrinsic tumor-suppressor actions of the immune system
• Based on the studies summarized in this review, the term “cancer immunosurveillance” no longer suffices to accurately describe the complex interactions that occur between a developing tumor and the immune system of the host.
• As originally conceived, cancer immunosurveillance was thought to be a host-protective function carried out by the adaptive immune system only at the earliest stages of cellular transformation.
• In contrast, we now recognize that both the innate and adaptive immune compartments participate in the process and serve not only to protect the host from tumour development but also to sculpt, or edit, the immunogenicity of tumors that may eventually form.
• Therefore, we have proposed the use of the broader term “cancer immunoediting” to more appropriately emphasize the dual roles of immunity in not only preventing but also shaping neoplastic disease
We now view cancer immunoediting this as a dynamic process of 3 distinct phases:
• Elimination
• Equilibrium
• Escape
What is the new definition of the Elimination phase?
The elimination phase is a modernized view of cancer immunosurveillance in which molecules and cells of innate and adaptive immunity work together to detect the presence of a developing tumour, and destroy it before it becomes clinically apparent.
Describe the hypothesis of the equilibrium phase (immune mediated tumour dormancy).
• Historically, tumour dormancy was used to describe latent tumours present in patients for decades that may eventually recur as local lesions or form distant metastases → it explains the long latency period from the initial transformation event to the escape phase and emergence of malignant disease
• It is the longest immunoediting phase – could be 20 years between exposure to a carcinogen and development of malignancy
• Tumours in the equilibrium phase are specifically controlled by components of the immune system
• The host immune system and tumour cells enter a dynamic balance, where anti-tumour immunity contains but does not fully eradicate tumour cells, some of which have acquired means of evading immune-mediated recognition.
• Immunoediting (the destruction of more immunogenic cells) leaves behind less immunogenic cells, that can avoid immune recognition and stay dormant.
• We envision this period to be a crucible of Darwinian selection: Although many of the original tumor cell escape variants are destroyed, new variants arise carrying different mutations that provide them with increased resistance to immune attack.
− It has been proposed that the “mutator phenotype” of tumor cells (157) may result from the three types of genetic instability observed in cancer: nucleotide-excision repair instability (NIN), microsatellite instability (MIN), and chromosomal instability (CIN).
Describe the experimental evidence presented by Koebel et al for the equilibrium phase.
- Using a low-dose regimen of the carcinogen MCA, we reported the first experimental demonstration that immunity maintains primary occult cancer lesions in an equilibrium state
- Treatment of naive wild-type mice with low doses of MCA led to overt tumors in only a low proportion of mice.
- When the remaining carcinogen-treated mice were rendered immunodeficient via depletion of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and/or neutralization of IFN-γ, sarcomas rapidly grew out at the original carcinogen injection site in approximately 50% of the group → so adaptive immunity is keeping the tumours in check.
- In contrast, mAbs that deplete NK cells failed to cause the emergence of progressively growing tumors
- These results support the conclusion that adaptive immunity, but not innate immunity, is responsible for maintaining the equilibrium phase. They also help to mechanistically distinguish this phase from elimination, where both innate and adaptive immunity are required.
- Tumours controlled by immunity displayed fewer Ki67+ atypical fibroblasts and more terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP end nick labeling (TUNEL) staining cells than progressively growing sarcomas.
- So dormant masses have reduced proliferation, increased apoptosis and marked T cell infiltration → supportive of an active immune response against them
- Occult tumors arising after immunodepletion were, on the whole, highly immunogenic, with 40% of the cell lines being rejected after transplantation into wild-type mice.
- In contrast, the rare spontaneous tumors that grew out of mice treated with control mAbs were poorly immunogenic and grew progressively when transplanted into wild-type recipients → mutator phenotype
- Thus, tumor cells that can stay in equilibrium by adaptive immunity remain highly immunogenic and displayed an unedited phenotype, as they formed progressors when immunodepleted, whereas dormant sarcoma cells that spontaneously escaped immune control to become actively growing tumors displayed reduced immunogenicity, indicating that they had undergone editing
• Recently, additional studies using different mouse models of cancer corroborated our findings for the existence of the equilibrium phase by additionally demonstrating that immunity can control primary carcinomas and metastases for extended periods of time.
− One study demonstrates that immunity can prevent the outgrowth of micrometastases for an extended period of time in an oncogenedriven model of melanoma → Depletion of CD8+ T cells in RET AAD mice (uveal melanoma) significantly accelerated the outgrowth of metastatic lesions to visceral organs, indicating that immunity is one significant barrier disseminated tumor cells must overcome to establish metastatic disease.
− CD4, but expecially CD8, depletion allows progression of lymphoma
− Mouse B-cell lymphoma (BCL1) dormancy is induced by prior immunization with BCL1-derived Ig
Describe the evidence showing Th1 cytokines are required for tumour dormancy.
- Using a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour model (RIP1-Tag2), adoptive transfer of Tag-specific CD4+ T cells induces dormancy through inhibiting angiogenesis
- Is independent of CD8+ T cells – there is no marked infiltration of tumours by these
- Requires both IFNy and TNFR signaling
- The absence of either accelerates tumour progression
- Was later shown in 2013 that IFNy and TNF together induce senescence (permanent cell cycle arrest) in cancer cel;s through induction of p16INK4A.
Describe the theory of the escape phase.
- When transformed cells acquire adaptations allowing them to grow unhindered by the immune system
- Represents the failure of the immune system to eliminate or control transformed cells, allowing surviving tumour cells to grow in an immunologically unrestricted manner.
- Cancer cells undergo stochastic genetic and epigenetic changes generating the modifications necessary to circumvent immunological defenses.
• As a result of the Darwinian selection on mutated tumours and immunediting (where destruction of more immunogenic cells eaves behind less immunogenic cells, that can avoid immune recognition) the end result of the equilibrium process is a new population of tumor clones with reduced immunogenicity,
• In the escape phase, tumor cell variants selected in the equilibrium phase now can grow in an immunologically intact environment
Causes for loss of control can be grouped:
• Reduced immune recognition
• Resistance to cytotoxic effects of immunity
• Immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment
How do tumours escape immune destruction in the escape phase?
