C2M Certification Flashcards
Control Central is a page where a user can:
−search for a person, account, or premise
−view information related to the person, account and premise
−be alerted to anomalies about the customer or premise
−navigate into other pages.
With these points in mind, please choose the specific functionality embodied within Control
Central (please choose all that apply):
a. Find an account or premise by entering the account’s account number.
b. Find an account or premise by entering a telephone number.
c. Find an account by entering an address.
d. Drill to the page where a bill can be added, canceled, or rebilled.
e. Identify the premise where a customer wants to start service.
f. Drill into Start/Stop.
g. View financial transactions (e.g., payments, adjustments, bill cancellations) that have
been created since the last bill was completed.
h. View all customer contacts associated with a person.
i. Find an account by entering a social security number.
j. Display the account’s payments and bills.
k. Display alerts highlighting anomalous things about the account (e.g., active collection
process, account has multiple premises, etc.)
l. Drill into the page used to start and stop service.
m. Modify an account’s customer class.
n. Drill into the account page to modify this information.
o. Display an account’s arrearage history.
a, b, c, d, g, h, i, j, k, l, o.
What is the significance of a comma (,) in the name field?
A comma designates a human name as opposed to a business name. All human names
should be entered in the format Last Name,First Name (with no space between the comma
and the first name).
Many add and update dialogs default the person / account / premise that was last selected
on Control Central. True/False.
True. When you use the context buttons to transfer to other pages (in add or update mode),
the system assumes you want to add or update information for the object associated with
the context button.
If a user types in the name “Jones,Pam” in Control Central - Main and there is more than
one customer with this name, what happens?
The scroll area at the bottom of the page is populated with one row for each account with
the name of Jones,Pam. The user would select the row they really wanted. They can use
the ID information adjacent to the customer name to pinpoint the customer in question.
When an account is selected, the user can use Next Item and Previous Item to scroll
through the other matches.
There are many different ways to navigate to a page from Control Central; list them.
- You can push a go to button or a link.
- You can click many nodes in the trees.
- You can click a context menu button.
- You can click the start and stop buttons.
- You can click a bar in the Bill Graph zone.
- The dashboard has numerous ways to drill into other pages
If Rick Bush has a small business and a residence in the utility’s service territory, he may
have one or two accounts, but will only have one person record. True/False
True. It’s important to stress that Rick is the sole financially responsible individual for both
entities (the residence and the small business). This means that there is only one financially
responsible individual. This individual has his demographic information recorded on a
person record.
This person may choose to have all of his obligations on one bill or to segregate them onto
two bills. Their choice will dictate if he has one or two accounts.
If a customer moves without paying their debt and then returns two years later and tries to
resume service, the system will be able to highlight this to the customer service rep.
True. This is because an account stays with a customer from cradle to grave. When debt is
written off, a write-off service agreement is created and uncollectable debt from the
account’s regular service agreements is transferred to it. You should associate an alert with
the write-off SA type so that the system will warn the user when an account has an active
write-off service agreement.
It’s important to know who the customer is before a premise can be added to the system.
False. You can add a premise to the system without knowing the customer.
If there are two water meters at a property, there will be two water service points linked to
the premise. True/False
True. A service point is a socket into which a meter is plugged. You can only plug one
meter into a socket. Therefore, if there are two meters, there must be two service points.
The system requires an account to exist before service can be started. True/False
True. In the system, the customer dictates how they want to be billed (that is, the number of
accounts). This means we have to know which account will be billed for service before the
service is connected (it’s a little late after the connection crew has returned from the field
and the customer is no longer on the phone). Also we need to know, while the customer is
on the phone, if we are going to reuse an existing account or create a new one.
Most service agreements are added using the service agreement page. True/False
False. Most service agreements are created behind-the-scenes when an operator starts
service using the Start / Stop Service page.
Over time, a given property’s owner may be linked to several different parties as customers
move in and out. True/False
True. Over time, a given service point may be contractually obligated to any number of
The consumption measured on one service point could be added or subtracted from the
consumption measured on a different service point in order to derive the total amount of
consumption to be billed on a service agreement. True/False
True. You can use a field on the SA / SP relationship (see the service agreement page) to
handle this type of subtractive metering requirement.
