CA - Central Coast Flashcards
What Counties make up
Central Coast AVA?
NOTE: although Santa Cruz Mountains and Ben Lomond Mountain are located here the TTB specifically excludes them from inclusion in Central Coast (I have no idea why)
San Francisco County
- San Francisco Bay (shared with Contra Costa, Solano, Alameda, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and San Mateo Counties)
- *Contra Costa County**
- has San Francisco Bay (see above for shared counties), and Livermore Valley (shared with Alameda)
- *Alameda_ _County**
- has San Francisco Bay (see above for shared counties), and Livermore (shared with Contra Costa)
- *San Mateo_ _County**
- has San Francisco Bay (see above for shared counties)
- *Santa Clara_ _County**
- has San Francisco Bay (see above for shared counties), Santa Clara Valley (and the sub-AVA San Ysidro)
- *Santa Cruz_ _County**
- (Santa Cruz Mountains (and sub-AVA Ben Lomond Mountain) are here but TTB explicitly excludes them from Central Coast)
- *San Benito_ _County**
- has Pacheco Pass, Cienega Valley, Paicines (and sub-AVA Lime Kiln Valley), Mount Harlan, and Chalone (shared with Monterey County/Valley)
- *Monterey_ _County**
- Monterey (and sub-AVA: Santa Lucia Highlands, Chalone {shared with S.Benito Cty}, and Arroyo Seco), and Carmel Valley
- *San Louis Obispo County** (partially)
- Paso Robles, York Mountain, Edna Valley, Arroyo Grande, and Santa Maria Valley (shared with S.Barbara Cty)
- *Santa Barbara County** (partially)
- has Santa Maria Valley (shared with S.L. Obispo Cty), Santa Ynez Valley (and sub-AVA Sta. Rita Hills, Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara, and Ballard Canyon)

What Counties is
San Francisco Bay AVA in?
NOTE: although Santa Cruz Mountains* and *Ben Lomond Mountain are located here the TTB specifically excludes them from inclusion in Central Coast (I have no idea why)
- *Solano County**
- does NOT include any AVA of Solano County
San Francisco County
San Mateo County
- *Contra Costa County**
- includes sub-AVA: Livermore Valley (shared with Alameda Cty)
- *Alameda County**
- includes sub-AVA: Livermore Valley (shared with Contra Costa Cty)
- *Santa Clara County**
- includes sub-AVA: Pacheco Pass* (shared with San Benito Cty), and *Santa Clara Valley* (and sub-AVA: *San Ysidro)
- *San Benito County**
- includes Pacheco Pass (shared with Santa Clara Cty)
- does NOT include any other AVA of San Benito County

What are the AVA of
Alameda County?
- *San Francisco Bay**
- shared with San Francisco, Contra Costa, Solano, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and San Mateo Counties
- *Livermore Valley**
- shared with Contra Costa County

What are the AVA of
Contra Costa County?
- *San Francisco Bay**
- shared with San Francisco, Solano, Alameda, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and San Mateo Counties
- *Livermore Valley**
- shared with Alameda County

What are the AVA of
San Mateo County?
- *San Francisco Bay**
- shared with San Francisco, Contra Costa, Solano, Alameda, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and San Benito Counties

What are the AVA of
Santa Cruz County?
- *San Francisco Bay**
- shared with San Francisco, Contra Costa, Solano, Alameda, Santa Clara, San Benito, and San Mateo Counties
- *Santa Cruz Mountains***
- contains: Ben Lomond Mountain
- *Ben Lomond Mountain***
- completely inside Sant Cruz Mountains
- **NOTE**:
- Santa Cruz Mountains* (and sub-AVA Ben Lomond Mountain) are here but TTB explicitly excludes them from Central Coast

What are the AVA of
Santa Clara County?
- *San Francisco Bay**
- shared with San Francisco, Contra Costa, Solano, Alameda, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and San Mateo Counties
- *Santa Clara Valley**
- contains San Ysidro
- *San Ysidro**
- completely inside Santa Clara Valley

What are the AVA of
San Benito County?
- *San Francisco Bay**
- shared with San Francisco, Contra Costa, Solano, Alameda, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and San Mateo Counties
- *Pacheco Pass**
- shared with Santa Clara County
Cienega Valley
- *Paicines**
- contains Lime Kiln Valley
- *Lime Kiln Valley**
- completely inside Paicines
Mount Harlan
San Benito
- *Chalone**
- shared with Monterey County/Valley

