C6 - Religion and Social Action Flashcards
What is love? [2]
it’s a profound and selfless commitment to care for, support, and prioritise the well-being of others
Why is love essential? [3]
- fosters connection
- fosters compassion
- fosters understanding
What is agape? [2]
unconditional love that is selfless and compassionate, as taught by Jesus in the Gospels.
What are the 2 greatest commandments? [2]
- “Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul, and mind”
- “Love your neighbour as yourself”
How can we serve others? [2]
- helping or caring for others
- through personal commitment of time, effort, and resources.
What are examples of agape in the Bible? [4]
- Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross
- wash disciples feet
- Jesus healing others
- Good samaritan
What does it mean to serve? [3]
- to selflessly help others
- to prioritise their needs over our own
- to act with humility, compassion and willingness
What is a masochist? [1]
finds pleasure in someone else’s pain
What is humanity? [2]
being Stewards of the Earth for God
What do Christians believe about the Earth? [3]
- that it belongs to God
- that they’re the caretakers
- they need to protect it and use its resources wisely
What is Stewardship? [2]
the responsibility of managing and caring for the Earth and its resources on behalf of God.
Where are the greatest commandments found in the Bible? [1]
Matthew 22: 37-39
What does to love our neighbour look like? [5]
- treating others with the same care, kindness and respect we would want
- sharing what we have with those in need
- offering forgiveness when mistakes are made
- listening and valuing other experiences
- standing up for justice
How can Christians act as Stewards? [3]
- recycling
- reducing energy use
- joining environmental campaigns
How does God creating the Earth support Stewardship? [2]
- gives Christians a reason to see the Earth as sacred and worth protecting.