CAD Flashcards
C/I to any kind of stress testing:
- acute MI
- cardiac ischemia
Vasodilators should not be used in: (4)
- hypotension
- high degree AV heart block
- active wheezing (may exacerbate COPD or asthma sxs)
Pharmacological stress testing is used in these patients:
- pts who cannot exercise
- used w/ baseline ekg abnormalities (like LBBB) which would obscure the ST segment elevation during exercise
Only C/I to MPI:
Pregnancy bc radioactive tracer
This test can be used to assess the viability of a hibernating myocardium:
Stress echo using dobutamine
What are the appropriate pts for cardiac stress testing: (5)
1- new onset HF or cardiomyopathy w/o planned cardiac catheter
2- pt. W/ CHD w/ worsening or new sxs
3- pt. W/ ACS who was previously treated conservatively w/o cath; risk stratify w/in 3 months
4- sxs suggestive of angina w/ intermediate or high pre-test probability of CHD
5- pts w/ active cardiac conditions as pre-op evaluation for non-cardiac elective surgeries
Cardiac stress testing: inappropriate pts (3)
1- active chest pain or ACS sxs
2- pts. w/o coronary dx sxs
3- pts. w/ prior coronary cath and no new sxs <5 years w/ CABG or <2 years w/ PCI
Low risk pts. that would not benefit from stress test and need to consider other diagnosis:
- women w/ atypical CP <49 y.o.
- women w/ non-anginal CP <59 y.o.
- males w/ non-anginal CP <39 y.o.
High risk pts. unlikely to benefit from a stress test and require immediate coronary angiography:
- men w/ typical CP >40 y.o.
When is CABG superior to stenting? (3)
1- >50% stenosis in left main coronary artery
2- multi-vessel dz in DM
3- 3 main epicardial coronary arteries w/ left ventricular systolic dysfx (EF < 50%)
Type 1 MI:
Spontaneous MI related to a primary coronary event, such as a plaque rupture
Type 2 MI:
MI secondary to ischemia due to either increased oxygen demand or decreased supply e.g. coronary artery spasm, coronary embolism, anemia, arrythmias, hypo/hypertension
Type 3 MI:
Sudden unexpected cardiac death
Type 4A MI:
MI associated w/ PCI
Type 4B MI:
MI associated w/ stent thrombosis as documented by angiography or at autopsy
Type 5 MI:
MI associated w/ CABG
Tx cocaine induced coronary ischemia
- nitrates and non-DHP CCB