A: Introduction and Examples Flashcards
Name Design Elements that are used to build trust: Platform and User
- Title pictures (smiling faces) * Data protection measures
- Checking of advertisements before publication
- Checking of potential fake accounts / Warnings to users * Alleged action against racism and discrimination
- Privacy code for geodata services
Name Design Elements that are used to build trust: User to user
- Secure communication (e.g., 2F authentication)
- User profiles (incl. pictures)
- Verification of user accounts
Name three kinds of digital platforms, including functionality and examples
1 Transaction platform: Facilitate transactions between individuals and companies. ex.: uber, google, ebay
2 Inovation platform: Provide technologies, services and products on the basis of which individuals can develop further innovation. ex.: windows, salesforce, SAP
3 Integrated Platform: Combination of 1 and 2. ex: Apple, Facebook.
Name changes in markets, competitive advantage and value creation from “classical” business models to plattform business models
Shift in:
Markets: From consumers to producers
Compet. A: From Resources to ecosystems
Value Creation: From Processes to interactions.
Name eight key responsibilities of platform business modells compare to “classical” business modells
Trust and Reputation
Name two kinds of multi-sided platforms and explain the difference
2-sided markets and 3-sided markets: More parties involved, different benefits (one sided or both ways).
What does trust in platforms depend on?
customer self selection
naturel (HOST) selection