Cam notes part 2 Flashcards
Enumerate the principles of integrative medicine (READ ON PPT)
RA 8423
an act that is responsible in the creation of the Philippine
Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), which
aims to accelerate the development of traditional and alternative
health care in the Philippines.
RA 8423: Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997
when was TAMA established?
READ OBJECTIVES OF RA 8423: Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997 (ON PPT)
sum of total knowledge, used in the prevention, diagnosis and elimination of physical or mental disorder.
Traditional and alternative health care
sum of total knowledge, maintain and improve their health towards wholeness of their being
Traditional medicine
Another name biomedicine
Western Medicine
Allopathic medicine
medical care advocating therapy with
remedies that produce effects differing from those of the diseases treated.
Technique or process
Non-allopathic, occasionally non-indigenous or imported healing methods.
Alternative health care modalities
Enumerate some alternative health care modalities
Nutritional therapy
Finish, labelled, medicinal products contain active ingredients
Herbal medicines
Foods that grow spontaneously in nature
Natural product
refers to foods that have been prepared from
grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, meats, fish, eggs, honey, raw milk, and the like,
without the use or addition of additives, preservatives, artificial colors and
flavors, or manufactured chemicals of any sort after harvest or slaughter.
Natural prodcut
all operations involved in the production
highly respected, knowledge of traditional remedicies
Traditional healers
legal basis by which the indigenous
communities exercise their rights to have access to, protect, control over
their cultural knowledge and product, including, but not limited to,
traditional medicines, and includes the right to receive compensation for it.
Intellectual property rights
“to improve the quality and delivery of health care services
to the Filipino people through the development of traditional and alternative health care
and its integration into the national health care delivery system
Philippine Institute of Traditional and
Alternative Health Care (PITAHC)
What is the vision of PITAHC
People’s health through traditional and alternative health care
Mission of PITAHC
“We lead in the research and development, promotion and advocacy, and
development of standards on traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM); and we ensure
its accessibility, availability, sustainability and integration into the national health care system.”
Read the powers and functions of PITAHC (PPT)
used to describe the treatment of medical conditions with
medications, by doctors, nurses and other conventional healthcare providers
who employ methods developed according to Western medical and scientific
Western medicine
What type of conventional treatment does western medicine use?
Physical therapy
4 Main Focus of Allopathic Medicine
- There is only one cause of any disease (the Doctrine of Specific Etiology)
- The body is a material entity, not unlike a machine with clockwork mechanisms
- The opposite cures
- Only methods found to be effective through rigorous scientific study are
appropriate means to a cure
only one cause of any disease
Doctrine of Specific Etiology
constantly treats the disease not the individual
Allopathic medicine
maintain connectedness of the human being to its environment
believes in simple, one-cause disease states
Allopathic medicine
Holistic medicine purports a multifactorial etiological model of disease
is used together with conventional
Complementary medicine
is used in place of conventional medicine
Alternative medicine
is used together with conventional
medicine in a deliberate manner that is personalized, evidence
based, and safe.
Integrative medicine