c.1900 - present: Medicine in Modern Britain Flashcards
When did Wilhelm Rontgen discover the X-ray?
Why didn’t X-rays work during the first world war?
Because the equipment included glass tubes that were unreliable and often stopped working.
The X-ray machines were also often located in hospitals which were miles from the wounded solders.
Who developed mobile x-ray units?
Marie Curie, a Polish scientist.
When did Marie Curie invent the mobile X-ray machines?
What were the three main impacts of the war on medicine?
- it made x-rays more reliable and mobile
- the problem of blood loss was overcome
- sped up the development of plastic surgery
Before 1900 why were blood transfusions rarely successful?
The blood of the recipient often clotted.
Blood also clotted if it was stored outside the body.
Who discovered blood groups and when?
Karl Landsteiner in 1900.
What did Karl Landsteiner discover in 1900?
Blood groups. And that certain blood groups couldn’t be mixed together as the blood would clot, blocking the blood vessels.
What did Landsteiner’s discovery on blood groups impact?
It meant that doctors could perform more successful blood transfusions, as long as the donor’s blood group was the same as the patient’s.
What did doctors discover about blood clots in 1914?
Doctors found that sodium citrate stopped blood clotting so it could be stored.
What allowed blood to be stored?
The knowledge that sodium citrate stopped blood from clotting.
When was the first ever blood depot set up and where?
1917 at the Battle of Cambrai.
When was the British National Blood Transfusion Service established?
What else was discovered to impact health as well as disease?
Viruses, genetics and lifestyle.
What did Dmitry Ivanovsky discover in 1892?
He investigate mosaic, a disease that was killing tobacco plants.
He found that the cause was an extremely small microbe that remained in water even after bacteria were removed.
What did Martinus Beijernick find in 1898?
That the microbes Ivanovsky discovered had different properties to bacteria - he labelled these microbes viruses.
Who first discovered DNA and when?
Francis Crick and James Watson in 1953.
What did Watson and Cricks discovery about DNA allow?
It allowed other scientists to find the genes that caused genetic conditions - diseases that are passed on from one generation to another.
Including: cystic fibrosis, haemophilia and sickle-cell anaemia.
What has Watson and Crick’s work on DNA and other scientists work impacted?
It has meant that diagnosis and treatment of genetics conditions as improved.
Scientists can now produce a synthetic protein to replicate the work of a faulty gene and treat inherited conditions using techniques like gene therapy.
What was one of the biggest breakthroughs in genetic research?
The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 - this identified all the genes in human DNA.
Give some examples of life-style choices linked to particular health conditons?
- smoking - causes lung cancer
- obesity - increases the chance of getting heart disease or diabetes
- drinking too much alcohol - liver disease
- overexposure to UV radiation - skin cancer
What changed in the 19th century about causes of disease?
Advances is science and technology has shown that there is not just one cause of disease (bacteria) but there are also viral infections, genetic mutations and our lifestyle choices.
What did blood test allow for during the 20th century?
They allowed doctors to diagnose more illness, and they made diagnosis more accurate, providing doctors with clearer information of what is wrong.
This means they can be more confident when deciding how best to treat their patients.
What were blood test originally designed for?
To test patients blood groups before doing a blood transfusion.
How three main things can blood tests test for?
- cholesterol level, which can help diagnose their chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke
- check DNA, this can diagnose a genetic condition
- sometimes it can show a certain type of cancer
When were blood pressure monitors invented and developed?
1880s and 1890s
What did blood pressure monitors help doctors do?
They let doctors and patients see whether disease, lifestyle factors or medicines are causing high blood pressure, which can cause damage to the heart.
When were blood sugar monitors introduced?
In the mid 20th century.