C Questions Flashcards
The river which flowed out of the Garden of Eden divided into four rivers. Name one of those rivers.
Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel [Tigris] and Euphrates; Genesis 2:11-14
What murderer was marked by God so that no one would kill him?
Cain; Genesis 4:15
Who was Methuselah’s father?
Enoch; Genesis 5:21-24
As far as the Bible reveals, who was the oldest man who ever lived and how long did he live?
Methuselah, 969; Genesis 5:27
Name the three sons of Noah.
Shem, Ham and Japheth; Genesis 6:10
How big was the ark God told Noah to build?
About 450’ long by 75’ wide by 45’ high; 300 cubits long by 50 cubits wide by 30 cubits high; Genesis 6:15
Which came first - the Tower of Babel or the Flood?
The flood; Genesis 7-9; 11
How long did Noah remain in the Ark?
1 year, 10 days; Genesis 7:10, 11; 8:13,14
What was the first thing that Noah did after leaving the ark?
Offered sacrifices from the clean animals and birds; Genesis 8:20
Which book of the Bible is especially concerned with the suffering of innocent people?
The Sabeans took his oxen and his donkeys, the lightning killed his sheep, the Chaldeans stole his camels, and his servants were killed. To whom did all these things happen?
Job; Job 1:14-19
What were the names of Job’s three friends?
Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar; Job 2:11
Job’s friends sat in silence with Job and mourned with him for how many days?
7 days; Job 2:11, 13
Who was the younger man who spoke after Job’s three friends were done?
Elihu; Job 32
God asked Job about two large creatures. What were they called?
Behemoth & leviathan; Job 40:15-41:34
Which happened first - the flood, Abram’s departure from Ur of the Chaldees or the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah?
The flood; Genesis 12
Which happened first in the life of Abraham - the rescue of Lot, Isaac’s birth or Ishmael’s birth?
the rescue of Lot; Genesis 14
What is the name of the land that God told Abraham to leave?
Ur of the Chaldeans; Genesis 11:31
How old was Abram when he left Haran to go to Canaan?
75 years old; Genesis 12:4
How many servants did Abram take with him to rescue Lot?
318 trained servants; Genesis 14:14
Who was the priest of Salem who welcomed Abraham and to whom Abraham gave a tithe?
Melchizedek; Genesis 14:18-20
Who was Abram’s heir before the birth of Ishmael?
Eliezer of Damascus; Genesis 15:2
How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?
86 years old; Genesis 16:16
What were the names of the two children who were born to Lot’s two daughters?
Moab & Ben-Ammi; Genesis 19:36-38
What was the name of Sarah’s father?
Terah; Genesis 20:12, 11:26
How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?
100 years Genesis 21:5
Where did Abraham go to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice?
land of Moriah; Genesis 22:2
Where did Abraham bury Sarah?
in the cave of Machpelah near Hebron; Genesis 23:19
What sign did Abraham’s servant ask from God to help him pick a wife for Isaac?
The one who offered him AND his camels a drink; Genesis 24:12-14
How old was Isaac when he married Rebekah?
40 years old; Genesis 25:20
How old was Isaac when his twin sons were born?
60 years old; Genesis 25:26
Jacob was given his name for what act at his birth?
He grabbed his twin brother’s ankle; Genesis 25:26
Which of the
twin sons was Rebekah’s favorite?
Jacob; Genesis 25:28
By what other name was Esau called and why?
Edom ? because of the “red” stew for which he traded his birthright; Genesis 25:30
To what place did Jacob flee when his brother Esau wished to kill him?
Haran in Padan Aram; Genesis 27:43; 28:7
What physical weakness did Leah, daughter of Laban, have?
Her eyes were weak; Genesis 29:17
Which daughter of Laban did Jacob marry first?
Leah; Genesis 29:21-25
What did Rachel steal when Jacob’s family left Haran?
the household gods which had belonged to her father; Genesis 31:19
How many times did the children of Israel march around the city of Jericho?
13 times; Joshua 6:1-4
As Joshua and the children of Israel marched around the walls of Jericho, the priests carried trumpets before the Ark of the Lord. How many priests carried trumpets?
7; Joshua 6:4
When Joshua entered the Promised Land, what was the name of the second city he attacked?
Ai; Joshua 7:2-5
Who were the only survivors from the Israelite destruction of Jericho?