Tumour Cell Modifications to Evade Immune Detection
Either due to lack of immunological recognition, or induction of central tolerance:
• Central tolerance → self reactive T cells eliminated or converted to regulatory phenotype in the thymus
− In this case, in the absence of neoantigen expression, tumours may remain invisible to the adaptive immune system
In addition, tumour cells can acquire other features that facilitate evasion:
• Reduced tumour associated antigens (as mentioned above, this will ensure cells remain tolerised)
• Loss of antigen processing (TAP1, LMP2, LMP7)
• Decreased MHC-I
• Downregulate stress signals, eg) MICA/B → results in a loss of a ligand for the NK effector molecule NKG2D
• Suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokine production
Resistance to Cytotoxic Effects of Immunity
• Even when TAAs are expressed, tumours can evade effector lymphocytes by upregulating expression of anti-apoptotic molecules BCL-xL and FLIP
• Resistance to Lysis by immune cells can be acquired through expression of mutated inactive death recetors, including Fas
Generating an Immunosuppressive Microenvironment
• Increasing PD-L1 and HLA-E on the cell surface dampens the cytotoxic action of T cells or induces T cell apoptosis
• Increasing chronic inflammation (GM-CSF, IL-1B, TNFa, PGE2, IL-4) → reduced cell-mediated immunity
• Increasing anti-inflammtory cytokines (both by the tumour and other cells in the microenvironment):
− TGFB → inhibits DCs, T cells and NK function, induces Tregs
− VEGF → criticial for angiogenesis
− IL-10 →
− M2 macrophages → inhibit anti-tumour immunity through production of TGFB and IL-10, and can promote angiogenesis
− MDSCs → inhibit lymphocyte function
− Tregs → inhibit CTL function though TGFB, IL-2 mop up, granzyme and CTLA-4
• Increased IDO → inhibits CD8+ proliferation and promotes CD4+ apoptosis
• Increases iNOS
What are the 8 pieces of clinical evidence for the immunoediting hypothesis in humans?
• Delay in cancer occurrence and recurrence
− A plethora of evidence suggests cancers can lie dormant in patients for as much as 20 years before malignant disease progresses to detectable levels
− 20-40% of patients with breast or prostate cancer will relapse years or decades later
− Circulating disseminated cancer cells can exist for years after treatment without reestablishment of disease (minimal residual disease)
• Paraneoplastic disease
− In patients with PND, spontaneous immune responses against malignant cells have been demonstrated caused by cross-reactivity between the anti-tumour immune response and neurologic antigens
− Tumour specific T cells have also been found in patients with PND
• Increased cancer risk for patients with acquired immunodeficiency
− Most severely immunodeficient patients succumb to infection, so not as easy to model as in rodents however
− Patients with AIDs have increased frequency of malignancies
− Most often, these malignancies are associated with viruses and initiated by viral oncogenes, eg) lymphomas with EBV, Kaposi’s sarcoma with HSV and cervical cancer with HPV
− However, as well as virally-induced tumours, there is evidence of increased incidence of cancer such as lung adenocarcinoma
− 3 out of 8 cancer patients experienced cancer relapse following immunosuppression 10 years after ‘remission’, whereas those that hadn’t undergone immunosuppression only had a 2% relapse rate
• Spontaneous remission
− Screening cancer cell lines with autologous patient serum identified spontaneous antibody responses to autologous cancers → antibody responses in patient serum have been found fore more than 100 TAAs
− Among the shared antibody responses were those against cancer testis antigens and mutant p53
− The phenomenon of spontaneously regressing melanoma lesions accompanied by clonal expansion of T cells is arguable the strongest evidence for the elimination phase – it is found in the absence of immunotherapy
• Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes are prognostic indicators – the immunoscore
− Tumour infiltration with T cells, NK cells have been associated with an improved prognosis for a number of different tumour types
− First observed in melanoma – where patients with high levels of CD8+ T cell infiltration survive longer
− In ovarian cancer, 38% of patients with high numbers of TILs surivived more than 5 years compared with 4.5% of patients with low numbers of TILs
− Galon et al. propose that infiltration of tumour by memory CD8+ T cells in CRC is more informative than staging alone.
• Tumous developing from transplanted organs
− Increase in incidence of cancer in immunosuppressed individuals following organ transplantation , eg) patients receiving kidney transplants have a 3-fold increase in the incidence of malignancy
− This results from the unintentional transplantation of cancer cells from organ to donor – the donor who had no previously clinical history of malignancy or was in remission.
• Immunotherapy works
• Immunogenicity of tumour with microsatellite instability
− Tumours with high levels of genetic instability – ie, defects in DNA mismatch repair lead to deletion of microsatellites
− This high rate of mutation generates novel tumour antigens that can be recognised by the immune system
Describe the cancer immunity cycle.
. Release of cancer cell antigens:
• In the first step, neoantigens created by oncogenesis are released and captured by dendritic cells (DCs) for processing. In order for this step to yield an anticancer T cell response, it must be accompanied by danger signals.
• There are two types of cell death (that will ultimately release antigens) – necrosis and apoptosis. Necrosis is conserved to be more immunogenic. You get necrosis after radiotherapy. A lot of targeted cancer therapies work on inducing apoptosis, this is still good because it is cell death, but it is considered to be more tolerogenic cell death. People generally try and avoid necrosis because the patients already feel ill, and necrosis might make them feel works – but it could be better in the long run.
- Cancer antigen presentation:
• DCs present the captured antigens on MHCI and II molecules to T cells.
• Factors such as TNFa, IFNs, CD40 etc… stimulate the DCs to leave the tumour and migrate to the lymph node in order to present the antigens to T cells. IL-10, IL-4 and iL-13 are inhibitory. - Priming and activation of T cells:
• Antigen presentation to T cells in the lymph node results in the priming and activation of effector T cell responses against the cancer specific antigens that are viewed as foreign,.
• The nature of the immune response is determined at this stage, with a critical balance representing the ratio of T effector cells versus T regulatory cells being key to the final outcome
• Factors such as IL-2, IL-12, OX40/OXO40L are stimulatory in this process, and CTLA-4, PDL1/PD1 etc… are inhibitory. - Trafficking of T cells to tumours
• This is coordinated by chemokines, CX3CL1, CXCL9, CXCL10 and CCL5. - Infiltration of T cells into tumours
• Mediated by adhesion molecules such as LFA-1/ICAM-1 and the selectins, inhibited by VEGF. - Recognition of cancer cells by T cells
• Mediated by the TCR, inhibited by reduced MHC expression on cancer cells. - Killing of cancer cells
• Mediated by IFNy and T cell granule content. Inhibited by TGF-B, IDO, PDL1, Arginase etc…
→ Causes more TAAs to be releaed, and the cycle starts again.
