california government Flashcards
Gold Rush, Rail Roads Boom, Black Gold Rush, Prosperity Rush, Dust Bowl Exoclus, Industrial Boom, Siege of the Service Men
What were California’s seven eras of rapid population growth (e.g., the Gold Rush)?
In the 1990s, what reversed the long and unbroken history of people moving to California?
End of the Cold War
By way of comparison, how big is California’s economy?
How much ‘political’ power does California have in Washington (e.g., seats in Congress)?
55 seats
How did the United States ‘get’ California?
Mexican American War Guadalupe Hedalgo
What were some of the key characteristics of the California Constitution of 1878?
Very Bad and Complex
Who were three famous turn-of-the-century progressives at the national and state level?
National- Teddy Roosevelt,
Regional-Robert Larolette, Hirem Johnson
How did the Great Depression affect California?
Blurred Traditional lines of responsibility
What are the issues surrounding the North-South and urban-rural rivalries in California?
Water 2/3 water goes to North. South 2/3 is needed but North has it. Urban- Rural development
How did WWII accelerate the US government’s role in California’s industry and economy?
huge subsides more money than God (smh)
What is the secret to winning a state-wide election in California?
Money and appeal
What are the four California (special interests/socio-economic) regions?
Bay area, Greater CA, Southern CA, Central Valley w/out LA
Proposition 1A (1966)
1A Full-time legislator
Proposition 8 (2008)\
8-Gay marriage one man one woman at the same time
Proposition 13 (1978)
13 property tax
Proposition 14 (2010)
14 blanket primary top 2
Proposition 22 (2000)
22 gay marriage is ok
Proposition 63 (1986)
63 official language is eng. in Cali
Proposition 98 (1988)
98 min school funding
Proposition 187 (1994)
187 no public service for illegals
Proposition 209 (1996)
209 end preferential action for woman of ethnic
What is the traditional relationship between political parties in California and their corresponding national organizations?
almost nonexistent
How did California progressives enhance the power of the public at the expense of the railroad-dominated parties at the turn-of-the-century?
California has impeachment recall proposition/initiative process referendum
What are the two major types of interest groups?
Special interest groups(broadly focused)/citizens groups(narrowly focused)
What is the most important task of any lobbyist?
to get access
Who are two of the best-known citizens’ group in California?
Sierra Club/ League of woman voters
What does the US Constitution say about your right to vote or run for political office?
not in the original constitution the CA constitution Article 2
What did the US Supreme Court say about the length of residency requirements for voting?
30 days
What did the Supreme Court rule concerning state-approved term limitations for Congress?
there are none
Which article of the California Constitution establishes the qualifications for voting?
Article 2
What primary system does California currently have? Why did the people change it?
blanket primary Top 2
What are the requirements for voting by absentee ballot in California?
7 days before election day
What are the general requirements to register to vote in California?
U.s citizen, 18 yrs old, can’t be insane, have to live in CA, can’t be a felon.
In California, once registered to vote, when must you re-register?
never unless you change your name, your party identification/ change countries
What are the requirements to run for Governor, the Senate, and the Assembly?
governor- us citizen/ 18 yrs old/ live in CA
Senate/Assembly Live in your district at least 1 yr
How many days before an election must a candidate declare?
60 days
What offices appear on the ballot without party affiliation and may be voted on by all voters?
All Judges/All Local Officials/Super Intendent of Public education
What are some characteristics about running for office in California (e.g., expensive)?
Complicated and expensive
What are some of the general characteristics of the California State Assembly and Senate?
Assembly-80 member 2 yr term 3yrs max
Senate-40 member 2yrs max
What are the general powers of the Governor?
same as president but smaller amount of ppl lineiterm veto to governor
What are the major political offices (and their powers/responsibilities) at the state level?
Attorney general/ Secretary of state/ controller/ treasurer
How many cities, counties, and special districts does California have?
478 cities
58 counties
3,400 special districts
How are seats in the Assembly and Senate apportioned?
by population
What are the four levels of courts in California? StATS
State Supreme Court
Traffic Court
Appeals Court
Superior Court
What are some of the general characteristics of the California’s judicial system?
The largest in the US
How can judges be removed from the bench (i.e., removed from office)?
- Impeachment
- Retirement
- Dies
- Recall Retirement for inability to perform
- Commit suicide
What determines the authority of local governments?
What are the types and general characteristics of city government?
Mayor/ Council/ Appointed person
What kind of government does the City of Fresno have? Fresno County?
Strong Mayor/ Charter/ City council
What are the general characteristics of special districts, and how are they organized?
most numerous organized by function
What are the three largest sources of state revenue?
Sales tax Motor taxes
personal income tax
What are the three largest state expenditures?
What are some of the current economic issues in California?
What are some of the quality-of-life issues in California (e.g., environmental)?
Lack of Water
Increase population
What are some of the current and projected social issues in California?
Welfare immigration education Water Law enforcement
What are some of the political issues in California?
illegal immigration
What are the demographics of California? How are they changing?
38 million people
500,000 plus people every year …
english language