C Vocabulary - Part One: Twelve Angry Trojans Flashcards
cadus, cadi
Jar, urn
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus
Fall, fail, sink, die, subside
caecus, caeca, caecum
Blind, dark, hidden
caelestis, caeleste
Divine, heavenly
caelicola, caelicolae
Divinity, deity
caeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum
Dark (blue)
Caicus, Caici
Comrade of Aeneid
calcar, calcaris
Spur, goad
caligo, caligare, caligavi
Be dark, darken
calor, caloris
Heat, warmth, glow
candens, candentis
Shining, white, gleaming
cano, canere, cecini, cantus
Sing (of), chant, prophesy, proclaim
capesso, capessere, capessivi, capessitus
(Under)take, perform, (try to) seize, reach
Capys, Capyos
Comrade of Aeneas
carcer, carceris
Prison, enclosure
careo, carere, carui, caritus
Be free from, lack (+ abl)
carina, carinae
Keel; ship, boat
carus, cara, carum
Dear, beloved, fond
Cassandra, Cassandrae
Trojan prophetess, punished by Apollo and so never believed
castus, casta, castum
Pure, holy, chaste
casus, casus
Chance (mis)fortune
caterva, catervae
Band, troop, crowd
causa, causae
Cause, reason, occasion, case (at law)
cautes, cautis
Rock, cliff, crag
caverna, cavernae
Hollow, cavity, cave
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus
Yield, depart
cavus, cava, cavum
Hollow, vaulted
celer, celeris, celere
Swift, speedy, quick
cella, cellae
Cell, storeroom
celsus, celsa, celsum
High, lofty, towering
Cerberus, Cerberi
Monstrous three-headed dog in Hades
Cerealis, Cereale
of Ceres, (goddess of) grain
Strive, fight, vie, contend
certus, certa, certum
Fixed, sure, certain, reliable
cervix, cervicis
cervus, cervi
Stag, deer
Charon, Charontis
Ferryman of souls across the river Styx
cieo, ciere, civi, citus
(A)rouse, stir (up)
cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctus
Encircle, surround, gird
cinis, cineris
Ashes (of the dead), embers
Around, about
circumsto, circumstare, circumsteti
Surround, stand around
Fly around, fly about
Cithaeron, Cithaeronis
Greek mountain near Thebes, on which the rites of Bacchus were celebrated
Quickly, soon
civis, civis
Citizen, compatriot
Shriek, cry (out), call (on)
clarus, clara, clarum
Clear, bright, illustrious
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausus
(En)close, shut (in)