Cancer 13: Colon cancer Flashcards
Describe epidimiology of colon cancer?
4th most common cancer overall
2nd highest in mortality rate
genetic and diet aetiology
Describe anatomy of the colon? Role? Cellular organisation?
starts in right illiac fossa where illium joins caecum
Ascending colon-hepatic flexture, transverse, splenic flexture, descending, sigmoid
In front-perineum, at back-mesentery
Extraction of water from feaces-electrolyte balance
Faecal reservoir
bacterial digestion for vitamins- (Vit B, Vit K)
Colon folds-haustra-epithelial and lamina propria, then muscluaris mucosa, then submucosa, muscularis propria-
Folds form crypts of leukbrahan-stem cells deep in crypt proliferating and pushing cells up
Mainly columnar, goblet, Endorine cells
How often do colon cells turnover?
2-5million cell die per second -> vulnerable for cancer
APC mutations preventing cell less->accumulation of mutation
3ways to eliminate: Natural loss (as pushed out of crypt)
DNA monitors (p53, etc)
Repair enzymes
Define polyp and adenoma? Which from is more common
Polyp is general term-any projection into the lumen -from the mucosal membrane-can be hyperplastic. neoplastic, inflammatory, lipomas, Peutz Jegher (mucosal hyperpigmentation)
Much more commonly hyperplastic-often multiple
-> Histologically-look like very long crypes
adenoma-type of polyp-benign neoplasm of mucosal epithelial cells
What are the different types of colon adenomas?
Majority-tubular adenomas-90%
10%-tubivillous (between tubular and villous-some cells are tubualr, some villous)
VERY RARE-flat/serrated
What is a pedunculated adenoma and sessile adenoma?
pedunculated-polyp on a stalk of normal tissue-cancer usually develops in head of stalk-easier to remove in surgery even if starts spreading in stalk
Describe the microscopic sturcture of tubular adenoma?
Columnar cells with nuclear enlargement (darker histological), elongation, multilayering and loss of polarity
-Increase proliferative activity and reduced differentiation
Disorganised architecture
look like tubules
Describe the microscopic sturcture of villous adenoma?
same dysplasia features-nuclear enlargement (darker histological), elongation, multilayering and loss of polarity
Exophytic, frond like extensions-finger like projection, elongation
Rarely results i hypersecretory function, resulting in lot of mucus discharge and hypokalemia
What does dysplasia means?
Abnormal growth of cells with some features of cancer —-(nuclear enlargement (darker histological), elongation, multilayering and loss of polarity)
indefinite, low grade, high grade
step before neoplasm
What is familial adenomatous polyposis coli?
FAP/APC 5q21 gene mutation-APC gene site determines which clinical varient but overall-develop thousands of poly adenomas-covered-100% of cancer over life prophylatic colectomy<30
can also lead to other tumours-brain etc
How common are colonic adenomas?
25% of adults will have it by 50
5% become cancer if left
large polyps have higher risks
stay curable for 2 years +/-
How does colon adenomas progress to carcinoma?
MOST CRC arrise from adenoma
residual after CrC
adenomas usually precede cancer by 10 years
What is the genetics pathways of colon cancer?
carcinoma sequence=-APC, Kras, p53, telomerase activation
but not all adenoma/carci fit in there
microsatellite instability- they are repeats in DNA prone to missalignemet-some microsaterllits code for inhbit growths or apoptosis
need 2 hits to lose it-
(HPNCC (its a disease)-classically has germline mutation in these genes)
What are the histological sequences leading to colon cancer?
Normal colon -> risky mucosa (APC, B caterninn, MSH2 mutations?-cause increased risks of mutations leading to accumulations)
-> Rise of polyp (Kras, p53)-adenoma
=>carcinoma–many genes
Why is APC specifically important in colon cancer? how does p53 levels change in cancer?
APC holds/inhbits a TF (Bcatenin) off the nucleus-if mutated-acts as TF -> increase proliferation and stuff
in colon-stem cells want to proliferate-APC on purpose stopped but turned back on as the the cells diffferentiate and reach the top of the cryppt-if mutated can turn APC bak on-b catenin stays working
p53 levels atually increase cause it has mutation causing it ti not function-cell contunues producing it