What is cancer immunotherapy, and what is its goal?
cancer immunotherapy is ‘treatment to boost or restore the ability of the immune sytem to fight cancer”.
• The goal is to reinitiate a self-sustaining cancer immunity cycle , without generating unrestrained autoimmunity responses
• This is often a limitation of immunotherapy – you are attacking a cell that is a self cell, so there is a dange you could provoke autoimmune reactions (seen in paraneoplastic syndrome).
Describe administraiton of cytokines as cancer immunotherapy (High dose bolus IL-2, IFNa, , GM-CSF, IL-7, IL-15, IL-12, IFNb)
- Stimulate a broad-based immune response
- Pleotropic effects (sometimes opposing) on immune cells – but also direct effects on tumour cells
- Specific anti-tumour activity therefore often unknown
- There are problems with drug delivery – see later
- Can have considerable side effects → fever, fatigue, depression, autoimmunity, hypotension
- Can be used as adjuvants when combined with vaccine therapies
- An important property of cytokine signalling is the degree of redundancy – where multiple cytokines have the same functional effects → can make therapeutics challenging as other cytokines may compensate for changes in another.
Lee & Margolin, 2011:
To date, two cytokines have achieved FDA approval as single agents for cancer treatment:
High-dose, bolus IL-2 for metastatic melanoma:
• Potential of cytokines in cancer immunology is best exemplified by IL-2
• High-dose IL-2-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells with the phenotype and functional characteristics of activated NK cells,
• Induces objective clinical responses in 15–20% of patients with advanced melanoma and durable complete responses in 5–7% of these patients
• Its highly pleotropic effects as a potent activator of both effector T cells and Tregs is a reason for its low response rates and notorious toxicities
• The toxicity profile of IL-2 is largely associated with a capillary leak syndrome, which is characterized by hypotension, tachycardia and peripheral edema. In addition, IL-2 can cause constitutional symptoms such as fever, chill and fatigue, gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea, vomiting, anorexia.
• There has been intense interest in the discovery of predictive biomarkers for better selection of patients likely to respond to IL-2 therapy for both RCC and melanoma. A defined polymorphism in the CCR5 gene (CCR5Δ32) was associated with decreased survival following IL-2 administration in patients with Stage IV melanoma compared to patients not carrying the deletion.
IFNa for the adjuvant therapy of stage III melanoma:
• Type I IFNs, which include IFN-a and IFN-B have emerged as the most clinically useful IFNs for the treatment of cancer.
• Type I IFNs induce expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules on tumor cells and activate cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages
• The Type I IFNs can exert cytostatic and possibly apoptotic effects on tumor cells as well as anti-angiogenic effects on tumor neovasculature
• IFN-a is the only currently approved adjuvant therapy for patients with high-risk Stage II or Stage III melanoma
• IFN-a is also approved for the treatment of AIDS-related Kaposi’s sarcoma, advanced renal cancer, hairy cell leukemia (HCL) and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML).
• The toxicity profile of IFN-D is usually dose-related, and most side effects can be managed without discontinuation of treatment. Constitutional symptoms including fever, fatigue, headaches, gastrointestinal symptoms and myalgias are quite common and will likely occur in 80% or more of patients.
Other cytokines have entered clinical trials for patients with advanced cancer:
• GM-CSF is produced by monocytic cells and T cells and promotes antigen presentation and T cell homeostasis.
• The potential for GM-CSF to stimulate immune responses has been shown in many tumor models, including a murine melanoma in which transgenic expression of GM-CSF provided protection to subsequent tumor challenge in over 90% of the animals
• A potential therapeutic advantage of IL-7 over IL-2 is its selectivity for expanding CD8+ T cell populations over CD4+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells
• In murine models, recombinant IL-7 has been found to augment antigen-specific T cell responses after vaccination and adoptive cell therapy and this is now being evaluated in humans through two clinical trials
• Another important area of investigation is the potential role of IL-7 in promoting T-cell recovery after chemotherapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
• Early phase clinical trials on patients with advanced malignancy have demonstrated recombinant IL-7 to be well-tolerated with limited toxicity at biologically active doses.
• IL-15 acts to block IL-2-induced apoptosis.
• IL-15 also supports the persistence of memory CD8+ T cells, which may be important for maintaining long-term anti-tumor immunity [101].
• IL-15 has demonstrated significant therapeutic activity in several pre-clinical murine models of cancer [102].
• L-12 is produced mainly by phagocytic cells in response to antigenic stimulation, leading to cytokine production, primarily of IFN-γ, from NK and T cells.
• IL-12 also acts as a growth factor for activated NK and T cells, promotes CD4+ T cell differentiation into Th1 CD4+ T cells and enhances the activity of CD8+CTLs
• IL-12 has demonstrated anti-tumor activity in murine models of melanoma, colon carcinoma, mammary carcinoma and sarcoma
• IFN-β is more potent than IFN-a in inducing antiproliferative effects in preclinical cancer models
• In spite of its higher antiproliferative potential compared to IFN-D, the clinical use of IFN-β in cancer therapy has been limited by its low bioavailability and sustained side effects
• This may be overcome by delivery in different routes and schedules.
Describe strategies for cytokine delivery.
Cytokine-antibody fusion molecules:
• Genetically engineered fusion protein consisting of an antibody with a functional cytokine and an antigen binding site designed to delivery the cytokine directly to the tumour
• The prototype has utilized various antigen binding sites fused to recombinant human IL-2
• The therapeutic potential was shown in a human neuroblastoma in a SCID mouse – the fusion molecule always resulted in enhanced effector T cell responses and increased lysis compared to systemic IL-2
• Phase I and II trials in melanoma and neuroblastoma have demonstrated safety
Recombinant viruses as delivery systems:
• Expression of cytokines by recombinant viruses
• An attenuated oncolytic HSV encoding GM-CSF was shown to selectively replicate in tumour cells, leading to the production of local GM-CSF
• The virus was attenuated by deletion of pathogenic viral genes
Cytokine PEGylation:
• Conjugation of PEG can decrease protein clearance from plasma and increase in vivo half life
• This provides a method to enhance exposure to specific proteins, and avoid toxicities associated with high peak concentrations
• Has been successfully applied to IFNa and GM-CSF
• The PEGylated forms have more favourable safety profiles and more convenience as require less frequent dosing.
Describe neutralisation of cytokines as cancer immunotherapy.
