C2M Glossary of Terms Flashcards
This is the time zone defined on the Installation Options - Framework. All date/times stored in the system are governed by this time zone. See also: Standard Time and Legal Time
Base Time Zone
Measurement data summarized for use by a billing application.
Bill Determinants. Bill determinants can take the form of TOU-mapped interval consumption, scalar consumption, scalar readings, and/or interval consumption obtained via measurements. One good example of bill determinant is TOU-mapped interval consumption, which reduces a full month’s worth of interval data into several buckets of consumption based on time of use.
A generic term for the system used to store customer and billing information at a utility.
CIS (Customer Information System)
A measurement by a given device of the amount of energy, water, gas, etc. consumed over a given time period. Synonymous with the term “measurement”.
A customer that should be contacted in association with a Service Point or Usage Subscription.
This refers to code or configuration that’s been added by your organization.
Customer Modification (CM)
A physical meter, communication module, or some other device out in the field.
This keeps a record of which types of data should be measured for the device.
Device Configuration
An alarm or warning sent from a device that may indicate an issue with normal operations (examples: theft, memory failures, etc.).
Device Event
Used to specify terms that override how usage is normally calculated - such as a critical peak period that affects the TOU mapping of interval consumption.
Dynamic Option
A centrally stored set of values for use in validation rules, bill determinants calculations, and other processes. A factor can have different values depending upon some definable attribute of a system object, such as customer size associated with a Service Point. The values are effective-dated so that changes over time are retained. Examples of factors can include minimum/maximum thresholds, loss factors, etc. Classes of factors are defined that can have numeric values (as in the above examples), or values pointing to profile measuring components or VEE groups.
An online-initiated action applied to measurement data, comprising one or more measurement services
Function - Measurement
The data measured on a device that is sent to Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is stored in this initial record while it’s being processed.
Initial Measurement Data (IMD)
An instance of a specific device installed at a Service Point. This also includes a record of any time the service was turned on or off.
Install Event
This refers to a method of storing date/time information where there is an adjustment made to the date/time during periods where Daylight Savings Time (DST) is in effect. There are two offsets against Universal Coordinated Time (UTC): (1) when DST is in effect, (2) when DST is not in effect.
On the day that day that DST begins the clock moves forward by a period of time equal to the DST offset. For example, if DST takes effect at 2:00AM and the offset is one hour then the clock moves from 1:59:59AM to 3:00:00AM skipping 2:00:00AM - 2:59:59AM.
On the day that DST ends the clock is moved backwards thus recording a period of time equal to the DST offset twice, the first recording of that period is with the UTC offset for DST being in effect, the second recording of that period is with the UTC offset for DST not being in effect. For example, if DST ends at 2:00AM and the offset is one hour then the clock would repeat the hour from 1:00:00 to 1:59:59.
Legal Time
The company that manufactured a device.