cambridge book 9 test 1 Flashcards
enterprising (adj)
:having the ability to think of new activities or ideas and make them work
enterprise(noun) : the ability to think of new activities or ideas and make them work =girişim
*Some enterprising students are designing software.
*We’re looking for young people with enterprise and creativity.
even to the most parched deserts
=en kurak çöllere bile
cellular fluids
hücresel sıvılar
crustaceans (noun)
a small grey creature like an insect that lives under wood, stones etc
when the army of one country enters another country by force, in order to take control of it
invasion of
: very thorough and careful
: a thoroughgoing action or quality is complete
*The programme has been a thoroughgoing success.
manatee (noun)
a large sea animal with flippers and a large flat tail, which eats plants
=deniz ayısı
eski haline dönmek
on or towards the shore of a lake, river, sea etc
*Seals come ashore to breed.
**come/go ashore
having the same value, purpose, job etc as a person or thing of a different kind
**equivalent to
*a qualification which is equivalent to a degree
*I had no dollars, but offered him an equivalent amount of sterling.
equivalence (noun [uncountable])
one of the organs on the sides of a fish through which it breathes
* As well as having gills, Lungfish have primitive lungs with which they can obtain oxygen from the air.
the state of living in the form of a particular person or animal. According to some religions, people have several different incarnations.
*She believes she was an Egyptian queen in a previous incarnation.
=vücut bulma
incarnate(adj)=having taken human form *Jesus, the incarnate Son of God
incarnate(verb)=to represent a particular quality in a physical or human form *The crown incarnates national power.
a living creature that has a backbone
*Mosquitoes will feed on any vertebrate blood.
a person who returns to their own country after living in another country
in one respect
sed to say that something is true in one way, in some ways etc
*In many respects the new version is not as good as the old one.
descend (verb)
to move from a higher level to a lower one
OPP: ascend
*I heard his footsteps descending the stairs.
**descend to/from/into etc
if darkness, silence, a feeling etc descends, it becomes dark etc or you start to feel something, especially suddenly
*Total silence descended on the room.
date from
to have existed since a particular time in the past
*The church dates from the 13th century.
a small piece of something that has broken off or that comes from something larger *glass fragments **fragment of *fragments of broken pottery =parça
Ihtiyozor yeryüzündeki sürüngenlerden, ikinci zamanda denizlerde yaşamış ve soyu tükenmiş hayvan iskeleti bir timsahınkini andırır; sivri burunlu bir balık biçiminde tasvir edilir. Gövdeleri ve omurgalarının biçimi balığa benziyordu. Başları büyük, burunları uzun, üyeleri yüzgeç biçimindeydi
one of the thin body parts that a fish uses to swim
streamline (verb)
to make something such as a business, organization etc work more simply and effectively
=kolaylaştırmak, aerodinamik şekilde yapmak
*efforts to streamline the production process
to form something into a smooth shape, so that it moves easily through the air or water
*All these new cars have been streamlined.
streamlined (adjective)
=uygun hale getirmek
forelimb (noun)
ön ayak
involving three people or teams
*a triangular sporting competition
:to make a secret plan to harm a person or organization, especially a political leader or government
**plot to do something
*They had plotted to blow up the White House.=
Beyaz Saray’ı havaya uçurmayı planlamışlardı.
:plot out) to draw marks or a line to represent facts, numbers etc
*We plotted a graph to show the increase in sales figures this year.
**plot something on something
*You can plot all these numbers on one diagram for comparison.=Karşılaştırma için tüm bu sayıları tek bir diyagramda çizebilirsiniz.
a group of things of the same kind that are very close together
- *cluster of
- a cluster of low farm buildings
triangle (noun)
amphibious (adj)
able to live both on land and in water
thick (adj)
if something is thick, there is a large distance or a larger distance than usual between its two opposite surfaces or sides
OPP :thin
*a thick slice of homemade bread
draw out
draw something ↔ out to take money from your bank account
draw somebody ↔ out to make someone feel less shy and more willing to talk
*She just needed someone to draw her out and take an interest in her.
draw something ↔ out formal to mention a particular piece of information and explain it clearly and in detail
*There are two major themes to be drawn out in this discussion.
draw something ↔ out to make an event last longer than usual
*The final question drew the meeting out for another hour.
single branch
tek şube
nest (noun)
a place made or chosen by a bird to lay its eggs in and to live in
tekrar su yüzüne çıkmak
to have been elected to a parliament, council etc by the people in a particular area
*He represents the Congressional District of Illinois.
to be a symbol of something
*He hated the school and everything it represented.
stretching back
Geriye uzanmak
primeval (adj)
belonging to the earliest time in the existence of the universe or the Earth
*Primeval clouds of gas formed themselves into stars.
primeval feelings are very strong and seem to come from a part of people’s character that is ancient and animal-like
*the primeval urge to reproduce