• As well as administration of immunity-cycle stimulating cycokines, neutralisation of suppressive cytokines can also work
• EG, suppression of IL-10 and TGFB
• IL-6:
− Overexpression of IL-6 appears to play a role in the pathogenesis of many cancers.
− Additionally, elevated serum levels of IL-6 have been shown to carry a poorer prognosis in all these tumor types.
− Some cancer cells, such as myeloma, begin to secrete high amounts of IL-6 to serve as an autocrine growth factor that promotes their own survival.
− Our understanding of IL-6 as a protumorigenic cytokine has led to therapeutic strategies using monoclonal antibodies to IL-6 and the IL-6 receptor as well as IL-6-conjugated toxins, although a limitation to this approach is the wide expression of IL-6R by many normal cells
What are the mechanisms of tumour cell killing by therapeutic antibodies?
• Direct →
− Can be elicited by receptor agonist activity, such as bind to a tumour cell surface receptor, activating it and leading to apoptosis
− Can also be mediated by receptor antagonist activity, such as an antibody bingin to a cell surface receptor, blocking dimerization and downstream signalling, leading to reduced proliferation
• Immune-mediated →
− Induction of phagocystosis
− Complement activation
− T cell activation by antibody-mediated corss-presentation of antigen
− inhibition of T cell inhibitory receptors such as CTLA-4
• Vascular and stromal cell ablation →
− Induced by vascular receptor antagonism, stromal cell inhibiton or delivery of toxin to stromal cells
Can also be conjugated to drugs, toxins or cytokines.
What is desirable for good efficacy of therapeutic antibodies in cancer?
- The safety and efficacy of therapeutic mAbs vary depending on the nature of the target antigen
- Ideally, the target should be abundant and accessible, and should be expressed homogenously, consistently and exclusively on cancer cells
- Antigen secretion should be minimal, as secreted antigens can bind antibody in circulation and prevent sufficient antibody binding to the tumour
- If the desired mechanism is CDC or ADCC, it is desirable that the antigen-mAb complex is not rapidly internalised, so as to maximise availability of the Fc region
- By contrast, internalisation is desirable for antibodies that deliver toxins
Describe the different TAA categories, and give examples of therapeutics (antigen, example, tumour type, mechanism)
Haemtopoetic differentiation antigens CD20 - Rituximab approved - NHL - ADCC, CDC
CD30 - Brentuximab approved - HL - Delivery of calcheamicin
CD33 - Gemtuzumab approved - AML - Delivery of aurastatin
Glycoproteins expressed by solid tumours
EpCAM -IGN101 - Breast, colon, lung
Mucins - Pemtumomab - Breast, colon, lung
CEA - Labetuzumab Breast, colon, lung
VEGF - Avastin - approved - Tumour vasculature in colon cancer and NSCLC Inhibition of VEGF
Growth and differentiation signaling
EGFR - Centuximab approved - Glioma, lung, colon - inhibition of EGFR and ADCC
ERBB2 - Herceptin approved - Breast - Inhibition of ERBB2 and ADCC
FAP - Sibrotuzumab - Colon, breast, lung,
Tenascin - 81C6 - Colon, breast, lung, pancreas
What candidates are often use for antibody conjucation?
• Microtubule inhibitors: − Auristatin − Maytansins • DNA damaging agents − Calicheamicin − Anthracyclines
Describe ipilimumab as a form of immune checkpoint blockade therapy (effects and problems)
anti-CTLA4 – Ipilimumab – the prototype for immune checkpoint blockade.
• CTLA-4 serves to downregulate activated T cells by binding to CD80 and CD86, preveting CD28-mediated co-stimulation
• Blocking it prevents downregulation of effector T cell responses
• Ipilimumab is a fully human IgG1 mAb targeting CTLA-4
• A phase III trial demonstrated it prolonged overall survival of patients with metastatic melanoma → patients had a median survival of 4 months, some with durable remission for 5, 10 years
• Resulted in its approval by the FDA in 2011
• Effectively targets the metastases around the body
• Responses correlated with mutational burden and a ‘neoepitope signature’:
− Run of 4 amino acids that look typically like viral proteins
− All responders have this signature
− Points to the important of neoepitopes in cancer immunity
Problems with ipilimumab:
• Blockade presents challenges in terms of toxicity – given the nonspecific nature, a series of inflammatory responses have been observed → largely confined to the skin and GI tract, but can also affect liver and endocrine glands.
− With early recognition, these effects are manageable with steroids
Describe Nivolumab as a method of immune checkpoint blockade
• It was found that PD-1 is upregulated in many human cancers, and highly expressed on TILs
Mechanism of increased PD-1L induction:
• Innate resistance → In some tumours, constitutive oncogenic signalling can upregulate PD-1L independently of inflammatory signals in the TME
• Adaptive resistance → PD-1L induction as an adaptation to the sensing of an immune attack. Induced by inflammatory signals such as IFNs.
− This adaptive resistance mechanism of PD-1L induction together with the broad therapeutic activity of PD-1 pathway blockage validages one of the most important tenets in cancer immunology → that many cancer paints contain a significant repertoire of tumour-specific T cells capable of the killing of the tumour save for the adaptive induction of immune checkpoints.
Blockade of PD-1 is now the posterboy for immunotherapy:
• Restricts peripheral tissue inflammation → directly inhibits T-cell mediated effector functions and increases T cell migration
• KO mouse has a mild phenotyoe – contrasts sharply with CTLA-4 KO, and consistent with observaitons that autoimmune side effects of anti-PD-1 drugs are generally milder
• Viewed to work predominantly within the TME
• Anti-tumour activity in a range of tumours – many immunotherapies only really successful in melanoma
• Fully human IgG4
• Gained FDA approval in early 2015 for treatment of metastatic melanoma and NSCLC
• Very few adverse reactions compared with anti-CTLA4
• When compared with the standard of care, the response rate is huge – 80% show complete or partial response
There has now been a goldrush to develop drugs blocking PD-1 signalling – one problem with targeting PD-1 was some antibodies caused ADCC and depleted T cells, and also caused autoimmune phenomonitis when blocked in the lungs. Now targeting PD-1L which is expressed on the tumour – decreased potential for these effects.
• Pidilizumab – anti-PD1 – humanised IgG1 – Phase I-II
• MEDI14736 – anti-PD1L – Fc-modified human IgG1 – Phase I-III
Predictors of response:
• Predicted by strong PD-L1 expression of TILs together with expression of IFNy and CXCL9
• Response indicated by infiltration of CTLs and induction of Th1 cytokines
What are the novel checkpoint blockades on the horizon?
