C4.1.2 Flashcards
What non-metal properties do the group 7 elements have?
- being brittle in the solid state
- poor conductors of energy
What are all the Group 7 elements? (D____mic, ____ intermolecular forces, states at room temperature)
- they are all diatomic
- they have weak intermolecular forces
- different states at room temperature
What colours are they/ coloured vapours do they form?
Fluorine - pale yellow gas
Chlorine - green gas
Bromine - orange-brown liquid that vapourises easily
Iodine - shiny grey-black crystalline solid that sublimes* to form a purple vapour
*sublimes - (of a solid substance) change directly into vapour when heated, typically forming a solid deposit again on cooling
What is the trend when you go down the group?
- density increases
- melting and boiling points increase
Why are the Group 7 metals called halogens? For eg. Sodium and chlorine
- they react with metals to produce salts
- they react vigorously with the Group 1 metals, especially if the metal is heated first
For eg, 2Na(l) + Cl2(g) —> 2NaCl(s)
What happens to the reactivity as you go down the group? Why?
- reactivity decreases, opposite to the alkali metals
- more shielding as you go down the group
- the atomic size increases, so the attraction between the electrons and nucleus decreases
- it is harder to gain an electron, meaning the reactivity decreases
X2 + 2e- —> 2X-