Cancer Flashcards
Number 1 Killers
- Heart Disease
- Cancer
Unregulated cell division
How many types of cancer are there?
200 +/- types of histological cancers (types that we identify in a microscope)
***If we did further anlysis = we would get more in the group of 200
Problems/challenges in cancer
- Typical cancer has 5,000 mutations
- Only 5 driver mutations – challenger = to find the driver mutations and focus on them
- Fund function of driver mutations –> path to finding solution to cancer
- developing treatment modality
- Getting NIH funding
- Understanding the molecular basis of cancer
Mutations in cancer
Typical cancer has 5,000 mutations BUT only 5 driver mutations – the other 4,995 are passenger mutations
Driver mutation
Mutation that causes cancer
Challenge = find driver mutations and focus on them
Passenger mutations
Mutations that are NOT the dirver mutations – the other 4,995 mutations that do not cause cancer
***They ride along – don’t cause cancer
Path to finding solution for cancer
Finding the driver mutations
Best form of cancer treatment
Modality if done in the besty way has to selecivley target cancer cells and not bother the neighboring cells
***Most cancer treatments today still bother neighboring cells
NIH funding
Invest billions of dollars to target cancer –> mostly through their cancer institute
***There are many people working on cancer = hard to get money
Understanding the molecular basis of cancer (Ex.)
Example - understanding what driver mutations do
Understanding the molecular basis of cancer + Cure
Understanding the molecular basis of cancer does not equal a cure right away –> takes time to design drugs to treat cancer
Tradition vs. New era cancer treatments
Traditional – out for a while but is not cancer cell specific
New era – More specific drug –> use immunotherapy (Car-T-Cells)
- Based on driver mutations
Why compare cancer vs. Normal cells
Comparing the two gives us tools to make drugs
Cancer cell characteristics
Not all cancer cells fit into all compartments –> need to do many tests to test for cancer
Normal Vs. Cancer cells
- Soft Agar growth
- Keryotype
- miRNA
- Protease sectretion
- Size
- Nucleus/Cytoplasm ratio
- Cytoskleton
- Growth Layers
- SCID mouse
- Serum dependencey
- Growth factor secretion
- telemors length
- Gentic defects
- Glycolysis
- Cell memebrane permeability
- Angrogenic factor secretion
- Apoptosis
- RTKs
Normal vs. cancer soft agar growth
Normal – do not grow in soft agar (do not grow in semi-solid media)
Cancer – Grow in semi solid media (cells grow + divide + make clones)
Semi-solid media
Soft Agar
Why don’t normal cells grow in Soft agar
Normal cells = substarte dependt cells –> they die because they are substarte dependnet (agar doesn’t let them bind to other things = they die)
***The cancer = not substrate dependent = don’t need to stick to a surface = gorw in semi-solid media
Clones in Cancer cell media
You can pick a clone and look at its behavior –> can fine a cancer stem cell that gave rise to the tumor
Normal vs. Cancer Keryotype
Normal – have typical karyotype (have all 23 sets of chromsomes)
Cancer – Atypical Karyotype –> might have 3 copies of chromosomes (like chromoses when making hybridioma – where they are not normal)
Normal vs. Cancer miRNA
Normal cells – Normal set of miRNA
Cancer cells – abnormal set of miRNA –> miRNA based on quality of cancer (not being used in technology to make drigs)
Normal vs. Cancer Proteases
Normal cells – secrete few proteases – all cells secrete proteases
Cancer cells – Typically has lots of proteases
***Makes cancer metastatic
Cancer cell secretion
Secretes colleganse + proteases –> done to walk on EC< + allows them to metastsize
Normal vs. Cancer size
Normal cells – usually larger (usually found in G0)
Cancer cells – Usullay smaller – usually going through cell cyle = going through mitosis = smaller
Normal vs. Cancer cytoplasmic ratio
Normal cells– Lower nucleus to cytoplasm ration
Cancer cells – Higher nuclues to cytoplasm ratio
Normal vs. Cancer cytosleloton
Normal cells – Cytoskeleton is organized
Cancer cells – Cytoskeleton is less organized
Normal vs. Cancer ECM
Normal cells – Exctensive ECM
Cancer cells – Low ECM (Have no firbrnotectin because it would make it get stuck and it wants to move)
Normal vs. Cancer layer growth
Normal cells – Grow in a single layer
Cancer cells – Grow in culture in multilayer (they have no contact inhibition = they don’t stop dividing)
Why do normal cells grow in one layer
Because normal cells are characterized by contact inhibition – once it is multilayer = the cells are in contact = they stop dividing
Normal vs. Cancer SCID mouse
Normal cells – No tumors in SCID mouse
Cancer cells – Generate tumors in SCID mouse –> used to test if you have cancer cells that generate a tumor
Normal vs. Cancer Serum need
Normal cells – serum dependent growth (need fetal calf serum)
Cancer cells – Don’t always require serum (depends on the cancer cell) –> some cancer is very clever
Normal vs. Cancer Growth factors
Normal cells– secrete few growth factors (unless they are designed to do that)
