C02 - Temperature and Heating Flashcards
What is the definition of Temperature?
The measure of the heat energy associated with the movement and collision of molecules in a gas, liquid or solid.
What is the freezing and boiling point in Celsius?
0°C and 100°C.
What is the freezing and boiling point in Fahrenheit?
32°F and 212°F.
What is absolute zero in Kevin?
0K is -273°C.
How do you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit?
(°C x 1.8) + 32.
How do you convert Fahrenheit to Celsius?
(°F - 32) ÷ 1.8.
How do you convert Celsius to Kelvin?
°C + 273.
Objects which reflect are said to have ‘____’ colour surfaces, ‘____’ albedo and the temperature is ‘____’ (3)?
- Light.
- High.
- Constant/Lower.
Objects which absorb are said to have ‘____’ colour surfaces, ‘____’ albedo and the temperature is ‘____’ (3)?
- Dark.
- Low.
- Increases/Higher.
What is the definition of Specific Heat Capacity?
The amount of heat required to change a substance’s temperature by a specific amount.
What is the heat capacity of Water?
4.2 Joules.
What is the heat capacity of Land?
0.8 Joules.
True or False. Water takes longer to warm/cool down than Land?
True or False. Solar Radiation is the main direct source of heat in our Atmosphere?
How is the Atmosphere heated?
By Terrestrial Radiation.
True or False. The Atmosphere is denser at the surface or the Earth?
Why does Temperature decrease with Altitude?
Because the warmest part of the Earth is towards the surface of the Earth.
What is the definition of Conduction?
The transfer of heat by direct physical contact between one substance and another.
True or False. Air is a good conductor?
False. It’s a poor one.
What is the definition of Convection?
The vertical transfer of heat.
Air being warmed by Conduction can become ‘____’ dense and ‘____’ than the surrounding air, as a result the pocket of air will ‘____’ (3)?
- Less Dense.
- Lighter.
- Rise.
How fast can pockets of warm air rise?
10,000ft per minute.
Air being cooled by Conduction can become ‘____’ dense and ‘____’ than the surrounding air, as a result the pocket of air will ‘____’ (3)?
- More Dense.
- Heavier.
- Sink.
The vertical movements of air in our Atmosphere can cause what?
Cloud Formation.
What is the definition of Advection?
The horizontal transfer of heat.
The horizontal movements of air in our Atmosphere can cause what?
Advection Fog.
What is the definition of Latent Heat?
The heat released or absorbed by a body without any change in its temperature.
What will happen to the surroundings when water changes from liquid to gas?
Surrounds will cool.
What will happen to the surroundings when water changes from gas to liquid?
Surrounds will warm.
Define Temperature Variation?
The amount of Insolation according to the reflective of the Earth’s surface.
Over a small area, there will be ‘____’ energy/surface heating?
Over a large area, there will be ‘____’ energy/surface heating?
What are the two important Temperature Variations?
- Seasonal.
- Daily Temperature.
Define Seasonal and Latitude Variation?
The curvature of the Earth determines the angle of inclination of the sun’s radiation.
The Earth’s rotational axis is tilted by how many degrees?
Define Perihelion?
When the Earth is closet to the sun in January at a distance of about 91 million miles.
Define Aphelion?
When the Earth is furthest from the sun in June at a distance of 95 million miles.
When is the sun at it’s maximum in the northern hemisphere?
21st June.
When is the sun at it’s maximum in the southern hemisphere?
21 December.
What are the coordinates for the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn?
- 23.5N.
- 23.5S.
What are the dates and the term given when the sun is at a maximum on the Equator (3)?
- 21st March.
- 23rd September.
- Equinoxes.
True or False. During the day the Surface Air Temperature increases?
True or False. Even at night, the Earth continues to radiate heat?
When is the maximum Temperature of the day?
1500 LMT.
When is the minimum Temperature of the day?
30mins after sunrise.
The Diurnal Variation in Temperature ‘____’ rapidly with Height above 3,000ft?
The minimum and maximum values in Diurnal Variation depend on which three factors?
- Type of Surface.
- Wind.
- Cloud Cover.
True or False. In the Sea Diurnal Variation is a lot less than Land?
Cooler air at higher levels mixes with the warmer air at the surface, thus ‘____’ Surface Air Temperature?
During the day cloud cover can do what to maximum Surface Air Temperature?
During the night what can cloud cover do to the Surface Air Temperature?
Reheat the surface.