C1-Atoms, Molecules, Stoichiometry Flashcards
Nucleon number / mass number
Total no. of protons & neutrons in a nucleus of an atom of an element.
Relative atomic mass, Ar
r is subscript
Average mass of isotopes of an element
relative to 1/12 of mass of 1 carbon-12 atom.
Relative molecular mass, Mr
r is a subscript
Average mass of molecules
relative to 1/12 of mass of 1 carbon-12 atom
Relative formula mass, Mr
r is a subscript
Average mass of formula units
relative to 1/12 of mass of 1 carbon-12 atom.
Amount of substance
containing as many particles as no. of atoms in 12g of carbon-12.
Relative isotopic mass
Mass of an isotope of an element relative to 1/12 of mass of 1 carbon-12 atom.
Molar mass
Mass of 1 mole of subtance
Empirical formula
Chemical formula which
shows simplest whole no. ratio of atoms
of each element in a compound.
Molecular formula
Chemical formula which
shows actual no. of atoms
in a molecule or a formula unit.
Region of space around a nucleus
where there is a high probability of finding an electron
of a given energy level.