- Lymphocyte activation gene 3 (LAG) → expressed on activated T, B and NK cells
- Killer inhibitory receptors → controls NK function
- VISTA → V-domain Ig containing suppressor of T cell activation
Describe the ways by which antibody treatment may not achieve the desired effect.
- Targeting TAA → antigen may mutate or downregulate
- Pharmacokinetics → antibody half life or stability
- Penetrance → vascular permeability, antibody size and affinity
- Receptor occupancy → Low Ab:receptor concentration, receptor saturation
- Signalling pathway → Pathway not relevant for tumour growth, presence of compensatory signalling pathway
- Immune effector function → FcyR polymorphisms, complement inhibition
- Induction of T cell response → Immune suppression through Tregs
Describe prophylactic cancer vaccines
Prophylactic (preventative):
• Vaccines targeting HPV and HepB prevent cervical cancer and liver cancer caused by these viruses
• HPV vaccines protect against various types of HPV, but all target HPV16 and 18 that cause the greatest risk
• Ineffective once infected, so recommended in girls aged 9-13
• Estimated to preent 70% cervical cancer, 80% anal cancer, 60% vaginal cancer, 40% vulval cancer, and possibly some mouth and penile
• GARDASIL targeting HPV6 and 11 as well also confers protection against genital warts
→ This is quite conventional – using a vaccine to prevent infection with a virus
What are the features of therapeutic cancer vaccines (what do they do and what is used for them)-
- Active immunotherapy – generates immune memory and CTL responses
- Considerations regarding selection of antigen, adjuvant, delivery route shared with other vaccine applications
- Crude tumour lysates, attenuated whole tumour cells, tumour cells genetically engineered to secrete cytokines, purified TAAs, recombinant DNA molecules encoding TAAs
- Historically, have been of little clinical benefit – need to consider immunoediting and the immunosuppressive tumour environment.
What are the qualities of a good cancer antigen for vaccine therapy?
- Therapeutic function → superb data controlled vaccine trial suggests benefit
- Immunogenicity → T cell and/or antibody response elicited in clinical trials
- Oncogenicity → Associated with oncogenic process
- Specificity → Absolutely specific, eg) mutated oncogene, viral protein…
- Expression level → Highly expressed on all cancer cells in the patients designated for treatment
- Stem cell epression → evidence for expression on putative cancer stem cells
- No. epitopes → Longer antigen with multiple epitopes, can bind to most MHC
- Location → Cell surface with no circulating antigen
What is currently the only approved therapeutic cancer vaccine?
- The only cancer vaccine that has been approved thus far, for prostate cance
- relies on the fusion of a prostate cancer antigen to GM-CSF, which is then loaded into autologous peripheral blood monocytes thought to be predominantly dendritic cells.
- The “built-in” GM-CSF provides a way to activate the dendritic cells away from the cancer’s immunosuppressive microenvironment so the dendritic cells can then present the cancer antigen to the T cells and elicit an immune response.
- Sipuleucel T doesn’t cure patients, but gives on average 4 months extra life
- Extremely expensive, around $100,000 per treatment
Therapeutic vaccination is not the only approach to accelerating and expanding the production of T cell immunity.
• Because anticancer T cells can be produced spontaneously, there is a growing appreciation that the tumor itself represents a type of endogenous vaccine.
• Accessing the naturally occurring source of cancer-associated antigens avoids problems associated with selection and delivery
How have tumours become resistant to cancer vaccines?
Immunoediting creates resistance to immunotherapy:
• Vaccination with the cancer testis antigen NY-ESO-1 results in selective loss of NY-ESO-1 or MHC-I expression in progressing lesions.
• Patient enrolled onto clinical trial in 2001 expressing NY-ESO-1, in 2006 however, staining of abdominal metastasis showed no NY-ESO-1.
• Patient would not longer be a target for this vaccination
Describe adoptive cell transfer as a cancer immunotherapy.
- The scope of cytokine biology is perhaps most elaborately showcased by adoptive cell therapy (ACT).
- ACT involves the development and expansion of a patient’s TILs outside of the body, and reinfusion of these cells back into the patient along with cytokines to exert an anti-tumor response.
- After a patient’s blood product is obtained by leukapheresis, cytokines such as GM-CSF, IL-4, TNF-D, IL-6, IL-1E are used in the development and activation of their dendritic cells, and cytokines such as IL-2, IL-7 are used in the stimulation and expansion phase of T cells.
- In addition to the use of ex vivo cytokines in the generation of T cells, the administration of low-dose IL-2 to the patient following T cell infusions has been found to enhance the in vivo survival of the adoptively transferred cells, which is highly correlated with clinical outcome [203]. Thus, a course of IL-2 following T cell transfer and has become a standard component of ACT.
- Another strategy that has been found to enhance adoptive therapy is the addition of a lymphodepleting regimen prior to the transfer of anti-tumor T cells.
- While IL-2 has generally been utilized to maintain persistence of adoptively transferred T cells, there is evidence that IL-7 and IL-15 may be superior to IL-2 due to a more favorable profile in preferentially maintaining memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells over CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells.
→ Durable remissions achieved in advanced melanoma only.
Describe T-vec as a frontier of cancer immunotherapy
- Tamilogene laherparepvec AKA T-VEC is an oncolytic herpes virus developed by BioVex
- FD approved October 2015 with the brand name Imlygic for the treatment of melanoma – had accelerated approval
- Virus replicated and selectively lyses tumour cells
- GM-CSF expression makes the tumour cells more immunogenic
Liu et al, 2003:
• Taken a more virulent strain of herpes virus but genetically modified it so it only replicates in cancer cells (neurovirulence factor ICP34.5 inactivated)
• This takes advantage of the fact that many cancer cells have compromised ability to respond to viruses with IFNy
• Inside the cancer cell, the environment is good for replication – and when it replicates, it is oncolytic
• The cells die by necrosis and relase viral particles – very immunogenic
• As it is engineered to express GM-CSF, it also activates DCs
• It therefore acts as a very potent adjuvant
• A lot of patients show a complete response with T-vec
→ Could be used as a Trojan horse to get other cytokines and molecules into the tumour environment
What are Bi-specific therapeutic antibodies?
- The therapeutic and commercial successes met by rituximab, trastuzumab, cetuximab and other mAbs have inspired antibody engineers to improve the efficacy of these molecules.
