C300 Flashcards
______ includes the authority for planning, programming, budgeting, and execution process input, and directive authority for logistics
Combatant Command (COCOM)
Which joint function encompasses tasks including providing air, space, and missile defense; providing emergency management and response capabilities; and conducting OPSEC, cyberspace defense, and cybersecurity?
Joint functions are related capabilities and activities grouped together to help Joint Force Commander to:
Integrate, synchronize, and direct joint operations.
When making decisions on how to achieve an effect on a target, planners consider such factors as lethal versus non-lethal, or the amount of force to use against the perceived military value of the target. Within just conduct in war (jus in bello) this principle is known as:
National interests, the manner and extent of participation, limitations and constraints on the employment of forces are diplomatic and military considerations for the planning and execution of:
Multinational operations.
According to the principles of joint operations, the purpose of ________________is to direct every military operation toward a clearly defined, decisive, and achievable goal.
Achieving shared understanding, informed decision making and unity of effort among various agencies of the US Government at the combatant command level is done through a:
Joint Interagency Coordination Group (JIACG) or similar enterprise
What is the integrated structure in a foreign country comprising all US agencies, not under the command of a US combatant commander?
The US Diplomatic Mission/Embassy
Which military operation, or activity, is conducted to contain conflict, and shapes the environment to support reconciliation and rebuilding and facilitate the transition to legitimate governance.
Peace Operations
Respect, Rapport, Knowledge of Partners, Patience, Mission Focus, Trust and Confidence are tenets of:
Multinational operations.
Which joint function uses available weapons and other systems to create a specific effect on a target?
__________ includes the authority to task-organize subordinate forces, assign missions and functions, and geographic responsibilities to forces.
Operational control (OPCON).
The ________ should be established In a parallel command structure where coordination, deconfliction, etc. occurs between coalition partners.
Coalition Coordination Center (CCC)
Which joint function is responsible for coordinating Operational Contract Support (OCS)?
Which joint function prioritizes and allocates resources, coordinates and controls the employment of joint lethal and nonlethal capabilities, and prepares plans and orders that include establishing appropriate command authorities among subordinate commands and the assigning of tasks and operational areas?
Command and Control
The principle US Government organization that works with countries on democratic reforms, economic development and disaster assistance and recovery is?
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
A multinational operation made up of a group of nations that have agreed to work together on an ad hoc basis for a narrow set of common interests is a/an _______.
Coalition operation.
__________ attempts to synchronize, coordinate and integrate military operations with the activities of other governmental and nongovernmental entities to achieve unity of effort
Unified Action
According to the principles of joint operations, the purpose of ________________is to concentrate the effects of combat power at the most advantageous place and time.
According to the principles of joint operations, the purpose of ________________is to prevent the unnecessary or unlawful use of force.
Which organization within the United Nations is responsible for maintaining international peace and security?
The Security Council
A multinational partnership based upon a formal agreement and broad, long term objectives and common interests is ___________.
Which military operation or activity employs coercive measures to interdict movement of designated items into or out of a nation or specified area?
Enforcement of sanctions or Sanction Enforcement
_____________ is a menu of tasks in a common language, which serves as the foundation for joint operations planning across the range of military and interagency operations.
The Universal Joint Task List (UJTL)
Which Command Relationship is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish assigned missions or tasks?
Tactical Control (TACON).
_________ are conducted by the Department of Defense, at the direction of the Department of State, to assist US citizens to leave a foreign nation when the security situation becomes dangerous.
Noncombatant evacuation operation
___________ is a range of DOD activities conducted outside the US and its territories to relieve or reduce human suffering, disease, hunger, or privation.
Foreign Humanitarian Assistance (FHA)
Which military service is considered expeditionary across all domains?
US Marine Corps
Just conduct in war (jus in bello) requires distinguishing between combatants and non-combatants. This is particularly important in the fires function when selecting targets. This principle is known as:
A sanctioning body establishes a/an ______________ to prohibit specified activities in a specific geographic area.
Exclusion Zone