Rahab the harlot and her family with her in her house; Joshua 6:17, 23
What group of people tricked the Israelites into making a covenant of peace with them by claiming that they had come from a far distance?
The Hivites, particularly the Gibeonites; Joshua 9:1-17
Why did the tribes on the west side of the Jordan prepare to go to war against the tribes on the east side of the Jordan at the end of the conquest period?
The western tribes misunderstood the reason that the eastern tribes had built; Joshua 22:10-34
What did the Israelites do to the conquered Canaanite king named Adoni-Bezek?
They cut off his thumbs and big toes; Judges 1:6-7
Who was the left-handed Benjamite who killed the fat king Eglon with a hidden dagger?
The judge Ehud; Judges 2:15-25
Who was the man to kill 600 men with an ox goad?
Shamgar; Judges 3:31
What was the name of the first woman judge in Israel?
Deborah; Judges 4:4
Who hid from his enemies under a blanket in the tent of a woman?
Sisera; Judges 4:2-22
What woman in the Bible gave a man something to drink, hid him and then killed him by driving a nail through his head?
Jael, wife of Heber; Judges 5:24-26
What Bible character put out a fleece to test God?
Gideon; Judges 6:36-37
What leader chose his followers by watching how they drank water?
Gideon; Judges 7:5
When Abimelech set fire to the tower of Shechem, how many people died in the flames?
About 1000; Judges 9:47-49
What did a woman drop on the head of wicked king Abimelech, critically injuring him?
A millstone; Judges 9:5
Who made the foolish vow that if the Lord would grant him victory over his enemies, he would offer up as a burnt offering whatever came out of his house to meet him?
Jephthah; Judges 11:28-40
In the O.T. 42,000 Ephraimites were killed for the incorrect pronunciation of one word. What was that word?
Shibboleth; Judges 12:5, 6
Why did Delilah work to discover the secret of Samson’s strength and deliver him to the Philistines?
She was paid 5500 pieces of silver by the lords of the Philistines; Judges 16:4-5
When the Philistines finally captured Samson, what did they do to him?
Gouged out his eyes; Judges 16:20-21
What tribe was nearly destroyed by the other tribes of Israel during the time of the judges?
Benjamin; Judges 20:12-48
What tribe had 700 left-handed men who could sling stones at a hair breadth and not miss?
Benjamin; Judges 20:15, 16
Which book of the Bible records the marriage of a Moabite woman to an Israelite man whose son was part of the genealogy of Jesus Christ?
Although I was a poor woman who gleaned in the fields, I was married to a rich man and became an ancestor of Jesus Christ.
Who made fun of Hannah because she had no children?
Peninnah; 1 Samuel 1:2, 4-6
Who were the sons of Eli?
Hophni and Phinehas; 1 Samuel 1:3
Who was the mother of Samuel?
Hannah; 1 Samuel 1:20
Name the father of Saul
king in the O.T.). (Kish; 1 Samuel 9:1-2
Whom was king Saul willing to kill for eating honey against the king’s decree?
His son Jonathan; 1 Samuel 14:24-44
King Saul lost his kingdom because he failed to totally destroy what nation of people?
Amalekites; 1 Samuel 15
To whom was the prophet Samuel speaking when he said, “To obey is better than sacrifice”?
Saul; 1 Samuel 15:20, 22
What was the dowry which Saul required of David to marry Saul’s daughter Michal?
The lives of 100 Philistines; 1 Samuel 18:25
David pretended to be crazy by scrabbling on the doors of the gate and drooling on his beard because he was afraid of what king?
Achish, king of Gath; 1 Samuel 21:12-15
What was the name of the man who killed 85 Israelite priests at the command of king Saul?
Doeg the Edomite; 1 Samuel 22:18
To whom did David say, “Stay with me; do not fear. For he who seeks my life seeks your life, but with me you shall be safe.”
Abiathar, son of the high priest Ahimelech; 1 Samuel 22:23
David had a wife name Abigail. What was her first husband’s name?
Nabal; 1 Samuel 25:3
What O.T. character went to visit the witch of Endor?
Saul; 1 Samuel 28:7, 8
What was king Solomon’s other name and what did it mean?
Jedidiah - “Beloved of the Lord”; 2 Samuel 2:24-25
Name the crippled son of Jonathan.