A user must choose a start option for each service to be started. True/False
False. Only some SA types use start options (which ones depend on how the system has
been set up).
Accounts on the same bill cycle will receive bills at roughly the same time every month.
True. We say “roughly” because a bill cycle has a “bill window” that can span several days. An account will receive a bill on the first day in the bill window that the system successfully creates a bill. An account may not receive a bill on the first day of the bill cycle due to missing info (e.g., a missing meter read) or incorrect information.
A customer with two accounts will, by definition, receive all of their bills at the same time
every month. True/False
False. Each account may be on a different bill cycle and the bill cycle’s schedule dictates
when the customer receives a bill.
A bill can contain bill segments for both utility and non-utility charges. True/False
True. A bill will contain a segment for every service agreement that is ready to bill.
A reprint of an historical bill contains how much the customer owed at the time the bill was
originally produced. True/False
Logically, a customer’s account’s bill cycle schedule should be in sync with when its
metered service agreements’ meters are read. True/False
True. In theory, you want a customer billed shortly after their meter is read. The system
facilitates this by updating an account’s bill cycle when a metered service is activated. It
uses the bill cycle defined on the SP’s meter read cycle. The system will also attempt to
keep the account’s bill cycle in sync with its SP’s meter read cycles.
You can create a bill online / real time (that is, you don’t have to wait for a batch process).
The persons who receive a copy of an account’s bill are defined on the account page.
Each person who receives a copy of an account’s bill could have it sent to a different
mailing address. True/False
True. When a bill is completed, the system creates a bill routing for each recipient. On the
bill routing is the address specified on the account / person relationship.
The bill’s due date controls when the system will levy a late payment charge. True/False
True. The bill’s due date plus parameters on the account’s customer class control when a late payment charge will be levied.
If the rate changed two times during the bill period on a bill segment, there will be three bill
calculation details within the bill segment (one for each rate version). True/False
A service agreement with item-based SPs will never have service quantity information on its
bill segments. True/False
False. You don’t know this yet, but it’s possible to configure item types that are associated
with streetlights to have estimated consumption (the estimated consumption would be the
estimated number of kWh used by the lamp in a given time-period). If you do this, the bill
segment will contain both the item snapshot and the estimated kWh in the service quantity
details. This means that a utility could charge per kWh for streetlights if they so desire.
The bill period (that is, the start and end dates) of a bill segment with a metered SP is
known before reads are accessed. True/False
False. The start of the bill period is known before reads are accessed because it is the end
date of the prior bill (given that this is not the initial bill for a customer). The end date of the
bill period is equal to the date of the meter read selected as the Bill Segment’s end read.
How many meter reads would be snapshot on a bill segment in the following situation:
−The bill segment’s SA has a single meter
−The meter has a single register
−The meter was exchanged twice during the bill period.
Three read details will exist - one for the original meter and an additional read for each of
the other meters that were installed at the SP.
Bill segments that are in error are saved on the database. True/False
True. This is so you can see how far the system got before the error was detected. Every
bill segment in error appears on a To Do list.
The service agreement’s SA type controls the algorithm used by the system to create its bill
segments. True/False
The algorithm used to create a metered service agreement’s bill segment is far more
complicated than the algorithm used to create a deposit service agreement’s bill segments.
A bill without bill segments has no financial impact. True/False
False. A bill exists to communicate ALL changes in an account’s financial position to the
customer. If the customer has made payments or adjustments have been made since the
last bill, they will be presented on the next bill produced for a customer even if the bill has
no bill segments (note, if the account’s customer class indicates open-item accounting is
performed, payments and some adjustments may not be swept onto a bill).
A bill that has many bill segments (e.g., a section for the electric consumption of several
different stores) would have to be canceled in its entirety if one of the store’s sections was
incorrect. True/False
False. Each store’s bill segment operates independently of the other sections. This means
you can cancel / rebill individual segments on a bill.
The bill segment page allows users to add or remove whatever charges they please from a
bill segment. True/False
False. The charges that appear in a bill segment (including the verbiage associated with the
charges) are created by the system and may NOT be tinkered with by a user. However, a
user can cancel a bill segment and recreate it on the billing pages. In addition, a user can
override billed consumption on the SQ tab and they can override items on the Item tab.
