C: Two-sided-markets Flashcards
Name a few important crowd based companies and their institutional ancestors
Banking –> Crowd Funding
Hotels –> Airbnb
DB, Flixbus –> BlablaCar
Kraftwerke-> dezentrale Energieversorgung
Mietwage–> Drivy
Which five technologies facilitate platform innovation by reducing cost, increasing speed and expanding the scope between platforms?
Powerful chips
Cloud services
Pervasive Internet
Large bandwidth
Programming codes
Name the respective Platform paradigm equivalent to the following components of “pipeline” businessmodels:
Ware house
Platform Ecosystem
Name the respective Platform paradigm equivalent to the following components of “pipeline” businessmodels:
Supply Chain
Platform ecosystem
Name the respective Platform paradigm equivalent to the following components of “pipeline” businessmodels:
Sales Comission
Social Feedback
Name the respective Platform paradigm equivalent to the following components of “pipeline” businessmodels:
Command and Control
Algorithmic Decision Making
Name the respective Platform paradigm equivalent to the following components of “pipeline” businessmodels:
Business Developement
Plug & Play (APIs)
Name the respective Platform paradigm equivalent to the following components of “pipeline” businessmodels:
HR Management
Community Management
Name the respective Platform paradigm equivalent to the following components of “pipeline” businessmodels:
Inventory Control
Liquidity Management
Name the respective Platform paradigm equivalent to the following components of “pipeline” businessmodels:
Quality Control
Reputation Management
Name the respective Platform paradigm equivalent to the following components of “pipeline” businessmodels:
Business Process Optimization
Data Science(!)
What ist Multi-homing and what challenges does it bear?
More than one platform in the two-sided market.
Problem: Increased homing-costs (=switching costs). Induces a tendancy towards market concentration.
What is a dis-balanced market and what problems occur for platforms on dis-balanced markets?
What? One market-side more powerful than the other–> actors from this side are much less frequent.
Problem: Exploitation from the platform operators (weil es sich lohnt amk)
Economic change for platforms.
Are newspapers two-sided markets?
No. There is no both-sided benefit from reader to vendor – > no direct relationship
Name six Platform Launch Strategies.
Single Target Group
Platform Staging
Platform Envelopement
User Data Portability
Side Switching