What are the AVA of
Monterey County?
- *Monterey**
- has Santa Lucia Highlands, Arroyo Seco*, *San Bernabe*, *San Lucas*, and *Hames Valley
Carmel Valley
- *Santa Lucia Highlands**
- completely inside Monterey
- *Arroyo Seco**
- completely inside Monterey
- *Chalone**
- shared with San Benito County
- *San Bernabe**
- completely inside Monterey
- *San Lucas**
- completely inside Monterey
- *Hames Valley**
- completely inside Monterey
San Antonio Valley

What are the AVA of
San Luis Obispo County?
Paso Robles
(“Adele Willows when Tempted by Margaritas”)
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
- (“Miguel Stars in Generous Porn”)*
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
- (“Juan is High on Crest”)*
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
- *York Mountain**
- just outside the borders of Paso Robles…
Edna Valley
Arroyo Grande
- *Santa Maria Valley** (partially)
- shared with Santa Barbara County (vast majority is in SB)
NOTE: only part of San Luis Obispo County is inside Central Coast AVA

What are the AVA of
Santa Barbara County?
- *Santa Maria Valley**
- shared with San Luis Obispo County (vast majority is in SB)
Santa Ynez Valley
- Sta. Rita Hills
- Ballard Canyon
- Los Olivos District
- Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara
- *Sta. Rita Hills**
- completely inside Santa Ynez Valley
- *Ballard Canyon**
- completely inside Santa Ynez Valley
- *Los Olivos District**
- completely inside Santa Ynez Valley
- *Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara**
- completely inside Santa Ynez Valley
NOTE: only part of Santa Barbara County is inside Central Coast AVA

In what County is
Paso Robles AVA?
San Luis Obispo

has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.
What are the “Western Hilly Areas”
of Paso Robles?
“Adele Willows when Tempted by Margaritas”
Adelaida District
Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
Templeton Gap District
Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland Valleys Areas
(“Miguel Stars in Generous Porn”)
San Miguel District
Paso Robles Estrella District
Paso Robles Geneseo District
El Pomar District
Inland Hilly Areas
(“Juan is High on Crest”)
San Juan Creek
Paso Robles Highlands District
Creston District
- York Mountain AVA sits west of Paso Robles; just outside the borders of the AVA…

What are the “Inland Valleys”
of Paso Robles?
“Miguel Stars in Generous Porn”
San Miguel District
Paso Robles Estrella District
Paso Robles Geneseo District
El Pomar District
Western Hilly Areas
(“Adele Willows when Tempted by Margaritas”)
Adelaida District
Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
Templeton Gap District
Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland Hilly Areas
(“Juan is High on Crest”)
San Juan Creek
Paso Robles Highlands District
Creston District
- York Mountain AVA sits west of Paso Robles; just outside the borders of the AVA…

What are the “Inland Hilly Areas”
of Paso Robles?
“Juan is High on Crest”
San Juan Creek
Paso Robles Highlands District
Creston District
Western Hilly Areas
(“Adele Willows when Tempted by Margaritas”)
Adelaida District
Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
Templeton Gap District
Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland Valleys Areas
(“Miguel Stars in Generous Porn”)
San Miguel District
Paso Robles Estrella District
Paso Robles Geneseo District
El Pomar District
- York Mountain AVA sits west of Paso Robles; just outside the borders of the AVA…

In what County is
Los Olivos District AVA?
Santa Barbara
Los Olivos District AVA* is completely inside *Santa Ynez AVA
also inside Santa Ynez AVA:
- Sta. Rita Hills
- Ballard Canyon
- Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara

In what County is
Ben Lomond Mountain AVA?
Santa Cruz
Ben Lomond Mountain is completely inside Santa Cruz Mountains AVA
- Santa Cruz Mountains AVA* (and sub-AVA *Ben Lomond Mountain*) are here but TTB explicitly excludes them from *Central Coast AVA (I have no idea why).