If an account has three active service agreements, each of the account’s bills will have
three bill segments. True/False
False. This is typically true, but it’s important to understand that an SA does not have to
contribute a bill segment to a bill. See the Bill Frequency discussion in the Billing Business
Process Lesson.
What is a usage rule?
Usage Rules - Rules to calculate and validate bill determinants
What is a usage transaction?
A usage transaction is a C2M term used to denote transformed measurements that are
exported to another system, e.g. bill determinants.
What are the usage rules provided by C2M?
TOU over Interval data
Dynamic Pricing (CPP)
Can usage rules also be used to validate usage transactions also?
Can Usage rules have eligibility criteria?
Yes, just like VEE rules
Can a usage rule call another usage group?
Name two ways usage transactions can be created?
Using the push or pull methods.
Do we have to store usage transactions?
No, for some request like usage for CSS (customer self service systems) storage is not
Can usage transactions include interval data? Should we always send interval data?
Yes, but this should only be used when the downstream system must have the interval
Will the system use the fallback usage groups if a Usage Group Determination Override
algorithm is included on the usage subscription type?
If the remitted funds are used to pay the outstanding debt on two different accounts, two
payment events are necessary. True/False
False. This is a situation where the payor account is not the same as the payee account. In
this example a single payor covers the payments of multiple payee accounts.
Using the Payment Event QuickAdd single payment event dialog box, a single payment
event with two distribution details may be added. Each detail record references the rule
value that uniquely identifies the respective account whose debt is being relieved by the
A payment event must have at least one tender and one payment. True/False
A tender contains the amount remitted and references a specific tender type (e.g., cash,
credit card, check). True/False
A payment contains the amount of the tender(s) applied to a given account’s balance.
Both a tender and a payment reference an account. True/False
The account on a payment event’s tender(s) must be the same as the account on the
event’s payment(s). True/False
False. The account remitting the funds is typically the same as the account whose debt is
being paid. However, they can differ (e.g., when a social service agency pays other
customers’ debts).
If a customer pays with a check, the check number would be entered on the tender.
If a customer remits both cash and a check, two payment events are necessary. True/False
False. A single payment event with two tenders would be recorded. This payment event
would then have a single payment to distribute the grand total of both tenders to the
account’s service agreements.
A payment segment’s financial transaction always credits a receivable account. True/False
False. The GL account credited by a payment is defined on the service agreement’s SA
type (in the distribution code field). For many types of SA’s, this is a receivable account.
However, there are other SA’s that don’t affect a receivable account – deposits and
charitable contributions – these almost always affect a payable account.
If you cancel a payment before it’s swept onto a bill, no information about the payment will
appear on the account’s next bill. True/False
True. This is analogous to what happens if you cancel a bill segment before the bill is
completed – if bill completion sees both the original FT and its cancellation are linked to the
same bill, it marks both as “do not print”.
A payment could cause a collection process to be canceled. True/False
A payment could cause a stopped service agreement to be closed. True/False
A payment could cause a new service agreement to be created. True/False
True. If a customer pays more than what they owe AND you have plugged in the
appropriate overpayment algorithm on customer class, the system will create an
“overpayment service agreement” at this time. This overpayment service agreement will
have a credit balance equal to the overpayment amount. This credit will be distributed to the
debt arising from future bills (if you plug in the appropriate bill completion algorithm on the
overpayment SA type).
If a check bounces, you would cancel the tender associated with the check. True/False
True. When you cancel a tender, you must specify a cancellation reason. Certain types of
reasons are used when a check bounces. These reasons cause a NSF charge to be
If a check bounces, the NSF charge is levied on the account that remitted the funds (that is,
the account on the tender) as opposed to the account whose debt was relieved. True/False
When you cancel a tender, the system automatically cancels all payments linked to the
tender’s payment event. True/False
When you cancel a payment, the system automatically cancels all tenders linked to the
payment’s payment event. True/False
False. You tend to cancel a payment (as opposed to a tender) when it was applied to the
wrong account. The system therefore assumes the tender is still valid. In this situation, the
payment event becomes unbalanced until the sum of the event’s payments equals the sum
of the event’s tenders.
You can save an unbalanced payment event. True/False
True. Note, unbalanced payment events appear in an exception query.
