c9 - crude oil and fuels Flashcards
why is there a large number of carbon compounds?
carbon atoms have the ability to form families of similar compounds
what can carbon atoms bond together to form?
chains and rings that form the ‘skeletons’ of molecules
what are carbon compounds generally used for?
fuels to run cars, to warm homes, to generate electricity
define crude oil
- a finite resource found in rocks
- mixture of many different compounds that boil at different temperatures
- is separated to make useful fuels
how was crude oil formed?
formed over millions of years from plankton that were buried in mud
give one way to separate a mixture of liquids?
what are fractions?
a component of crude oil, which has its own particular molecular composition, weight, and boiling point
define hydrocarbons
- molecules containing only hydrogen and carbon
- found in crude oil
define alkanes
saturated hydrocarbons
- all their carbon-carbon bonds are single covalent bonds
- this means they contain as many hydrogen atoms as possible in each molecule and no more can be added
give the general formula of alkanes
give the formula for methane
give the formula for ethane
give the formula for propane
give the formula for butane
how is crude oil separated?
fractional distillation