In what County is
Hames Valley AVA?
Hames Valley AVA* is completely inside *Monterey AVA
also inside Monterey AVA:
- Santa Lucia Highlands
- Arroyo Seco
- San Bernabe
- San Lucas*

In what County is
Arroyo Seco AVA?
Arroyo Seco AVA* is completely inside *Monterey AVA.
also inside Monterey AVA:
- Santa Lucia Highlands
- San Bernabe
- San Lucas
- Hames Valley*
- do not confuse this with the Arroyo Grande AVA inside San Luis Obispo

In what County is
Pacheco Pass AVA?
Shared between:
Santa Clara
San Benito

In what County is
San Bernabe AVA?
San Bernabe AVA* is completely inside *Monterey AVA.
also inside Monterey AVA:
- Santa Lucia Highlands
- Arroyo Seco
- San Lucas
- Hames Valley*

In what County is
Chalone AVA?
Shared between:
Monterey County/Valley
San Benito

In what County is
Arroyo Grande AVA?
San Luis Obispo
- do not confuse this with the Arroyo Seco AVA inside Monterey

In what County is
San Lucas AVA?
San Lucas AVA* is completely inside *Monterey AVA.
also inside Monterey AVA:
- Santa Lucia Highlands
- Arroyo Seco
- San Bernabe
- Hames Valley*

In what County is
Santa Lucia Highlands AVA?
Santa Lucia Highlands AVA* is completely inside *Monterey AVA.
also inside Monterey AVA:
- Arroyo Seco
- San Bernabe
- San Lucas
- Hames Valley*

In what County is
Paicines AVA?
San Benito
Paicines has 1 sub-AVA:
- Lime Kiln Valley

In what County is
Estrella District AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
Lime Kiln Valley AVA?
San Benito
Lime Kiln Valley AVA* is completely inside *Paicines AVA

In what County is
Happy Canyon AVA?
Santa Barbara
full name is:
Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara AVA
Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara AVA* is completely inside *Santa Ynez AVA
also inside Santa Ynez AVA:
- Sta. Rita Hills
- Ballard Canyon
- Los Olivos District

In what County is
Edna Valley AVA?
San Luis Obispo

In what County is
Santa Margarita Ranch AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
Creston District AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
Geneseo District AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
Cienega Valley AVA?
San Benito

In what County is
Santa Ynez AVA?
Santa Barbara
Santa Ynez AVA has 4 sub-AVA:
- Sta. Rita Hills
- Ballard Canyon
- Los Olivos District
- Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara

In what County is
San Juan Creek AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
Lamorinda AVA?
Contra Costa

In what County is
Paso Robles Highlands District AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
York Mountain AVA?
San Luis Obispo

In what County is
Ballard Canyon AVA?
Santa Barbara
Ballard Canyon AVA* is completely inside *Santa Ynez AVA
also inside Santa Ynez AVA:
- Sta. Rita Hills
- Los Olivos District
- Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara

In what County is
Livermore Valley AVA?
Shared between:
Contra Costa

In what County is
Santa Clara Valley AVA?
Santa Clara
Santa Clara Valley has 1 sub-AVA:
- San Ysidro

In what County is
Willow Creek District AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
San Ysidro AVA?
Santa Clara
San Ysidro is completely inside Santa Clara Valley AVA

In what County is
Monterey AVA?
Monterey has 5 sub-AVA:
- Santa Lucia Highlands
- Arroyo Seco*
- Hames Valley
- San Lucas
- San Bernabe*

In what County is
San Antonio AVA?

In what County is
San Miguel District AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
Sta. Rita Hills AVA?
Santa Barbara
Sta. Rita Hills AVA* is completely inside *Santa Ynez AVA
also inside Santa Ynez AVA:
- Ballard Canyon
- Los Olivos District
- Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara

In what County is
Adelaida District AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
Santa Cruz Mountains AVA?
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Mountains has 1 sub-AVA”
- Ben Lomond Mountain
- Santa Cruz Mountains AVA* (and sub-AVA *Ben Lomond Mountain*) are here but TTB explicitly excludes them from *Central Coast AVA (I have no idea why).

In what County is
Santa Maria Valley AVA?
Shared between:
Santa Barbara
San Luis Obispo
- only a small amount is in San Luis Obispo. The vast majority of acreage is in Santa Barbara

In what County is
Templeton Gap District AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
El Pomar District AVA?
San Luis Obispo
This is one of the sub-AVA of Paso Robles AVA
has 11 sub-ava:
Western hilly coastal area:
- Adelaida District
- Paso Robles - Willow Creek District
- Templeton Gap District
- Santa Margarita Ranch
Inland valley areas:
- San Miguel District
- Paso Robles Estrella District
- Paso Robles Geneseo District
- El Pomar District
Inland hilly areas:
- San Juan Creek
- Paso Robles Highlands District
- Creston District
York Mountain AVA also sits just to the west of Paso Robles, just outside the border.

In what County is
Mount Harlan AVA?
San Benito