A payment event created using the Non CIS Payment zone will have a separate payment
for each distribution code. True/False
An FT for a Non CIS payment will typically debit cash and credit an account receivable
account. True/False
False. It will typically credit a revenue account as a receivable account only when a
payment pays for something that was previously billed.
A payment event can contain both Non CIS payments and CIS payments. True/False
An installation option setting dictates if payment in alternate currency is allowed. True/False
The base package currency conversion script retrieves the exchange rate from a
characteristic. True/False
False - This value is stored on a Bill Factor. Bill factors must be set up for each currency
accepted; it is up to the implementation to populate the bill factor values with the effective
exchange rates.
Only one Tender Source can be defined for each user. True/False
False - Multiple Tender Sources can be defined, but only one per currency is allowed.
Cash back is calculated in the account’s currency. True/False
When you financially write off debt, you can write off revenue to an expense account and
write off the taxes by debiting a liability account. True/False
When you use the write-off transaction, only one write-off service agreement can be
created. True/False
False. It depends on the write off method algorithm. In the base package algorithm, the
number of service agreements is dependent on the number of different SA types associated
with the distribution codes associated with the debt being written off.
If you eventually receive money for written-off debt, a payment segment is created for the
write-off SA(s). True/False
True. And because the write-off SA Type references an expense account or a liability
reversal account, this payment segment will cause the write-off expense or liability reversal
to be credited (i.e., reversed) – debit cash / credit the distribution code on the SA type.
A new service agreement is created when you create a payment arrangement. True/False
It’s important to transfer debt from the delinquent objects to the payment arrangement SA in
order to stop the overdue monitor from complaining about overdue debt on the original
delinquent objects. True/False
If the delinquent objects from which debt was transferred were on an overdue process, the
overdue process will be cancelled. True/False
True. Assuming that the overdue process’s cancellation criteria have been satisfied as a result
of the transfer.
If the delinquent objects from which debt was transferred were on a cut process, the cut
process will be cancelled. True/False
True. Assuming the amount transferred is sufficient to cancel the parent overdue process.
A special page exists to automate the creation of a PA SA for delinquent bills. This page
creates the SA and transfers unpaid FT’s from delinquent bills. True/False
Bill segments will be created for the PA SA when the system bills the customer for the PA
amount. True/False
The SA Type on a PA SA will reference a receivable account. True/False
True. This is because you use a PA SA to hold the outstanding receivable during the payment
arrangement period. This money must be held in a receivable account.
If the customer doesn’t pay their future bills while the payment arrangement is active, an
overdue process will start. True/False
The cut process used to cut a payment arrangement will probably contain a single event
that causes the PA SA to be broken. True/False
A user can break a PA SA manually using the Payment Arrangement transaction.
When a PA SA is broken, all debt is reinstated under the original bills (and service
agreements). And any payments against the payment arrangement will be distributed
amongst the original bills. True/False
When a PA SA is broken, an overdue process trigger is created so that the account’s entire
debt will be reviewed the next time the overdue monitor executes. True/False
It is possible to have the overdue monitor create a stricter overdue process for customers
with a broken payment arrangement. True/False
A user can CANCEL a PA SA at will. True/False
True. A button exists on the Payment Arrangement page to facilitate cancellation. A button also
exists to allow a user to manually “break” a payment arrangement.
What is a service point?
A service point is a location at which a utility supplies service. This is where the meter is
What is a measurement cycle? Name two ways measurement cycles are used?
The measurement cycle can serve two purposes: it can define the schedule for manual meter
reading of devices at service points in that cycle, and it can also be configured to define when to
create usage transactions for usage subscriptions associated to service points in the cycle.
Name two ways multiple meters can be installed at one logical location (de-regulated
market ID)?
a) This could be implemented by creating multiple SPs for each logical location and
referencing the same logical location ID on each.
b) Use a SP hierarchy:
Create a parent SP. No meter will be installed at this type of SP, it exists purely to group
the physical locations that can have meters installed
Create child SPs for each physical location at which a meter can be installed
What is an installation event?
Whenever a device is installed at a service point, an installation event is created. Installation
events capture the history of the devices that have been installed at a service point. This allows
consumption for a service point to be calculated over time. In technical terms, installation events
(or install events) link a specific device configuration to a service point. While a device is
installed at a service point, it may be turned off (and back on again). The installation event that
records the original installation date and time also records the dates and times when the device
has been turned on and off. When a device is removed, the original installation event is updated
with the removal date and time.
