B3 Flashcards
Celé telo ma bolí.
My whole body is sore.
Po chvíli som sa nudil a odišiel.
After a while I got bored and left.
Naplnil som fľašu vodou.
I filled up the bottle with water.
Držte krabicu oboma rukami.
Krabica je naklonená na jednu stranu.
Hold the box with both hands.
The box is leaning to one side.
Nemôžeš byť odvážni, ak sa ti stali iba úžasné veci.
You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you.
Popíšte svoje ideálne raňajky.
Už ste dokončili raňajky?
Od raňajok som nejedol.
Poskytujeme raňajky a večere, ale obed si musíte zabezpečiť sami.
Describe your ideal breakfast.
Have you finished your breakfast yet?
I haven’t eaten since breakfast.
We provide breakfast and dinner, but you need to make your own arrangements for lunch.
Došiel mi dych
I ran out of breath
Niekto po mne hodil tehlu.
Somebody threw a brick at me.