CAMHS Flashcards
At roughly what age does stranger anxiety appear in infants?
~9 months
What are the 4 attachment types?
Secure (65%)
Insecure ambivalent (15%)
Insecure avoidant (20%)
Disorganised (4%)
What are the 3 domains in which people with autistic spectrum condition (ASC) struggle?
Social interaction
Rigidity of thinking
The problems persist across settings i.e. school and home. The problems must present before 36 months or it’s not ASC
How common is ASC?
Affects about 1 in 100 children.
Males more commonly affected than females.
What interventions are there to help someone with ASC?
MDT input with: Family support and educating the family, info and education, behaviour management, treating any comorbid psych conditions, Cygnet groups, speech therapy, teaching social skills.
What are the 3 key features of ADHD in children?
What is required for a DSM-5 diagnosis of ADHD?
At least 5 features of attention, hyperactivityimpulsivity problems and needs to have been present from an early age and present in more than one setting (school and home)
How is ADHD managed?
Make alterations to assist attention i.e. move to front of class, regular breaks, change task regularly. Teach behavioural methods. Parenting groups.
Medication: Methylphenadate (Ritalin).
What information should a patient’s parent be given if their child is started on Methylphenadate?
Works by stimulating the frontal lobe to inhibit behaviours.
Takes 1-2 days to have its effects.
Effective for ~3 years then effectiveness fades.
S/E: loss of apetite, affects height and weight (so avoid use outside of school if possible), cardiac arrhythmias
~50% will have stopped treatment by the time they are 18