C2 Flashcards
Príčinu nešťastia budú vyšetrovať.
Búrka nespôsobila žiadne škody.
They will investigate the cause of the accident.
The storm did not cause any damage.
Knihy boli naukladané od podlahy po strop.
The books were stacked from floor to ceiling.
Oslávte to, čo ste dosiahli.
Celebrate what you’ve accomplished.
Som nerad stredobodom pozornosti.
I don’t like to be the center of attention.
Zúčastníte sa obradu?
Are you going to attend the ceremony?
Ak zatiahnete príliš silno, reťaz sa pretrhne.
Bicykel pripútala reťazou k zábradliu.
If you pull too hard, the chain will break.
She chained her bicycle to the railings.
Prosím, odložte stoličku.
Please put the chair away.
Spochybňuješ moju autoritu?
Verím, že túto výzvu zvládnete.
Are you challenging my authority?
I believe that you will overcome this challenge.