Mephibosheth; 2 Samuel 4:46
For how long did David reign over just the tribe of Judah?
7 years, 6 months; 2 Samuel 2:11
What son of Saul reigned over the northern tribes after Saul’s death?
Ishbosheth; 2 Samuel 2:8-10
Who were the three nephews of David who were prominent during his reign?
Joab, Abishai and Asahel; 2 Samuel 2:18; 1 Chronicles 2:16
How old was David when he became king of Israel?
30 years old; 2 Samuel 5:4
Who was Uriah the Hittite?
Husband of Bathsheba, killed by David; he was also one of David’s mighty men; 2 Samuel 11:3-24; 23:39
How did David reward the men who assassinated his rival Ishbosheth?
He had them executed; 2 Samuel 4
What was the name of Solomon’s mother?
Bathsheba; 2 Samuel 12:24
Who was the half-brother of Absalom that he had murdered for revenge?
Amnon; 2 Samuel 13:28
What Bible person cut his hair only once a year?
Absalom; 2 Samuel 14:25-26
Which of David’s counselors remained faithful to him and which counselor defected to Absalom?
Faithful: Hushai; Unfaithful: Ahithophel; 2 Samuel 15:31-37
Which king ruled first - Hezekiah, Ahab or Solomon?
Solomon; 1 Kings 1:39
Who had Joab, commander of king David’s army, executed?
Solomon; 1 Kings 2:28-34
What famous queen visited Solomon?
Queen of Sheba; 1 Kings 10:1
In Solomon’s time, what remained in the ark of the covenant?
The two tablets of stone upon which were written the ten commandments; 1 Kings 8:9
Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem with the help of what Phoenician king?
Hiram; 1 Kings 9:10-14
What Israelite rebelled against Solomon and later became a king over the northern tribes?
Jeroboam; 1 Kings 11:26-12:20
The names Molech and Chemosh have what in common?
They are both the names of false gods; 1 Kings 11:7
When did the kingdom of Israel divide for the second time - at the death of David, Solomon or Ahab?
Solomon; 1 Kings 12:20-24
When Elijah built the altar on Mount Carmel, how many stones did he use?
Twelve; 1 Kings 18:31, 32
How did the prophet Elijah travel to heaven?
In a whirlwind; 2 Kings 2:11
Who was smothered by having a thick cloth dipped in water placed over his face?
Ben-Hadad, king of Syria; 2 Kings 8:7-15
The two golden calves fashioned by king Jeroboam were placed where?
At Dan & Bethel; 2 Kings 12:28-29
What was the name of the queen of Judah who was responsible for killing nearly all of her grandchildren
Athaliah; 2 Kings 11:1-3
Who saved the baby Joash from the wicked queen Athaliah?
Jehoiada & Jehoshabeath [Jehosheba], high priest and his wife; 2 Chronicles 22:10-11)
What Judean king was struck with leprosy because he attempted to burn incense in the temple?
Uzziah [Azariah]; 2 Chronicles 26:16-21
The Assyrian king known as Pul was known by what other name?
Tiglath-Pileser; 2 Kings 15:19
The Rabshakeh taunted what Israelite king?
Hezekiah; the Rabshakeh was an officer of the Assyrian king Sennacherib; Isaiah 36
The angel of the Lord killed how many of Sennacherib’s soldiers?
185,000; Isaiah 37:36-37
God gave Hezekiah a sign that he would live longer. What was that sign?
The shadow on the sundial went backward ten degrees; Isaiah 38:8
What Judean king was killed by an Egyptian Pharaoh at Megiddo?
Josiah; 2 Kings 23:29-30
What descendant of Josiah reigned for only three months in Jerusalem before being taken to Babylon as a captive?
Jehoiachin; 2 Chronicles 36:9-10
What Israelite king witnessed the death of his sons before his own eyes were put out by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar?
Zedekiah; 2 Kings 25:7
The scribe Ezra tore his garment, his robe and plucked out some of the hair of his head and beard because he heard that the people of Israel had committed what sin?
Married people of the land, non-Israelites; Ezra 9:1-3
What was the name of king Artaxerxes’ cupbearer?
Nehemiah; Nehemiah 1:11-2:1
What were the names of the three men who were the leaders of opposition against Nehemiah?
Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem; Nehemiah 2:10, 19; 6:1
What was the name of the queen who was replaced by Esther?
