CAD Drugs Flashcards
Diagnostic results for stable angina:
normal ECG
normal troponin
Diagnostic results for unstable angina:
normal troponin
Diagnostic result for NSTEMI:
elevated troponin
Diagnostic result for STEMI:
elevated ST segment
Myocardial oxygen supply is determined by
Absolute volume of coronary blood flow
Oxygen carrying capacity of blood
Myocyte oxygen demand is influenced by:
Heart rate
Myocardial contractility
Myocardial wall stress
Treatment for supply side ischemia:
Anti-platelet and anti-coagulant drugs
Treatment for demand side ischemia:
CAD drugs
ST elevation indicates these conditions:
May be normal Acute myocardial infarction Variant angina pectoris Acute coronary spasm Pericardial effusion Left ventricle aneurysm
ST depression indicates these conditions:
Always abnormal
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Digitalis toxicity
More invasive CAD interventions:
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Used as noninvasive estimate of myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2):
Heart rate x Systolic blood pressure
Heart measure related to myocardial contractility:
Stroke volume (CO=HRxSV)
Considered the prototype of the nitrates group:
Oral bioavailability is low in these nitrates:
Isosorbide dinitrate
Nitrate not susceptible to first pass metabolism (100% BA):
Isosorbide mononitrate
Nitrate used as maintenance drug:
isosorbide mononitrate
Half-life and excretion of nitrates:
2-8 minutes; kidney
___ and ___ administration avoid nitrate first-pass metabolism, and ___ route provides rapid absorption:
Sublingual and transdermal; inhalational
Groups in the cell membrane that allow nitrate to enter:
sulfhydryl groups
Nitrate stimulated cGMP causes:
Intracellular Ca inhibiton (vasodilation)
Inhibition of calcium channels
Inhibition of mitochondrial respiration
Exogenous nitroglycerin is transformed by:
mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase
Effects of nitrates on circulation:
Reduced venous return (reduced preload)
Increased systemic arterial and CA diameter (reduced afterload, extrinsic compression)
Recruitment of collateral vessels
Reduced preload effects on myocardial supply/demand:
Increased coronary blood flow (supply)
Reduced myocardial wall stress (demand)
Adverse effects of nitrates:
Headache (meningeal artery)
Orthostatic hypotension (vasodilation)
Rebound withdrawal
Mechanisms of nitrate tolerance:
Volume expansion (retention of salt and water)
Neurohumoral activation (reflex tachycardia)
Free radical generation (damages heart)
Depletion of sulfhydryl groups
Phenomenon responsible for nitrates paradoxical aggravation of angina:
Coronary steal
Nitrates should not be administered to:
Systolic BP less than 90 mm/Hg or 30 mm/Hg below baseline Severe bradycardia (less than 50 bpm) Tachycardia RV infarction Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Aortic stenosis
These drugs may cause severe hypotension when given with nitrates:
PDE-5 inhibitors
β1 receptors promote the production of ___ and activated ____ channels:
cAMP; L-type Calcium
β-blockers enhance coronary blood flow by increasing ____, but this in turn leads to increased ___:
diastolic perfusion; preload
β-blockers used to treat CAD must be WITHOUT:
Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
β-blocker of choice for CAD patients with asthma:
Celiprolol (β2 agonistic activity)
CI in those taking β-blockers:
Verapamil and dilitazem
Anti-arrhythmics (amiodarone)
L-type Ca receptors are dominant in:
Cardiac and smooth muscle
CCB decrease effects on the heart:
Decreased contraction (inotropy) Decreased HR (chronotropy)
Ca has an anti-atherogenic effect and is needed in these coagulation factors:
Factors VII, IX, X, XIII, II and I
DHP CCB used in cerebral blood vessels:
DHP CCB used in coronary vessels:
CCB effect on cardiac preload:
Do not affect cardiac preload (little effect on venous beds)
Why does Nifedipine increase HR and contractility?
Very rapid vasodilation leading to reflex tachycardia
CCB are used to treat these types of angina:
Contraindicated in unstable angina or threatened MI:
Adverse effects of CCBs:
Hypotension (DHP) CHF exacerbation (verapamil and diltiazem) Conduction abnormalities (V & P) Edema GERD
Nifedipine should be used in conjunction with a ___ in patients with ischemic heart disease:
Indicated drugs in angina of effort:
Indicated drugs in vasospastic angina:
Indicated drugs in unstable angina:
ACE inhibitors
Nitrates + β-blockers cancel out these undesirable effects:
no effect on contractility
no effect on ejection time
This drug combination may result in AV block:
Diltiazem/Verampamil + β-blockers
Prototype ACE inhibitor:
More common type of AR blocker:
non-peptide (-sartan drugs)
ACE inhibitors are give to MI patients who are NOT:
ACE inhibitor precautions:
Bilateral renal artery stenosis
P-FOX prototype:
P-FOX adjunct used in surgical intervention:
Benefit of P-FOX drugs:
promotes shift towards more oxygen-efficient glucose pathway
How does ranolazine blunt the effects of ischemia?
Inhibits the late Na current responsible for Ca overload (electrical and mechanical dysfunction)
PCI is indicated in:
Single or double vessel disease
Inability to tolerate surgery
CABG is indicated in:
Triple vessel or left main disease
Diabetes mellitus
Failed PCI