Canada's Landform Regions Flashcards
Name Canada’s landform regions.
- Canadian Shield
- Interior Plains
- Hudson Bay- Arctic Lowlands
- Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Lowlands
- Appalacians
- Western Cordillera
- Innuitian Mountains
How many landform regions does Canada have?
Give 5 facts for the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Lowlands
- It is the most populated region of Canada
- It contains the largest group of inland lakes in the world
- The St. Lawrence is 1300 km long
- Has a mild climate because it is close to water
- Glacier deposits (marians) made rolling hills.
Give 5 facts for the Appalacians
- Was created when the African plate smashed into the North American plate.
- Large boulders and fjords are evidence of volcanoes and glaciers
- Highest tides in the world are found in the Bay of Fundy
- The prime industry is fishing.
- There is unpredictable fog due to conflicting air currents.
Give 5 facts for the Western Cordillera
- It is the western most region of Canada
- It was once a flat plain
- Contains the highest and most extensive mountain ranges
- The main industries are fishing and forestry
- It receives up to 250 mL of rainfall.
What are landform regions?
Areas defined by its common characteristics.
How do geographers organize their study of the earth?
By splitting it into regions.
What may be caused when land is violently pushed upwards?
Mountains can be worn down by what?
Wind, rain, running water, and ice.
What is the wearing down of the earth called?
How was Canada created?
Mountain building, weathering, and erosion.
What are Canada’s 3 distinctive landform types?
- Shield
- Highlands
- Lowlands
The region we are currently living in:
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Lowlands
Large oil and gas deposits are found beacse of the ancient coral reefs that once dominated the shallow inland seas here.
Interior Planes
The oldest highland region in Canada