Vashti; Esther 1:17
Who was the king who made Esther a queen?
Ahasuerus; Esther 2:16-17
Mordecai uncovered a plot against the Persian king Ahasuerus. What were the names of the conspirators?
Bigthan & Teresh, doorkeepers; Esther 2:21-23
What was Queen Esther’s other name?
Hadassah; Esther 2:7
What was the name of Mordecai’s famous cousin?
Esther or Hadassah; Esther 2:7
Who was hanged on gallows he had prepared for another?
Haman; Esther 7:9
Who suggested to Haman that he make a gallows on which to hang Mordecai?
His wife Zeresh; Esther 5:14
Name the five books usually called the “wisdom literature” or “poetry.”
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
Which book of the Bible contains the worship songs of the Israelite people?
What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
Psalm 119; 176 verses
Solomon said that something “bites like a serpent, and stings like a viper.” What was it?
Wine; Proverbs 23:31-32
This prophet is more frequently quoted in the New Testament than any other prophet.
This prophet’s written prophecy has been divided into 66 chapters and has been called the “Bible in miniature”.
Which prophet lived first - Isaiah or Ezekiel?
Isaiah; Isaiah 1:1, Ezekiel 1:1-2
What Bible prophet said, “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel”?
Isaiah 7:14
Name the two sons of Isaiah.
Shearjashub and Mahershalalhashbaz; Isaiah 7:3, 8:1-2
What prophet of the Old Testament is sometimes called “the weeping prophet”?
What was the name of Jeremiah’s secretary?
Baruch; Jeremiah 36:10, 17, 18
This prophet was pulled out of a muddy dungeon by an Ethiopian named Ebed-Melech.
Jeremiah; Jeremiah 38:1-6
This prophet wrote a book lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem.
Jeremiah; Lamentations
After the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, this prophet was forcibly taken to Egypt by Johanan.
Jeremiah; Jeremiah 41:16-18
This prophet could be called the “Visual Aids Prophet” because of his numerous symbolic acts designed to teach.
This prophet was carried off to Babylon in 597 B.C. in the second deportation of the Jews.
This prophet interpreted a dream for king Nebuchadnezzar and was made ruler of all the wise men of Babylon.
This prophet was given the name “Belteshazzar” by his captors.
Daniel; Daniel 1:7
Who was Belteshazzar?
Daniel; Daniel 1:7
This prophet was told by God to marry a harlot. He is sometimes called “the prophet of the broken heart.”
This prophet’s name means “salvation”.
This prophet likens the “day of the Lord” to a locust plague.
This prophet’s name means “burden-bearer”. He was a herdsman and a grower of sycamore figs.
What prophet was a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore trees?
Amos; Amos 7:14
In his very short prophecy, this prophet criticized the nation of Edom for its violence against its brother-nation Israel.
This prophet was told to preach to the Assyrians, but he tried to flee from God.
This prophet’s name means “dove”, but he was anxious for the Assyrians to be destroyed.
Which prophet lived earlier ? Jonah or Jeremiah?
Jonah; 2 Kings 14:25/Jonah, 2 Kings 21/ Jeremiah 1:2
This prophet prophesied primarily to Judah and was a contemporary of Hosea and Isaiah.
What was the name of the prophet who foretold that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
Micah; 5:2
This prophet was the second prophet to be sent to Nineveh and he prophesied of the city’s destruction.
This prophet proclaimed that “the just shall live by faith”.
This prophet cried out to God, “How long?” because God had not punished the nation of Judah for their wickedness.
In what city did Mary, the mother of Jesus, live while she was betrothed to Joseph?
Nazareth, a city of Galilee; Luke 1:26-27
What were the names of the parents of John the Baptist?
Zacharias & Elizabeth; Luke 1:13
What was the age difference between Jesus and John the Baptist?
About six months; John was older; Luke 1:26, 36
Who was the Lord’s messenger, the voice of one crying in the wilderness?
John the Baptist; Mark 1:1-4
Who visited the infant Jesus on the night of His birth?
Shepherds; Luke 2:8-16
What was the name of the king who tried to kill the baby Jesus?
Herod the Great; Matthew 2:13
Who were the two high priests in Jesus’ day?
Annas & Caiaphas; Luke 3:2
How long was Jesus tempted in the wilderness?