Can the application optimize meter reader routes to reduce travel time?
What is the difference between critical validations and VEE rules?
Critical validations are technical data checks that ensure we can read and perform VEE on the
measurements, e.g. Invalid Device ID. VEE rules are used to validate, estimate and edit
measurements from a business perspective, e.g. high/low checks, spike checks, etc.
What is VEE Eligibility Criteria used?
A VEE rule may optionally have eligibility criteria that controls if the rule is applied. This feature
can reduce the number of VEE groups required by an implementation because it allows a single
VEE group to have conditional VEE rules (rather than requiring a distinct VEE group for every
combination of VEE rules). Eligibility Criteria determines if a VEE rule will be called.
How can factors be used to dynamically assign VEE groups?
An implementation can set up a VEE rule that dynamically executes another group’s rules. For
example, what if the VEE process should execute different VEE rules based on where the SP is
located, OR the number of tamper events in the last 6 months, OR the type of customer OR the
meter’s head-end system, etc.
Can MDM perform VEE on estimated data?
Can multiple estimation process be called for the same IMD?
Yes, all rules can be called multiple times from a single VEE group. Calling multiple estimation
rules is often a good technique to estimate data. For example, one rule can be called to fill gaps
then another rule called to scale the interval data, up or down, to agree with the corresponding
register readings.
How are multipliers used? How many standard multipliers does MDM include?
During the prepare for VEE stage, the system applies the product of the channel and installation
multipliers to the Pre VEE consumption.
What are the three VEE exception severity levels:
The Info severity is used to highlight something interesting, but not sufficient to cause the IMD
to be put into the exception state. Exceptions of this severity can be used to report on the
frequency of interesting, but not fatal issues.
The Issue severity is used to report a problem that will prevent the IMD from being finalized.
Multiple “issue exceptions” can be created during VEE. If at least one issue exists after all rules
have been applied, the IMD is transitioned to the exception state.
The Terminate severity is used to report a severe issue that will cause the VEE process to stop
and the IMD to be transitioned immediately to the exception state. Only one terminate
exception can be issued (as the first one causes VEE to stop on an IMD).
Are exceptions deleted?
No, VEE exceptions are not deleted. After the issue is corrected or the IMD is overridden, the exceptions persist (in the closed state) for reporting purposes.
What can a user do to an IMD in the exception state?
A user can re-VEE, discard or manually override an IMD in the exception state.
Can VEE reprocessing be automated?
Yes, in MDM V2.0.1, IMDs can be configured to retry IMDs every X minutes. Similarly in MDM
V2.0.0, IMDs can be configured to retry IMDs in an exception state.
When validating an initial measurement for a smart device, can the High/Low VEE rule use
historical consumption from a prior scalar device?
What is a usage rule?
Usage Rules - Rules to calculate and validate bill determinants
What is a usage transaction?
A usage transaction is a MDM term used to denote transformed measurements that are
exported to another system, e.g. bill determinants.
What are the usage rules provided by MDM?
TOU over Interval data
Dynamic Pricing (CPP)
Can usage rules also be used to validate usage transactions also?
Can Usage rules have eligibility criteria?
Yes, just like VEE rules
Can a usage rule call another usage group?
Name two ways usage transactions can be created?
Using the push or pull methods.
Do we have to store usage transactions?
No, for some request like usage for CSS (customer self service systems) storage is not
Can usage transactions include interval data? Should we always send interval data?
Yes, but this should only be used when the downstream system must have the interval data.
Will the application use the fallback usage groups if a Usage Group Determination Override
algorithm is included on the usage subscription type?
What is a SQI?
A SQI (service quantity identifier) is a third identifier that can be used if UOM and TOU code do not clearly define the type of measurement. Examples include kWh, on peak, and energy consumed
How is scalar meter read data different than interval data?
Scalar meter reads are often read is a sporadic basis, like March 15, April 16, or May 13.
While interval data is fixed and provides consistent readings every hour, every 30 minutes
or every 15 minutes, etc.
What is the difference between consumptive and subtractive metering?
