Calculate Performance with TLR Flashcards
Departure from RW 09 in KSAN shows the following Engine Failure Takeoff Path: RWY - 09 ACARS - LENGTH - 8280 PMTOW - 7685 EFP - RT H240 NOTES -
What altitude would the crew initiate the right turn to a heading of 240?
Climb straight ahead to 1,000’ AFE then commence the turn to heading of 240.
Departure from RW 09 in KSAN shows the following Engine Failure Takeoff Path: RWY - 09 ACARS - LENGTH - 8280 PMTOW - 7685 EFP - RT H240 NOTES -
How long should a crew fly this heading?
Fly this heading to safely attain an altitude and position where radar vectors can be provided or a minimum en route or approach altitude.
Departure from RW 09 in KSAN shows the following Engine Failure Takeoff Path: RWY - 09 ACARS - LENGTH - 8280 PMTOW - 7685 EFP - RT H240 NOTES -
How does a Simple Special Engine Failure Takeoff Path differ from the above Standard Engine Failure?
A turn to a NAVAID or HDG is required prior to reaching 1,000’ AFE with a Simple Special.
Simple Departure from KSFO RW 19L has the following listed on the flight release: ---SPECIAL ENG FAIL TAKEOFF PROCEDURES--- RWY - 19L CLB - V2 VIA - REACHING - RWY END OR - D0.9 SFO TURN - -LT OAK FRA - 1013 HOLD - STD -IF OAK OTS THEN LT H050
In the event of an engine failure at V1, what speed does the above procedure have you fly?
Engine Failure climb speed of V2.
Simple Departure from KSFO RW 19L has the following listed on the flight release: ---SPECIAL ENG FAIL TAKEOFF PROCEDURES--- RWY - 19L CLB - V2 VIA - REACHING - RWY END OR - D0.9 SFO TURN - -LT OAK FRA - 1013 HOLD - STD -IF OAK OTS THEN LT H050
Why is nothing listed under VIA?
The procedure is runway heading initially - Engine failure heading is only listed if different than runway alignment.
Simple Departure from KSFO RW 19L has the following listed on the flight release: ---SPECIAL ENG FAIL TAKEOFF PROCEDURES--- RWY - 19L CLB - V2 VIA - REACHING - RWY END OR - D0.9 SFO TURN - -LT OAK FRA - 1013 HOLD - STD -IF OAK OTS THEN LT H050
What is the engine failure turn point for 19L in KSFO?
End of the runway or 0.9 DME from the SFO VOR.
Simple Departure from KSFO RW 19L has the following listed on the flight release: ---SPECIAL ENG FAIL TAKEOFF PROCEDURES--- RWY - 19L CLB - V2 VIA - REACHING - RWY END OR - D0.9 SFO TURN - -LT OAK FRA - 1013 HOLD - STD -IF OAK OTS THEN LT H050
When reaching the OAK VOR in the above procedure, what should the crew do?
Hold on the inbound course, standard hold.
Simple Departure from KSFO RW 19L has the following listed on the flight release: ---SPECIAL ENG FAIL TAKEOFF PROCEDURES--- RWY - 19L CLB - V2 VIA - REACHING - RWY END OR - D0.9 SFO TURN - -LT OAK FRA - 1013 HOLD - STD -IF OAK OTS THEN LT H050
Can a crew legally depart KSFO RW 19L if OAK VOR is out of service?
Yes, an alternate procedure of left turn heading 050 is listed.
In the FOM’s landing performance hierarchy - When reported, what should be used to determine landing performance?
Runway CC values.
When CCs are unavailable, what should be used to determine landing performance?
Contaminant type and Braking Action reports.
If Runway CC values for the same runway are different, for example, 5/4/3, which Runway CC value is used when performing a landing assessment?
3, the most restrictive.
Are Runway CCs bidirectional?
Yes, runways are evaluated to include displaced thresholds and are measured equally in either direction.
Use the flight release METAR and planned landing weights. (METAR - KBOI 211353Z 00000KT 5SM RASN BKN050 04/M04 A3003 RMK A02 SLP168 T00391039) (PLDW - 64005)
What is the heaviest achievable landing weight? What is the MIN LDG DIST - FLAPS 5 - NO THR REV CREDIT?
- 67,000 lbs
- 8,259’
What does TALPA stand for?
Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment.
What is RCAM?
Runway Condition Assessment Matrix. It is the tool used to assess and report surface conditions when contaminants are present via field condition (FICON). The RCAM maps contamination type and depth to Runway Condition Code (RwyCC).
What percentage of the runway surface needs to be covered for the runway to be contaminated?
Greater than 25%.
What does the RwyCC represent?
The Braking Action (BA) expected for a particular contaminant level.
What are RwyCCs used for?
- To determine landing distance.
- Used for departures to identify the runway third with the most limiting contaminant.
- Used to determine operating limitations such as crosswind limits with low runway friction.
A RwyCC value of 0 represents what type of BA?
NIL, and results in immediate runway closure.
How long can a FICON NOTAM be in effect?
24 hours and may not reflect actual condition and braking action.
What should a pilot do when they believe a NOTAM does not accurately reflect current conditions?
Consult the dispatcher, airport, or ATC to ascertain current runway information.