C4.1 - Easter and Holy Week Flashcards
What is Holy Week? [2]
- final week of Lent
- the most important week in the Christian calendar
What does the Holy Week include? [4]
- Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem
- The Last Supper
- His Crucifixion
- His Resurrection
Why is Holy Week important to Christians? [2]
- reminds christians of Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity’s sins
- gives hope through resurrection
What symbol represents Palm Sunday and what does it symbolise? [2]
- palm leaf
- honour and kingship
What symbol represents Maundy Thursday and what does it symbolise? [2]
- chalice
- Jesus’ body and blood
What symbol represents Good Friday and what does it symbolise? [2]
- cross
- sacrifice
What symbol represents Holy Saturday and what does it symbolise? [2]
- candle
- hope
What symbol represents Easter Sunday and what does it symbolise? [2]
- empty tomb
- victory over death
What is the spiritual importance of Holy Week? [2]
- deepens an individual’s faith and connection with God
- focuses on prayer and personal reflection
What is the social importance of Holy Week? [2]
- brings people together as a community
- emphasises shared worship, traditions and activities that strengthen bonds between families
What might Christians learn from Jesus’ actions during Holy Week? [2]
- humility, obedience and selfless love
- inspires them to serve others
What are Palm Branches used for on Palm Sunday? [1]
- used to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem
What is Hosanna on Palm Sunday? [2]
- means ‘save us now’
- shouted by the crown during entry
Why did Jesus ride a donkey into Jerusalem? [1]
- symbolised humility and peace
What are the key moments of Palm Sunday and descriptions? [6]
- preparation: Jesus sent His disciple to fetch a donkey
- arrival: Jesus entered Jerusalem; crowds laid down branches
- proclamation: the crowd shouted ‘Hosanna’ and praised Him as King