Calvin Quiz 1 Flashcards
How did Luther translate the idea of “inspiration” as found un the text of 2 Timothy 3:16
Luther translated it as poured into, or given into. For Luther, the words of Scripture are the Holy Spirit’s gift to the writers and the readers.
What did Luther say was the role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation.
The Holy Spirit remains in and with the text to guide present interpretation. The Holy Spirit himself must expound scripture.
What does Kolb think is Luther’s understanding of the canon of Scripture
Kolb reasons that Luther paid little attention to questions of canonicity and simply preached on the received canon as he had learned it (the pericopal system).
How did Luther reconcile the differences he found in the account of Jesus’ calling Andrew into discipleship as that calling is met in Matthew and in Luke and in John?
Luther found it only reasonable that the evangelists did not describe every single detail in the same way.
What was the style/ nature of Luther’s preaching and lecturing?
Luther thought that if you teach the story of Christ in such a way that it makes it useful for us believers for our righteousness and salvation, so that we may know that all things which are in Christ are ours. This faith and knowledge of the Lord make us love , magnify, and glorify him.
What is the difference on the issues of scripture and tradition between what trueman calls “Evangelical Biblicism and the “Reformed” position?
In the medieval church the sacraments were focused on since that is were God met his people. But in the reformed tradition, the word was prioritized since that was were God was thought to meet his people.
What is meant by perspicuity when speaking of scripture?
By perspicuity is meant that there is the external clarity of the Bible in terms of the public accessibility of its teaching. Yet only regenerate persons who have the Holy Spirit can understand the meaning of Scripture in a way that applies its teaching to themselves in a salutary, saving manner.
What is meant by sufficiency when speaking of Scirpture?
The sufficiency of Scripture places the teaching of Scripture in the position of being the criterion by which the tradition of church teach is to be normed
How does Calvin view the main relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament?
Calvin’s position on the relationship of the OT and NT may be summarized in terms of Promise and fulfillment. They are the same in substance i.e God’s grace, but that substance is administered differently under each, the New presenting the fulfillment of the Old in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
What is the difference between “allegorical exegesis” and “typological exegesis”?
allegorical: assumes the bible has some hidden meaning that is usually spiritual
typological: recognizes and interprets scripture as it is, looking at a text within the whole frame of the biblical narrative.
What is the analogy of faith and what are the four main things that is assumes?
Since not all passages in Scripture are equally perspicuous and obscure passages are to be interpreted in light of those whose meaning is clear, Interpretation therefore involves comparison of various passages but also faith:
- Analogy of Faith assumes the coherence and consistency of the Bible’s teaching
- Analogy of Faith assumes the essential clarity of Scripture realtive to the basic elements of Christian catechesis: the Decalogue, the Lord’s Prayer, and the articles of the ancient creeds.
- Analogy of Faith assumes the legitimacy of drawing out doctrinal conclusions by good and necessary consequence from those passages that are deemed clear in order to provide interpretive insight into those that are obscure.
- Analogy of Faith assumes the basic interpretive dynamics of Scripture: the distinction between law and gospel and the overall redemptive scheme of biblical history as it culminates in Jesus Christ and the giving of the Spirit to the church.
How did Luther define Law and Gospel
Law: this design for human life that expresses God’s intent and expectations for the attitudes and actions of his human creatures.
Gospel: Embraced everything Mark has to tell about what Jesus said and did
How did Luther in his Catechisms change the order of instruction from that of medieval catechisms? What did Luther himself say about why he change the order from the ordering found in most medieval catechisms?
Luther distinguished three things that are necessary to be saved. First what a person should so and not do; second when he sees that he cannot do or not do these things by his own strength, that he know where to seek and find it so he can do these thing, and third that he know how to pursue and gain it. In short; Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord’s Prayer
What did Luther see as the rhythm of the Christian’s daily life? What term did Luther use for this rhythm?
Luther said that we should always be repenting(poenitentia)
What does Luther see as the primary way to characterize original sin?
The denial of God’s lordship and doubt of his Word.
What is the general Lutheran in particular and the three uses of the Law of God?
- Christians need the disciplining force of God’s law, its call to repentance, and its instruction in the details of faithful godly living.
- The law reveals inherited sin and its fruits. It shows human beings into what utter depths their nature has fallen and how completely corrupt it is.
- The law points out the remnants of sin in order that the knowledge of sin and repentance may grow.
What does Kolb say about Luther in particular and the three uses of the Law of God
The fact that the law functions apart from the intended use may explain why Luther did not indulge in extensive treatment of its uses.
Why have the reformed held that one should not preach the law in isolation
This is because preaching is the primary means by which the Word of God comes to individual and this preaching, while assuming the antithesis between law and gospel has to take account of the fact that biblical repentance is not a function of the law in and of itself.
For what reason does trueman give that Paul; first presents the gospel and then the law
The identity of the believers logcially precedes the ethical obligations of a believer. Because one is in Christ, therefore one is to act in certain ways.