- A bispecific monoclonal antibody (BsMAb,BsAb) is an artificial protein that is composed of fragments of two different monoclonal antibodies and consequently binds to two different types of antigen.
- The most widely used application of this approach is in cancer immunotherapy, where BsMAbs are engineered that simultaneously bind to a cytotoxic cell (using a receptor like CD3) and a target like a tumour cell to be destroyed.
Describe the Bi-specifc antibodies tested as a frontier of cancer immunotherapy (trials in HER2, Catumaxomab and Blincyto)
• A first-generation BsMAb, called trifunctional antibody, consists of two heavy and two light chains, one each from two different antibodies. The two Fab regions (the arms) are directed against two antigens. The Fc region (the foot) is made up from the two heavy chains and forms the third binding site; hence the name.
Other types of bispecific antibodies have been designed to overcome certain problems, such as short half-life, immunogenicity and side-effects caused by cytokine liberation.
• They include chemically linked Fabs, consisting only of the Fab regions, and various types of bivalent and trivalent single-chain variable fragments (scFvs), fusion proteins mimicking the variable domains of two antibodies.
• A series of clinical trials were performed with chemically linked bispecific (Fab’)2 molecules targeting the breast and ovarian cancer tumor antigens HER2 or EGFR,9–12 which are overexpressed in many epithelial tumors. The second specificity of these bsAbs was directed against CD64, which is notably expressed on monocytes and macrophages and upregulated upon activation on neutrophils.
• Biological effects were seen in some clinical trials of bsAbs MDX-210 (targeting Her2 and CD64), MDX-H210 (humanized version of MDX-210) and MDX-447 (targeting EGFR and CD64), but none of these treatments led to consistent antitumor activity.
Triomabs probably represent one of the most impressive and unexpected success in the field of bispecific antibodies.
• Catumaxomab: Catumaxomab, which targets the tumor antigen EpCAM, was the first triomab produced. EpCAM (CD326) is expressed on essentially all human adenocarcinoma, certain squamous cell carcinoma, retinoblastoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. EpCAM is also expressed in normal cells, but is predominantly located in intercellular spaces where epithelial cells form very tight junctions, thus much less accessible to antibodies compared to EpCAM in cancer tissue, where it is homogeneously distributed on the cancer cell surface. Moreover, EpCAM is very often on cancer stem cells, a very attractive feature for a tumor marker.24
• In vitro and in vivo preclinical data demonstrated that a mouse surrogate of this triomab, targeting mouse CD3 and human EpCAM, was able to kill tumor cells very efficiently, at low concentration (10 pM range), without any additional costimulation of effector cells.
The furthest developed of these newer formats are the bi-specific T-cell engagers (BiTEs)[4]
• antibodies engineered to contain an Fcab antigen-binding fragment instead of the Fc constant region.
• The most impressive property of this class of molecules is the low concentration required to achieve anti-tumor activity. Indeed, most tumor cell lines can be lysed in the presence of 0.2 to 2 pM of BiTEs for half maximal target cell lysis. In some cases, up to 18 fM was shown to be enough.
• Moreover, BiTEs are capable of inducing efficient lysis at effector to target ratios (E:T) as low as 1:10. This suggests that BiTEs mediate serial killing of many target cells, and this was actually demonstrated using video assisted microscopy.
• Despite this extreme efficiency, the killing remains strictly target-cell dependent
Blinatumomab (Blincyto)
• Blinatumomab (Blincyto®) is a bispecific T cell engager (BiTE®) antibody marketed by Amgen
• Binds both CD3-positive T cells and CD19-positive B cells
• Induces T-cell activation and subsequently perforin-mediated malignant B-cell death.
• Efficacy in relapsed/refractory ALL, and NHL
• Granted accelerated FDA approval to treat B-cell ALL in December 2014.
• Will kill any B cell expressing CD19 (which is all of them) – so you do get B cell aplasia, but you can treat this with passive immunisation with immunoglobulins. It is transient – the B cells will come back, but hopefully you will have wiped out all the mutated cells and cured the B cell leukemia.
What is the difference between TSAs and TAAs, and why are TSAs more potent?
- It is now being established that the TSA’s are more potent as antigens than TAA’s. This can be expected, as even though TAAs are expressed in immune privileged sites, you would expect some level of tolerance mechanism still existing against these self proteins. This may be why it is hard to provoke a strong immune reaction against these antigens, as they are self.
- However, TSAs are neoantigens – they are either oncogenic viral proteins, or abnormal proteins arising from somatic mutations and hence no longer resemble self, and they wont have been selected against. They are unique to each tumour and haplotype.
- In 2005, two important human studies stimulated increased interest in tumor neoantigens as therapeutic targets for cancer immunotherapy → they both showed that TILS from melanoma patients were specific for mutant tumour antigens
- Neoantigens can now be identified efficiently using next generation sequencing of the tumour exome. People are capturing the tumour cDNA to determine mutated genes that are being expressed –it is not enough to merely identify mutations, these have to actually be in genes that are being expressed in order to be an antigen.
How can neoantigens be used as a personalised cancer immunotherapy (method, clinical attempts)
Next generation sequencing:
• Advances in sequencing technology have transformed our ability to decode cancer-specific mutations - tumor-specific or “somatic” mutations can be identified using massively parallel sequencing (MPS) approaches to compare DNA isolated from tumor versus normal sources.
• Similar to DNA-based assays using MPS, RNA from tumors can be analyzed by conversion to cDNA and construction of a library suitable for sequencing. Since the genome is large (3 billion base pairs) and its analysis complex, the advent of hybrid capture technology has permitted investigators to focus only on the 1% of the genome that comprises the coding exons of known genes, (i.e., the “exome”)
• Recent technical innovations have reduced the time for this approach from approximately one week to around two hours for hybrid capture. It is now feasible to generate exome-capture data and produce a list of somatic mutations in about three days.
Detecting somatic mutations:
• Mutation calling from exome-capture sequencing data is achieved by aligning sequence reads to reference genomes, which serve as the keystone for analyzing the short read lengths (~100 bp) produced by MPS platforms.
• Once reads are aligned to the genome, variants are identified using several algorithms to interpret different types of mutations, including point mutations (or single nucleotide variants [SNVs]) and focused insertion or deletion variants (indels).
• Tumor variant calls are then compared with data from a matched normal tissue DNA obtained using a similar capture reagent in order to identify tumor-unique (“somatic”) mutations.
Predicting tumor neoepitopes:
• Currently, the most useful epitope prediction algorithms are those that focus on binding of peptides to MHC class I (MHCI) molecules.