40 days; Luke 4:1-2
Jesus healed the mother-in-law of which of the apostles?
Simon Peter; Luke 4:38-39
What miracle did Jesus do at Cana?
Turned water into wine; John 2:1-11
Name the twelve apostles.
Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus [Lebbaeus; Judas the son of James], Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot; Matthew 10:2-4; Luke 6:14-16
The apostle Peter was known by two other names. What were they?
Cephas & Simon; John 1:42, Matt. 4:8; called Simeon in Acts 15:14 in some versions
What miracle did Jesus perform at Nain?
Resurrected the only son of a widow; Luke 7:11-15
Jesus cast seven demons out of what woman?
Mary of Magdalene; Luke 8:2
What man came to Jesus, begging for help, because his only daughter who was twelve years old was dying?
Jairus, a ruler of a synagogue; Luke 8:41-42
The woman who was healed by touching the Lord’s garment had been afflicted with a “flow of blood” for how many years?
Twelve; Mark 5:25-29
Which of the apostles did Jesus allow to witness the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter?
Peter, James and John; Mark 5:37-40
Who requested the head of John the Baptist?
The daughter of Herodias; Matthew 14:1-11
Which of the Jewish sects was caught up in the observance of the traditions of the fathers?
The Pharisees; Mark 7:1-13
When Jesus was in the region of Tyre and Sidon, what request did a Syro-Phoenician woman make of Him?
She wanted Him to cast a demon out of her daughter; Mark 7:24-26
How many people did Jesus feed miraculously with seven loaves and a few small fish?
4,000; Mark 8:1-9
Who is Beelzebub?
Satan, the ruler of the demons; Luke 11:15-19
Because of my craftiness Jesus used me to describe Herod.
fox; Luke 13:31-32
In the story about Lazarus and the rich man, what two requests did the rich man make of Abraham?
Send Lazarus with water to cool my tongue and send Lazarus to warn my brothers; Luke 16:19-31
What did Jesus say was the only acceptable reason for divorce?
Fornication; Matthew 19:9
Which of the apostles wanted to sit on the right and left hand of Jesus in the kingdom?
James and John, the sons of Zebedee; Mark 10:35-37
What was the name of the blind man whom Jesus healed at Jericho?
Bartimaeus; Mark 10:46-52
As Jesus traveled from Bethany to Jerusalem, what did He curse: the city of Jerusalem, a fig tree, the Romans or the Pharisees?
a fig tree; Mark 11:12-21
Who asked Jesus the question about Levirate marriage, the seven brothers all successively marrying the same woman?
The Sadducees; Luke 20:27-33
The poor widow in the book of Luke put how many coins into the temple treasury?
Two; Luke 21:2
Jesus said that Peter would deny Him three times before what happened?
The rooster crowed twice; Mark 14:30
Jesus was betrayed on the day of the observance of what Jewish feast?
Passover; Luke 22:7-48
What was the name of the high priest’s servant who had his ear cut off by the apostle Peter?
Malchus; John 18:10
For what crimes was Barabbas imprisoned?
Rebellion & murder; Luke 23:19
What was the name of the man who carried Jesus’ cross?
Simon of Cyrene; Matthew 27:32
By what two names was the place where Jesus was crucified known?
Calvary & Golgotha; Luke 23:33; Matthew 27:33; John 19:17
In what three languages was the title over Jesus’ cross written?
Hebrew, Greek & Latin; John 19:20
According to the gospel of Mark, Jesus was crucified at the third hour. At what hour did He die?
The ninth hour; Mark 15:25-37
Who, present at the crucifixion of Jesus, confessed that He was the Son of God?
The Roman centurion; Mark 15:39
What did the centurion do to ensure that the two thieves on crosses died quickly?
Broke their legs; John 19:31-33
Nicodemus put how many pounds of myrrh and aloes on the body of Jesus?
100 lbs; John 19:39
Who was the first one to see Jesus after his resurrection?
Mary Magdalene; Mark 16:9
What question did Jesus ask Peter three times after His resurrection?
“Do you love me?”; John 21:15-17
Which is the longest book in the New Testament?
Jesus told a parable about two men who went up to the temple to pray. How were these two men identified?
A Pharisee & a tax collector; Luke 18:9-14
In the parable of the good Samaritan, what two men passed by the injured men without helping?