Cancer cells – Secrete their own Growth factors (Autocrine)
What cell secrete growth factors
- cancer cells
- normal cells in the hypothalamus – designed to secrete growth factors
Normal vs. Cancer telemeres
Normal cells – telemeres shortes every cell division
Cancer cells – telemeres never shorten (requirment for cancer)
Prerequistite for cancer
Long telemers – require that the telemeres never shorten
Telemer size
Somocent cells (few divisons = short telemers) –> Somatic cells (25-50 disvison – depends on teh age of the donor) –> Adult Stem cells (100-200) –> Cancer cells (immortal)
Cancer cell mortality
Cancer cells = immortal even though on occasion a few will go through apoptosis
Normal vs. Cancer genetic defects
Normal cells – few genetic defects
Cancer cells – Lots of mutations
Normal vs. Cancer Glycolysis
Normal cells – normal glycolysis
Cancer cells – warburg effect
Normal vs. Cancer cell memebrane
Normal cells – normal outter CM permeability
Cancer cells – higher permability of Cell memebrane (10X permeablity)
Normal vs. Cancer androgenic factors
Normal cells – don’t secrete andorgenic factors
Cancer cells – Solid tumors (some cancers) secrete androgenic factors
Example Androgenic factor
Why are tumors white
Because they have few blood vessels
Normal vs. Cancer Apoptosis
Normal cells – normal apoptosis
Cancer cells – can resist apoptosis –> can happen in many ways (ex. Virus)
Normal vs. Cancer RTKs
Normal cells – RTKs – receteprots that are stimulated by hormes/growth factors that cause cell to divise (normal = normal RTKs)
Cancer cells – defective RTKs (mutated) –> constitutive = not regulates (always turned on)
FDA + cancer drugs
DATELINE – FDA steps up to the plate
- FDA = issued warning letters to 14 companies for marketing supplements that can cure cancer but do not have a proven + documentable outcome
***65 products total
Suplement = not FDA apporved
Model organism for studying cancer
Zebra fish – used to study defective genes that cause melanoma
Ocular melanoma story
Ocular melanoma = 6/1 million BUT 4 friends in Auburn all have it
***Don’t know why they all have it
Example of time when there is a cluster of cancer –> more people have cancer than you would expect
General progression of cancer
- Intitaion (mutation event in somatic cell)
- Cancer progression (mutauin and genome detsabilization + dysregulation of growth control pathways)
- Have proliferating cells (takes time to make a tumor)
- Evasion of cancer elimination (Block apoptosis + blocj Killing by T-cells) –> Precacerous cells
- Apoptosis normally occurs because of tumor supressor genes BUT in cancer progression the cancer blocks the apoptosis
- Blocking T-cells = basis of immunotherapy –> because canver have receptors that say “don’t kill me” = the T-cells can’t kill it
- Tumor growth + dispersion
- Tumor can release factors to grow blood vessels
- Have angiogenisis (grow blood vessles) + metastsasis
- Tumor can release factors to grow blood vessels
Example precacerous cell
Colon polyp
First cancer vaccine – now can be used for both boys and girls to prevent up to 90% HPV infections that can cause cervical and other cancers
***They wanted the HPV vaccine to be required for girls going into highschool – very controvrsial
Texas: Former Gov. Rick Perry ( US Energy Secretary 2017 - 2019) mandated vaccination in 2007 (Merck donated $$ to his campaign) for girls and then reversed position due to public opposition
What causes cancer
MANY THINGS can cause cancer
1. Viruses
2. Radiation (UV light)
3. Chemical Mutangens
4. Blocking CDks/cylins
5. Defective tumor supressor genes
6. Defective DNA correction.DNA repair enzymes
7. Defects in apoptosis pathway
8. Defects on growth factor signalling path
9. Telemers
10. Cancer stem cells
11. Chromosmal translocation
12. DBA amplification
13. Overproducting and or mutating trasncription factors
***Once find out what causes cancer = can find treatments
Viruses that cause cancer
- Sacrcoma Virus
- SV40
- Epstein Barr Virus
History Sarcoma Virus
Reserachers found that virus caused cancer in 1911
1911 – reserachers = figured out that virsues can cause cancer using the Rous Sarcoma Virus (Rouse sarcoma = showed that viruses can cause cancer)
1970 – they still thought the basis of cancer was virsuses –> could not sequence things
Result of sequencing the Rouse Sarcoma Virus
- Found V-SRC – Rouse Sarcoma Virus
- Found V-SRC is similar to C-SRC
- C-SRC = protooncogene (normal gene)
- C-SRC is found in Us
- C-SRC = protooncogene (normal gene)
Virus = takes C-SRC and turns it into V-SRC –> turns it into a cancer gene
Virus that can cause cancer
***Has large T-antigen
Once it gets into cells it knows it needs to take out tumor supressor genes
SV40 T Antigen
Has to sites
Site #1 – for p53 gene
Site #2 – for R3 gene
Once it gets into cell it knows it needs to take out tumor supressor genes –> large T antigen takes out the tumor supressor genes
Human Pavlova Virus – virus that can cause cancer
***Causes cirvical carcinoma (HeLa cells)
- Gardasil = 1st cancer vaccine