• There are nearly 2,500 human MHCI allelic sequences and, because human cells can express as many as six distinct MHCI alleles, the capacity to accurately predict which tumor-derived mutant peptide will bind a particular MHCI is challenging.
• Multiple tools exist to predict peptide binding to MHC-I. A subset of these algorithms predicts peptide binding to different MHCI variants based on artificial neural networks (ANN), providing predicted IC50 as an output (69).
Neoepitope prioritization:
• For identifying tumor-derived mutant epitopes, most studies use predicted p–MHCI binding affinity as the primary criterion for generating an initial prioritized list of candidate epitopes.
• Most of the reported studies indicate that natural immune responses to tumor neoantigens are selectively directed to epitopes within a group predicted to have the strongest MHCI binding affinities
Clinical attempts to personalise immunotherapy:
• In 2014, the Rosenberg group used a novel TSA-based personalized adoptive cell therapy (ACT) method to treat a patient with metastatic cholangiocarcinoma
• Specifically, 26 nonsynonymous mutations were identified in a lung metastasis from the patient by whole-exome sequencing, and candidate minigene constructs for each mutation were transfected into patient-derived APCs.
• TILs from lung metastases were screened for reactivity with transfected APCs, leading to identification of a point mutant ERBB2-interacting protein as a neoantigen recognized by CD4+ T cells within the TIL population.
• TILs enriched to 25% for reactivity to the neoantigen were then infused back into the patient, who showed a partial response to the first ACT treatment and showed improved responses to subsequent treatments with TIL preparations enriched to 95% of neoantigen-specific CD4+ T cells.
Recent reports in the lay press:
• CRUK, the cancer ‘Achilles Heel’→
− As a tumour grows, it ‘evolves’ – leaving some parts different from others. Hard for immune system to recognize, because the tumours growing complexity can overwhelm them.
− But it has become clear that even complex regions of tumours have hallmarks of their origins.
− CRUK scientists have recognized immune cells within tumours that can recognize these shared antigens. If these can be harnessed, they could be immunotherapy agents. used data from The Cancer Genome Atlas to look at more than 200 patients with lung cancer in order to predict the quantity of antigens – and more importantly, the proportion of shared antigens – a tumor had.
Describe the use of CARs as a frontier in cancer immunotherapy
From Barret et al, 2014:
• This is still a form of adoptive cell transfer, but using genetically modified T cells. It is an example of synthetic biology.
• To overcome tolerance to tumors that results from deficiencies in the TCR repertoire, T cells are genetically modified with CARs containing sequences that encode antibody-based recognition domains linked to signaling sequences.
• CARs have a single-chain antibody fragment (scFv), expressed in tandem with signaling elements derived from the T cell receptor (TCR) and costimulatory domains such as 4-1BB and CD28.
• This gives the neoepitope binding specificity of an antibody (no worry for MHC restriction etc, so can recognise the antigen directly) but the effector function of the T cells.
• An advantage of CARs is that because they are specific for cell-surface molecules, they overcome the constraints of MHC-restricted TCR recognition and avoid tumor escape through impairments in antigen presentation or human leukocyte antigen expression.
• Genetic modification of T cells is not limited to conferring new antigen reactivity on recipient T cells but can also be used to insert genes that improve the efficacy of the T cells that are transduced. Such genes include those encoding molecules involved in costimulation, the prevention of apoptosis, the remodeling of the tumor microenvironment,.
Current status of CAR therapy:
The design of CARs in clinical trials can be roughly classified into three generations.
i. First generation CARs encode antibody-based external receptor structures and cytosolic domains that encode signal transduction modules composed of the immunoreceptor tyrosinebased activation motif such as TCRζ or FcRγ
ii. Second-generation CARs also include a costimulatory signaling domain such as CD28 or 4-1BB
iii. third-generation CARs include three or more cytosolic domains.
- A phase I trial testing T cells expressing a CAR specific for a folate-binding protein that is present on ovarian carcinoma cells indicated that the approach was safe, but poor expression and persistence of the transgene encoding the CAR were observed in vivo.
- Based on principles of T cell activation, it would be predicted that the first-generation CARs would become anergic unless the tumor target provided costimulation.
- In 1998, two laboratories showed that the CD28 signaling domain provided costimulation when engineered in cis with the TCRζ domain into the CAR design.
CAR trials targeting B cell malignancies:
• Other than B cells, CD19 is not present on normal tissues and is not shed into the circulation, making it an excellent target.
• CAR has been generated recognises CD19 on B cells
• Durable remissions have been achieved in 90% of patients with refractory ALL
• There was 78% survival at 6 onths, remission durable to 24 months.
→ The point is here you can use any T cell, so you don’t need to isolate the TILs/ You can harvest CD8+ T cells from the peripheral blood.
What are the problems associated with CAR therapy?
Toxicities of CAR therapy:
• The toxicities can be classified as those due to extrinsic factors present in the culture process, those due to accompanying cytokines that can be coinfused with the cells, and those due to the cells themselves.
• Respiratory obstruction has been reported following cytotoxic T lymphocyte infusion for EpsteinBarr virus (EBV)-related lymphomas (79). This is probably due to a T cell–induced inflammatory response that results in tumor edema and necrosis. Effector functions of infused T cells can be expected to include tissue damage similar to that encountered in T cell–mediated autoimmune diseases.
• On-target toxicities were expected with CD19 CAR T cells and include B cell aplasia, tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), and cytokine release syndrome (CRS). Intravenous immunoglobulin can be used to replace quantitative antibody deficiency.
• A number of off-target toxicities are theoretically possible with CAR T cells. The introduction of CARs by integrating retroviral or lentiviral vectors, transposons, and electroporation all create the risk of malignant transformation, induction of T cell lymphoproliferative disorders, or production of replicationcompetent viru
Regulatory issues:
• Permanent genetic modification, despite considerable safety data, remains a focus of significant regulatory oversight. Several groups have integrated “suicide genes” into their T cell–engineering protocols, in which expression of a proapoptotic gene is under the control of an inducible promoter responsive to a systemically delivered drug
• Though theoretically attractive, this approach does not guarantee elimination of all modified T cells, and thus may permit re-expansion of remaining CAR T cells after clearance of the activating drug.