A priest and a Levite; Luke 10:30-32
In the parable of the great supper, what three excuses did the invited guests offer?
bought a piece of land ? have to go see it; bought five yoke of oxen ? must test them; married a wife; Luke 14:16-20
What did the prodigal son want to eat while he was in need?
The carob pods which he was feeding swine; Luke 15:16
List the types of soils in the parable of the sower in the order that Jesus gave them.
Wayside; stony; thorny & good ground; Mark 4:3-8
In the parable of the ten virgins, at what time did the bridegroom arrive?
Midnight; Matthew 25:6
In the parable of the talents, how many talents were given to each of the three servants?
Five, two and one; Matthew 25:15
In the parable of the vineyard owner, whom did the owner finally send to receive fruit from the vinedressers?
His son; Mark 12:6
In the parable of the two builders, Jesus compared two kinds of persons, describing them in terms of wise and foolish builders. What was the difference between these two kinds of persons?
One heard His sayings and did them; the other heard His sayings and did nothing; Luke 6:47-49
Why did Jesus say that one brother would not be able to remove the speck in another brother’s eye?
He had a plank in his own eye; Luke 6:41-42
In the parable of the rich farmer, what did the farmer decide to do?
Build bigger barns to store his increased goods; Luke 12:16-21
Jesus told the parable of the rich farmer to teach against what particular sin?
Covetousness or greed; Luke 12:15-21
In the parable of the lost sheep, where did the shepherd leave the ninety-nine other sheep of the flock?
In the wilderness; Luke 15:4-6
What does John 3:16 say?
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Which book of the New Testament could be described as “The Book of Conversions”?
On what Jewish feast day was the church established?
Day of Pentecost; Acts 2
Peter and John healed a lame man in the temple. What was the name of the gate where the lame man was customarily laid?
Beautiful; evidently the east gate; Acts 3:2
How long had the lame man healed by Peter and John in the temple been lame?
Over 40 years; Acts 3:2; 4:22
What was the name of the Levite from Cyprus who sold land and brought the money to the apostles?
Joses, also called Barnabas; Acts 5:36-37
What was the name of the area in the temple where the early Jerusalem church met?
Solomon’s Porch; Acts 5:12
When the Sanhedrin plotted to kill the apostles, as related in Acts 5, what individual spoke to the council and essentially saved the apostles’ lives?
Gamaliel, a Pharisee; Acts 5:34-39
I was able to fool the people of Samaria with my tricks, but later became a Christian myself.
Simon the sorcerer; Acts 8:9-24
Why did Peter and John travel to Samaria where Philip had preached?
To lay hands on the new converts so that they could receive the Holy Spirit [spiritual gifts]; Acts 8:14-19
Who was the person called Candace?
Queen of the Ethiopians; Acts 8:27
The Ethiopian treasurer was reading from what passage of Scripture when Philip approached his chariot?
Isaiah 53; Acts 8:28-33
What was the name of the street to which Ananias was sent?
Straight; Acts 9:11
After Saul’s conversion, what man brought him to meet with the skeptical apostles?
Barnabas; Acts 9:26-28
What was the name of the man from Lydda who had been paralyzed for eight years and was healed by Peter?
Aeneas; Acts 9:32-34
With whom was Peter staying at Joppa when he saw the vision of the sheet from heaven?
Simon, a tanner; Acts 10:5-6
When Hellenists believed in the Lord at Antioch of Syria, whom did the Jerusalem church send to encourage them?
Barnabas; Acts 10:19-24
In the book of Acts, what prophet predicted that a famine would spread over the entire Roman world?
Agabus; Acts 11:28
How did James, the son of Zebedee, die?
Executed by Herod Agrippa I; Acts 12:2
When Peter was released from prison, he knocked at the door of the gate and a certain person came to answer his knock. Who was that individual?
Rhoda; Acts 12:13
The people of Tyre and Sidon petitioned Herod Agrippa I for peace by means of what man?
Blastus, the king’s personal aide; Acts 12:20
All three of Paul’s missionary journeys began in the same city. What city was that?
Antioch of Syria; Acts 13:1-3; 15:35-40; 18:22-23)
Who was the proconsul of Cyprus to whom Paul preached?
Sergius Paulus; Acts 13:4-12
Lystra was a city of the region of Lycaonia. What was the other city of the same region which Paul visited on his first missionary journey?
