Calvin Quiz 7 Flashcards
Lucas Cranach
illustrated the important stores of the entire Bible in their proper order for a small book which became known as the layman’s Bible.
Johann Gerhard
Wrote the the Sacred Meditations
Andreas Bodenstein Karlstadt
Reacted against the medieval veneration of the saints by rejecting the retention and use statuary and paintings, particularly in alters, grounding his position on prohibition of graven images that the Jewish enumeration of the commandments had preserve das the second commandment when the early church incorporated this proscription into the first commandment.
Philip Melanchthon
Martin Bucer
Calvin’s influencer who advocated for a simple aesthetic of worship.
Thomas Cranmer
Wrote the “Book of Common Prayers”, which was a big inspiration in Calvin’s and Luther’s Life.
John Knox
Scottish Presbyterian Pastor/Activist . Strong advocate for the regulative principle and not going beyond Scripture.
Ulrich Zwingli
Concerned primarily with the reform of society as a whole in accordance with the Word of God.
Although the Lutheran tradition at the time of the Reformation itself appreciated and kept aspects of the traditional medieval ritual, what aspect was clearly repudiated?
Luther criticized the Medieval tradition for silencing God’s word and repudiated it.
What did Luther believe should govern liturgical decisions?
Luther believed that the conveying of the call for repentance and the proclamation of forgiveness through Christ’s saving work governed liturgical decisions.
How did Luther see the “catechism” as orienting the program of public worship?
Catechism referred to the core of biblical message as summarized in the traditional program for basic Christian instruction in the faith
Luther related the need for both “public order in worship” as well as “practicing Christian freedom in things not commanded in Scripture” to what Christian concern?
Luther advocated a deal of openness in public worship and pious practice as long as it was subject to God and loving to one’s neighbor.
In all the actual formal liturgies that he wrote, even going back to the 1523 “Formula Missae” still in Latin, Luther demanded that any language which suggested what particular medieval understanding of the Lord’s Supper must be excised?
The Mass being offered as Christ’s body and blood to God as a sacrifice in behalf of those in attendance was the understanding which Luther rejected.
Which famous Lutheran hymn is actually a paraphrase of the “entire metanarrative of the Bible”?
“Dear Christians, Let Us Now Rejoice”
What are the two points that Calvin makes in his tract “On the Necessity of Reforming the Church” by which he summarizes the entirety of Christianity?
First of the mode in which God is duly worshipped;
Secondly of the source from which salvation is to be obtained.
What two things did the Reformed Reformers claim that the knowledge of God given in Scripture should regulate?
The Knowledge of God regulates not only 1.) the meaning of worship in terms of its theological significance but also 2.) the liturgical shape and action of worship as actually manifested in the life of the church.
What Old Testament Biblical text did Know and Calvin (for example) cite as a key text informing them of the importance of what they called the “regulative principle”?
The Old Testament text was 1 Samuel 15.
To what key Reformational practical concern did the Reformed relate their emphasis on the “regulative principle”?
The motivation for an act of worship, no matter how sincere and well-intentioned, does not sanctify the action if the action itself is not explicitly commanded by God himself.
On the basis of what understanding have Reformed Churches been much more reticent about imagery used in worship in any way as compared to many other churches, even those within the magisterial Reformation heritage?
A strict application of the Reformed regulative principle, however, means that images of the divine are illegitimate because of the strictures of the second commandment.
What doctrinal category helped Owen to build his understanding of present believers through faith being brought into the glorious aesthetic of the “heavenly sanctuary” in the now?
Fulfillment of the temple in Christ as significant for the nature of Christians worship in abolishing not only the sacrifices but all the ceremonial elements attached to them.