• An mRNA electroporation-based system to induce transient CAR expression results in efficient CAR delivery and expression that ensure 100% loss of CAR-driven T cell activity within seven days without the need to administer other systemic agent
Describe innate resistance to immunotherapy
Innate Resistance
Where there is no response to the therapy at all
• The lower the mutational burden, the less immunogenic the tumour:
− Tumours that are likely to respond are those that are more immunogenic, and these are likely to be the ones with more neoeptiopes
− Some tumours, eg, melanoma, tend to have a high mutational burden – probably because it is usually mutagens that cause them in the first place
− Other tumours such as breast cancer – these are likely to be sitmulated by hormones, less likely to have been caused because of mutations.
• Significant proportions of tumours are immune ignorant
− They have a phenotype with low PD-1 expression, and absence of TILs
− There seems have been no immunoediting and selection pressure on them
− These types of tumours may be better targeted with specific therapies rather than immunotherapy
• Chronic inflammation is immunosuppressive
− Many tumours occur in the presence of pancreatitis, colitis, cirrhosis etc…
− But chronic inflammation is immunosuppressive, high IL-10 and TGFb
• Tumours produce PGE2 – is an inflammatory PG. It acts on infiltrating immune cells to make them produce inflammatory cytokines, but switches off signals for type I immunity (IFNs)
• If you can block the synthesis of PGE2 by COX inhibitors – the tumours become immunogenic (start producing type 1 IFNs) and they regress.
• These effects have been shown with aspirin
− Aspirin along with anti-PD-1 therapy enhances its effects
Describe acquired resistance to cancer immunotherapy
Acquired Resistance
Where you observe a response to the therapy, ie the tumour shrinks, but some time in the future the disease comes back and cannot be treated again in the same way.
• Genomic instability resulting in loss of immunogenicity – through immunoediting
− The first type of resistance is a special form of Darwinian natural selection that comes from the selection traits that pre-exist in the tumour mass before a therapeutic intervention, as we have previously discussed
− The main driver for the generation of immunoresistant tumour cell variants via this mechanism seems to be the genomic and epigenomic instability of transformed cells. Darwinian selection of resistant clones from tumour cell populations can result in the survival of tumour cell variants that happen to possess the genetic and epigenetic traits that enable them to evade therapy.
• Adaptive resistance (e.g. immunotherapy may drive resistance in a tumour. When T cells or NK cells go into a tumour and secrete IFNy, this induces expression of PD-1 in the tumour).
− The second type of resistance to immunotherapy is acquired resistance at the level of the individual tumour cell.
− This occurs because tumour cells alter their gene expression in response to interactions with immune cells or their products. This form of acquired resistance might also be called ‘homeostatic resistance’, because it employs adaptive mechanisms of tissue and immune homeostasis
Thus, these two mechanisms of tumour resistance — selection of resistant clones and true acquired homeostatic resistance — can be crisply defined, but are often indistinguishable in patients using currently available technologies.
Example of acquired resistance mechanism:
• Adoptively transferred T cells were delivering high levels of TNFa.
• This TNFa was causing the tumour cells to de-differentiate, become less primitive and less immunogenic (stop expressing TSA).
Describe combination therapy in cancer immunotherapy
One way to tackle resistance is to use combinations of drugs, so it is more difficult for the cancer cells to adapt.
• A major one is combining the immune checkpoint inhibitors!
• A subset of patients with advanced cancers can respond to single-agent immune checkpoint blockade, but most patients do not respond to such single-agent therapy.
• Predictive biomarkers may provide a means to identify which patients will respond to monotherapy (BOX 4). Combining immunological agents may improve response rates and also improve the duration of response by stimulating an antitumour immunological memory.
• Combinations of immunotherapies will require carefully planned Phase I dose-finding trials to assess the danger of overstimulating the immune system.
− Such danger was illustrated by the clinical experience of targeting the T cell co-stimulatory receptor CD28 (REF. 18), wherein 6 out of 6 subjects treated with a CD28 superagonist antibody developed life-threatening toxicity (a cytokine storm) in a Phase I trial, leading to significant reluctance to further develop CD28 stimulatory agents19
• A combination of Nivolumab (anti-PD1) and Ipilimumab (anti-CTLA4) is more potent than either alone, but also more toxic. The incidence of treatment-related adverse events of grade 3 or 4 was higher in the nivolumab-plus-ipilimumab group (55.0%) than in the nivolumab group (16.3%) or the ipilimumab group (27.3%).
Combinations with chemotherapy:
• Historically, immunotherapy was considered to be most effective in cases in which there is a small burden of tumour; this reasoning also appears to be true for newer agents
• However, accumulating evidence indicates that immunotherapies are effective in a broad range of tumours, and therefore combining chemotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors may take advantage of three effects of chemotherapy.
• First, to reduce the tumour burden; second, to potentiate the antitumour response by exposing neoantigen via necrosis of the tumour; or third, to directly affect the tumour stromal cells.
• The choice of chemotherapeutic agent and timing of these combinations will be important, because many cytotoxic chemotherapeutics target rapidly dividing cells. Chemotherapy regimens that deplete proliferating lymphocytes may negatively affect the efficacy of therapeutics..
Combinations with BRAF inhibitors:
• With the renewed interest in immunotherapy, the mechanism of action and resistance of many molecularly targeted agents is being re-examined, and has been found to include immunological effects.
• Treatment with the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib (Zelboraf; Roche) appears to improve the antitumour immune response to melanoma, perhaps by increasing the cross-presentation of antigens from dead tumour cells
• The development of resistance to BRAF inhibitors is accompanied by an increased expression of PDL1 on the melanoma cell
• Studies using a mouse model of BRAFV600E mutant melanoma showed that PD1 or PDL1 blockade combined with BRAF inhibition increased the activity of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes and prolonged survival.
What are the challenges of cancer immunotherapy?
• Can immunotherapy be used to prevent common cancers?
− potentially the more immunogenic ones. Could be vaccines developed for the cancers with more risk, to get prevention, ie – lung cancer, give the vaccine to smokers. à CRUK has listed this as a goal, coming up with vaccines for common cancers.
• Why some tumours escape immunosurveillance but others not?
− Tumours are arising in our bodies all the time (young people who have had RTAs, on autopsy you can find tumours in them) – so why do some escape immunosurveillance.
• Why do some cancers show no evidence of an immune response?
− some tumours are immune ignorant. Why do some cancers get to be so aggressive, without ever having triggered an immune response.
• How to select the most appropriate combination of cancer therapies?
• Biomarkers to predict response and to demonstrate efficacy
• Overcoming innate or acquired resistance to immunotherapy
• Delivering personalised therapy
• Making immunotherapy cost effective