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1. Chemistry 20
> C: Solutions and Solubility 7.1 Solubility > Flashcards
C: Solutions and Solubility 7.1 Solubility Flashcards
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1. Chemistry 20
(62 decks)
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 1.1 Elements and the Periodic Table
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 1.2 Developing a Model of the Atom
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 1.3 Understanding Atomic Mass
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 1.4 Toward a Modern Atomic Theory
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 1.5 Trends in the Periodic Table
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 2.1 Classifying Compounds
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 2.2 Ionic Bonding
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 2.3 Covalent Bonding
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 2.4 Electronegativity, Polar Bonds, and Polar Molecules
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 2.5 The Names and Formulas of Compounds
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 3.1 Recognizing and Understanding Chemical Changes
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 3.2 Combustion, Synthesis, and Decomposition Reactions
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 3.3 Single Displacement Reactions
A: Matter and Chemical Bonding 3.4 Double Displacement Reactions
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 4.1 Proportions in Compounds
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 4.2 Relative Atomic Mass and Isotopic Abundance
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 4.3 The Mole and Molar Mass
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 4.4 Calculations Involving the Mole Concept
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 4.5 Percentage Composition
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 4.6 Empirical and Molecular Formulas
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 4.7 Calculating Chemical Formulas
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 5.1 Quantitative Analysis
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 5.2 Balancing Chemical Equations
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 5.3 Balancing Nuclear Equations
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 5.4 Calculating Masses of Reactants and Products
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 5.5 Calculating Limiting and Excess Reagents
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 5.6 The Yield of a Chemical Reaction
B: Quantities in Chemical Reactions 5.7 Chemistry in Technology
C: Solutions and Solubility 6.1 Defining a Solution
C: Solutions and Solubility 6.2 Explaining Solutions
C: Solutions and Solubility 6.3 Solution Concentration
C: Solutions and Solubility 6.4 Drinking Water
C: Solutions and Solubility 6.5 Solution Preparation
C: Solutions and Solubility 7.1 Solubility
C: Solutions and Solubility 7.2 Hard Water Treatment
C: Solutions and Solubility 7.3 Reactions in Solution
C: Solutions and Solubility 7.4 Waste Water Treatment
C: Solutions and Solubility 7.5 Qualitative Chemical Analysis
C: Solutions and Solubility 7.6 Quantitative Analysis
C: Solutions and Solubility 8.1 Understanding Acids and Bases
C: Solutions and Solubility 8.2 pH of a Solution
C: Solutions and Solubility 8.3 Working with Solutions
C: Solutions and Solubility 8.4 Acid-Base Theories
C: Solutions and Solubility 8.5 Acid-Base Reactions
D: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry 9.1 States of Matter
D: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry 9.2 Gas Laws
D: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry 9.3 Compressed Gases
D: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry 9.4 The Ideal Gas Law
D: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry 10.1 Mixtures of Gases
D: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry 10.2 Reactions of Gases
D: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry 10.3 The Ozone Layer
D: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry 10.4 Gas Stoichiometry
D: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry 10.5 Applications of Gases
E: Hydrocarbons and Energy 11.1 Organic Compounds
E: Hydrocarbons and Energy 11.2 Refining Petroleum
E: Hydrocarbons and Energy 11.3 Combustion of Hydrocarbons
E: Hydrocarbons and Energy 11.4 Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
E: Hydrocarbons and Energy 11.5 Alkenes and Alkynes
E: Hydrocarbons and Energy 12.1 Classifying Energy Changes
E: Hydrocarbons and Energy 12.2 Calorimetry
E: Hydrocarbons and Energy 12.3 Heats of Reaction
E: Hydrocarbons and Energy 12.4 Our Use of Fossil Fuels