Consumptive readings provide measurement values like KW. While subtractive meter
reading devices only provide a stop reading and C2M must calculate the consumption (Stop
Read – Previous Read) * Meter Multiplier
What is admin data?
Admin data is administrative data that does not change very often. This includes MC and
SP types. Admin data (or reference data or control data) defines the types of master data
that may exist. This data is accessed via
What is master data?
Master data is non-transactional data that defines a business entity. Examples include data
about devices, device configurations, MCs, etc. Most master data objects have a
corresponding admin object. Master
A bill segment has a related FT, which controls how the service agreement’s debt and the
GL are affected by the bill segment. True/False
An adjustment has a related FT, which controls how the service agreement’s debt and the
GL are affected by the adjustment. True/False
A payment has a related FT, which controls how the service agreement’s debt and the GL
are affected by the payment. True/False
False. A payment doesn’t have a financial transaction. Rather, the payment’s payment
segments each have a financial transaction.
A FT references a service agreement, not an account. True/False
In order to determine an account’s balance, the system summarizes all FTs linked to the
account’s service agreements. True/False
If a bill segment is canceled, another FT is created and linked to the bill segment. This FT
reverses the financial effects of the bill segment. True/False
True. This means a bill segment can have a maximum of two FTs linked to it – the original
plus the cancellation.
If an adjustment is canceled, another FT is created and linked to the adjustment. This FT
reverses the financial effects of the adjustment. True/False
If a payment is canceled, an FT is created for each of the payment’s payment segments.
These FTs reverse the effects of the payment. True/False
All financial transactions affect the GL in some way. True/False
False. FTs that just affect a service agreement’s current balance (as opposed to its payoff
balance) do not affect the GL. A good example of such a FT a bill segment that charges for
a deposit (as most companies do not update the GL for a deposit being billed because it’s
not truly debt).
FTs that affect the GL have at least two GL distribution lines. True/False
True. There must be at least one GL account debited and another that is credited. Note,
most bill segment FTs have more than two GL distribution lines.
FTs are interfaced to the GL via a flat file. True/False
A given FT may affect a service agreement’s payoff balance and/or current balance.
True. Note, most FTs affect payoff and/or current balance. The FT algorithm used to create
the FT controls which balance is affected. However, there is an interesting FT algorithm
that affects neither current nor payoff balance – the one used to book company usage.
These FTs only affect the GL.
The system creates FTs behind-the-scenes when bill segments, payment segments, and
adjustments are created. True/False
True. You don’t know this yet, but FTs for payment segments are only created when the
payment is frozen, not when the payment is created.
The service agreement’s bill segment type controls how the system creates FTs for the
SA’s bill segments. True/False
True. This means all bill segment FTs linked to a SA are created using the same algorithm.
The service agreement’s payment segment type controls how the system creates an SA’s
payment segment FTs. True/False
True. This means all payment segment FTs linked to an SA are created using the same
An adjustment’s adjustment type controls how the system creates an adjustment’s FT.
True. This means the various adjustment FTs linked to an SA can be created using different
A user is allowed to modify some fields on an FT. True/False
A user can create an FT without a source bill segment/payment segment/adjustment.
A rate schedule’s frequency controls how the system prorates the rate schedule’s
calculation rules when the bill period is outside of the frequency’s non-proration boundaries.
True. For example, if a rate schedule with a monthly frequency is used to calculate a bill
that spans 60 days, any flat charges in the rate schedule will be doubled. The system uses
the information on the frequency table to determine when and how it prorates the charges
in the rate schedule’s rate components.
If multiple rate version calculation groups are in effect during a customer’s bill period, the
system will prorate each rate version’s charges accordingly. True/False
True and False. It all depends on the setting of the Allow Proration switch on the rate
schedule. If it’s on, the system will prorate consumption across the rate version calculation
groups. If it’s off, the system will use one of the rate version calculation groups for the entire
bill segment (you control which one by populating the RV Selection Date algorithm with the
desired value).
What is the difference between a calculation rule and a calculation group?
A calculation rule holds the business rules to calculate charges, derive usage, determine
what to print on a bill or how the general ledger is impacted, etc. Calculation rules are
grouped together and sequenced within a calculation group.
A calculation group encapsulates a logical set of calculation rules.