CA III Midterm Flashcards
recording of electrical activity in the brain, whose cells emit distinct patterns of rhythmic electrical impulses
electroencephalography (EEG)
recording of electrical signals (action potentials) that occur in a muscle when it is at rest and during contraction to assess nerve damage
electromyography (EMG)
needle puncture of the spinal cavity to extract spinal fluid for diagnostic purposes, introduce anesthetic agents into the spinal canal, or remove fluid to allow other fluids to be injected; aka spinal puncture or spinal tap
lumbar puncture
test that measures the speed at which impulses travel throughout a nerve
nerve conduction velocity (NCV)
series of chemical, microscopic, and microbial tests used to diagnose disorders of the CNS. including viral and bacterial infections, tumors, and hemorrhage
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis
radiography of the blood vessels after introduction of a contrast medium
radiography of the blood vessels of the brain after injection of a contrast medium
cerebral angiography
imaging technique achieved by rotating an x-ray emitter around the area to be scanned and measuring the intensity of the transmitted rays from different angles
computed tomography (CT)
diagnostic radiological examination of the spinal canal, nerve roots, and spinal cord after injection of a contrast medium into the spinal canal
scan using CT to record the positrons emitted from a radiopharmaceutical and produce a cross-sectional image of metabolic activity in body tissues to determine the presence of a disease
positron emission tomography (PET)
imaging procedure using high frequency sound waves that display the reflected echoes on a monitor
ultrasound (US)
US technique used to study intracranial structures of the brain and conditions that cause a shift in the midline structures of the brain
technique that exposes abnormal tissue to extreme cold to destroy it
precise method of locating and destroying sharply circumscribed lesions on specific, tiny areas of pathological tissue in deep-seated structures of the CNS
stereotaxic radiosurgery
partial destruction of the thalamus to treat intractable pain, involuntary movements, or emotional disturbances