A Vocabulary - Part Two: Aeneas Strikes Back Flashcards
aequaevus, aequaeva, aequaevum
Of equal age
Aeolus, Aeoli
God of the winds
(Make) equal(ize), match, level, even
aer, aeris
Air, mist, fog
aes, aeris
Bronze (implement), trumpet
aestas, aestatis
aestus, aestus
Flood, tide, boiling, surge; heat
aetas, aetatis
Age, time
aeternus, aeterna, aeternum
Eternal, everlasting
aether, aetheris
Upper air, sky, ether, heaven
aetherius, aetheria, aetherium
Of the upper air, high in the air, airy, ethereal
Africus, Africi
(Southwest) wind
ager, agri
Field, territory, land
agger, aggeris
Mound, heap, dike, dam, bank
Heap up, pile up, increase
agnosco, agnoscerre, agnovi, agnitus
Aiax, Aiacis
Greek leader, who in the sack of Troy had taken Priam’s daughter, Cassandra, by force from the sanctuary of Minerva.
ala, alae
Wing, (group of) hunters
alatus, alata, alatum
Winged, furnished with wings
Albanus, Albana, Albanum
Alban, of Alba Longa in central Italy, mother city of Rome
Alcides, Alcidae
Patronymic (meaning “descendant of Alceus”) for Hercules, son of Jupiter and Alcmena
Aletes, Aletae
Trojan leader
alienus, aliena, alienum
Belong to another, other’s, alien, foreign
aliquis (qui), aliqua, aliquid (quod)
Some(one), any(one)
aliquis, aliquid
Some(one), any(one)
Otherwise, differently
Bind, hold (to)
almus, alma, almum
Nourishing, kind(ly)
alter, altera, alterum
One (of two), other (of two), second
Change, alternate, waver
altum, alti
The deep (sea); heaven
alumnus, alumni
Nursling, (foster) child
alveus, alvei
Hollow; boat; trough
alvus, alvi
Belly, body
amans, amantis
amarus, amara, ararum
Bitter, unpleasant
ambio, ambire, ambivi (ii), ambitus
Go around; conciliate
ambo, ambae, ambo
amens, amentis
Mad, crazy, frenzied, insane, distracted
amictus, amictus
Cloak, robe
amnis, amnis
River, stream, torrent
Amphrysius, Amphrysia, Amphrysium
Amphrysian, of Amphrysus, a river in Thessaly frequented by Apollo
amplector, ampecti, amplexus
Embrace, encompass, enfold
Or, whether
Whether, or
ancora, ancorae
anguis, anguis
Snake, serpent
annus, anni
Year, season
Antheus, Anthei
Trojan leader, comrade of Aeneas
anthrum, anthri
Cave, cavern, grotto