CA KV 2020 Flashcards
CA - What time is a crew member expected to report for duty
Report time listed on trip sheet (45min dom - 1hr I’ntl)
FOM 4.15
FO - What time is a crew member required to report to the aircraft or expected arrival gate?
35 minutes FOM 4.15
CA - What action should be taken to modify a report time due to late arrival at an overnight station?
PIC coordinates with Crew Support to determine a report time consistent with the required crew rest. FOM 4.15
FO - when is a crew member released from duty?
15 minutes after completion of the last scheduled flight segment or aircraft movement. FOM 4.15
CA - how is the fit for duty affirmation accomplished?
Flight view activation attests fit for duty FOM 4.4
FO - in the absence of EFB connectivity, what must be done to accomplish fit for duty affirmation?
Contact the dispatcher for a manual activation. Both crew members must independently state each is fit for duty FOM 4.5
CA - what documents are crew members required to possess when reporting for duty on a domestic flight?
Pilot certificate, Medical, company ID and FED/state ID
FOM 4.16
FO - What documents/equipment is required for international flights
Radio operators permit, Passport, if corrective lenses are required for flight - spare set. FOM 4.16
CA - What actions should be taken in the event a crew member has lost or misplaced their pilot certificate or medical certificate?
The pilot contacts crew support and requests issuance of the required proof of certificate. FOM 4.17
FO - how long is the company issued temporary proof of airman or medical certificate valid for?
72 hours FOM 4.17
CA - what equipment must a crew member posses when reporting for duty?
working headset, Flashlight, EFB, flight bag suitable for carrying EFB FOM 4.17
FO - regarding report for duty requirements and EFB requirements, what does good working order mean?
no damage, no screen cracks, defects, or other known conditions that prevent it from working properly. FOM 4.17 3105 EFB 2.2
CA - what are the report for duty requirements for the backup battery?
100 % 3105 EFB 2.2
FO - what are the currency requirements for the Jeppesen Flight Deck Pro and Company Manuals?
data must have been synced and downloaded within the preceding 4 calendar days 3105 EFB 2.2
CA - when reporting for duty with flying on that day, must be in uniform
yes FOM A.12 definition of FDP
CA - what does emergency fuel provide? What are the values?
30 minutes of endurance, 1050/1500/1550
SOPM 5-01.7
FO - what does minimum fuel provide? what are the values?
go-around fuel 450/600 plus emergency fuel. 1500/2100/2150
SOPM 5-01.7
CA - you are holding over JAKSN, what is the minimum fuel on board before you would need to divert to KPDX
fuel at JAKSN - hold and contingency fuel
FO - Assuming an inoperative FMS. how much fuel is required to fly to an unplanned diversion airport 100 miles away based of the landing weight on the release?
Unplanned diversion chart and release, account for HW/TW and Planned landing weight.
CA - when is a cold weather pre-flight inspection required?
- OAT is 5C degrees or less
- Atmospheric conditions conducive to icing exist
- Aircraft has remained overnight and may have been subject to contamination
- Through flight and residual ice from inbound may have accumulated
- Wing fuel temp is 0C or less
FO - how is a cold weather preflight pre-flight inspection conducted
visual and tactile check to determine if critical surfaces are free from frozen contamination GDPM 2800
CA - what is the clean aircraft concept
an aircraft must not takeoff when frost, ice, or snow is adhering to the wings, control surfaces, engine inlets, and other critical surfaces of the aircraft GDPM 2800
FO - is it ever permissible to takeoff with contaminants on the under surface of the wing and if so what type of contamination and what maximum thickness?
yes - frost when fuel temp is 0C or less and to a maximum depth of 1/8 of an inch. GDPM 2800
CA - what is holdover time?
it is an estimate of the time the deice/anti-icing fluid is effective in preventing the formation of frost, ice, or the accumulation of snow on a treated surface. HOT begins when the first application of the last stage of deice/anti-ice begins and end when the fluid looses its effectiveness.
FO - what is the HOT for the following conditions?
