C3.3 Flashcards
Oxidising bs reducing agent
What is redox
Oxidisng agent is the one that GIVES THE OXYGEN OR GAINS THE ELECTRONS
reducing agent is the one that takes the oxygen or the one that loses electrons
Redox reactions are where oxidation and reduction happen at the same time, displacement
Acid is
Alkali is
Strong vs weak acid
Acid is US trance that releases h+ ions when dissolved in water, alkali oh-
String acids fully dissociate into H+ ions, non reversible
Weak acids partially dissociate into H+ ions, reversible
Strong acids fully dissociate into h+ ions and are nit reversible, weakens partially and are reversible
What is base and alkali
If not then it’s just a base,
Therefore all alkalis are bases, but not all bases are alkalis
Bases are substances that neutralise acids
How to measure pH meter 113
What is a caul reaction happening here
Acid + bases = salt + water
H+ + oh- = h2o
Acids + carbonates
What happens to the salt made
Acid + carbonate = salt + water + co2
Effervescent realest so bubbles, salt soluble
Acid + metal
What happens to the salt therefore what does it appear like the metal is doing
Acid + metal = salt + hydrogen
Hydrogen bubbles, salt is SOLUBLE therefore it appears like it disappears
Dilute vs concentrated acids
Low ratio of acid to volume means dilute, high is concentrated
However for every time the concentration of h+ ions increase by 10, ph down by 1
What pH scale is the weka acid Alaska life
6 and 8
Strong and weak acids?
Strong= nitric sulfur ich
Weak= carbonic citric Ethanoic