Clariant SW MP IV launch -10C, FZDZ
CA - if the snowfall intensity is absent in an official weather observation, how is snowfall intensity determined when calculating a HOT
use the visibility table (table 43) in the eHOT app
FO - is it advisable to use the snowfall intensities as a function of prevailing visibility chart when visibility is reduced by snowfall as well as other forms of obscuration like FU, DZ, FG?
no, use the METAR reported snowfall intensity. Table 43 last note
CA - during the Pre Deice/Anti-ice check, what elements are communicated with the flight deck.
Element A - type and location of fluid to be used GDPM 2800
FO - What elements are required to be communicated from de-ice personnel to flight crew?
Element E - post de-ice and or anti-ice check for clean surface is complete. GDPM 2800
Is the flight deck de-ice /anti-ice checklist run as a challenge and response?
FO - what is a pre-takeoff check and when is it required
check that representative surfaces are clear of frozen contamination as close to takeoff as possible using PIC determined representative surfaces. There is a (within HOT and HOT exceeded PTC)
CA - what is normally the representative surface on SkyWest aircraft
outer left wing viewable from the PIC flight deck seat
FO - what action must be take if the crew member conducting the pre-takeoff check is unable to determine if the representative surface is free of frozen contamination.
repeat the De-ice/ anti ice procedure
CA - how do you determine if the Anti-ice fluid as failed?
fluid is not glossy- dull rough, unable to discern surface features below fluid, frozen contamination accumulation on the surface.
FO - when is the pre-takeoff contamination check required
1- hot exceeded, 2- operations is heavy snow (700/900/175) 3 - HOT is no longer valid due to changing weather conditions
CA - how is the pretakeoff contamination check conducted?
Pilot out of flight deck procedures are utilized, parking brake is set and aircraft will be static, landing-taxi lights are out. announcement is made. check made from the cabin ask passengers to move from appropriate seats, flashlight in one window and looking through another.
CA - what is the definition of a dry runway
one that is neither wet or contaminated
FO - what is the definition of a wet runway?
more that 25% of the runway portion to be used is covered by visible dampness 1/8 inch in depth or less
CA - what is the definition of a contaminated runway?
more that 25% of length and width to be used had more that 1/8 inch of water or its frozen contamination equivalent or any depth of compacted snow or ice.
FO - are runway RwyCC values permitted to be used when calculating takeoff performance?
N0, FOM 7.5 adverse weather
CA - how are FICON contaminants applied to takeoff performance if RwyCC values are not permitted to be used for takeoff?
FICON NOTAMS are used to determine runway contamination level.
FO - what limits are considered by the dispatcher when calculating MFPTW?
Structural - MTOW, METW, MLDW+ planned burnoff
CA - if actual OAT is greater that POAT is it permissible to use the reduced power settings from the TLR?
NO - normal thrust is required
FO - when are flight crews required to make a landing distance performance assessment and determine actual landing distance.
when conditions at the destination are different from those planned or when the crew needs to know the absolute performance capability in an emergency abnormal/irregular condition (SOPM 4.10-12) Non-normal conditions (performance handbook)
CA - Based on the planned landing weight and conditions, what is the minimum landing distance if the RCC is reported a 5/3/5.
use the TLR for RCC 3, ACARS aerodata performance or QRH PERF ch 6 or 7 as appropriate.
FO - what RwyCC values or braking action reports prevent a takeoff or landing with a crosswind component of greater than 10kts
-RwyCC 1 or 2
-BA poor
FOM 7.7
CA - if a discrepancy exists between a braking action PIREP and a reported RwyCC, which report shall be used to determine landing performance.
the most conservative estimation shall be used (FOM 7.5)
FO - what is the minimum runway length for all aircraft types
5400 feet
CA - what is the minimum runway length for a sat level 3 or lower less that 4000 ft for a CRJ700
5200 feet
FO - what is the engine fail procedures for the planned departure runway?
STD, Simple special and complex special procedures
CA - on a simple special engine failure procedure in IMC, when can radar vectors be accepted if available.
above FRA
FO - is a complex special engine failure procedure mandatory in VMC
yes fliteview manual manifest image from the briefing and have the crew calculate the following performance section.
V speeds
MRTW with EAI N1 with EAI
?? old release?