Derbe; Acts 14:6
Following the miraculous healing of a crippled man, the people of Lystra identified Paul and Barnabas with Greek gods. Who did they call Barnabas and who did they call Paul?
Barnabas = Zeus [Jupiter was the Roman equivalent]; Paul = Hermes [Mercury was the Roman equivalent]; Acts 14:12
In the Jerusalem meeting about the question of Gentile Christians being circumcised, who was the last speaker?
James; Acts 15:13-21
Paul and Barnabas disagreed over whether a certain man should accompany them on their second missionary journey. Who was that man?
John Mark; Acts 15:37-39
Lystra was the home of which travelling companion of Paul?
Timothy; Acts 16:1
At what city did Paul see a vision of a man inviting him to enter Macedonia?
Troas; Acts 16:8-9
Why were Paul and Silas beaten and thrown into prison at Philippi on the second missionary journey?
Paul had cast out a spirit of divination in a slave girl and her owners were irate; Acts 16:16-23
When the mob at Thessalonica could not find Paul, they instead took his host. What was that Christian’s name?
Jason; Acts 17:5-9
When Paul preached to the Areopagus, although most mocked him, one Areopagite believed. What was his name?
Dionysius; Acts 17:34
During his second missionary journey, Paul appeared before the proconsul of Achaia. What was the proconsul’s name?
Gallio; Acts 18:12
When Paul stopped teaching in the synagogue at Ephesus during his third missionary journey, where did he continue his teaching?
In the school of Tyrannus; Acts 19:8-9
What was the name of the silversmith at Ephesus who raised a mob against Paul?
Demetrius; Acts 19:24
On his way back to Jerusalem on his third missionary journey, Paul met the elders of the Ephesian church at what city?
Miletus; Acts 20:17
Who used Paul’s belt to bind his own hands and feet as a prophecy of Paul’s imprisonment in Jerusalem?
Agabus; Acts 21:10-11
When Paul was taken into custody by the Romans in Jerusalem, why was he not beaten?
He was a Roman citizen; Acts 22:25-29
What oath did more than forty Jews take while Paul was a prisoner in Jerusalem?
Not to eat nor drink until they had killed Paul; Acts 23:12-14
Who was the chief captain in Jerusalem who sent Paul to Caesarea as a prisoner?
Claudius Lysias; Acts 24:23-26
At Caesarea, the Jews employed an orator to accuse Paul before the governor Felix. What was the name of that orator?
Tertullus; Acts 24:1
What was the name of the Jewish wife of the Roman governor Felix?
Drusilla; Acts 24:24
The Roman governor Festus allowed Paul to make his defense before what other ruler?
King Agrippa; Acts 25:13-26:1
Who said, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian”?
King Agrippa; Acts 26:28
What was the name of the centurion into whose custody Paul was given for the trip to Rome?
Julius; Acts 27:1
At what location on the island of Crete did Paul advise his Roman captors that they should spend the winter because sailing was dangerous?
Fair Havens; Acts 27:7-12
When Paul was shipwrecked on the island of Melita, he stayed with what chief man on the island?
Publius; Acts 28:1,7
What is the theme of the book of Romans?
Justification by faith; Romans 1:16-17
When writing 1 Corinthians, Paul said that he had received news of the Corinthian church from whom?
The household of Chloe; 1 Corinthians 1:11
In what epistle did Paul say that he was given a “thorn in the flesh”?
2 Corinthians; 12:7
In what epistle did Paul relate how he had publicly rebuked Peter for hypocrisy?
Galatians; 2:11-14
In what epistle did Paul list the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit?
Galatians; 5:19-23
What does Ephesians 6:1 say?
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.”
In what epistle did Paul write about the “whole armor of God”?
Ephesians; 6:13-18
In what epistle did the apostle Paul write about Christians being “caught up?in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air”?
1 Thessalonians; 4:17
The qualifications of elders and deacons appear in the same chapter in this book. Which book?
1 Timothy; chapter 3
Paul wrote that his “departure” was at hand in this epistle. Which epistle?
2 Timothy; 4:6
What two women at Philippi were corrected by Paul for having a disagreement?
Euodias and Syntyche; Philippians 4:2
Who was the grandmother of Timothy?
Lois; 2 Tim. 1:5
Who was the mother of Timothy?
Eunice; 2 Tim. 1:5
According to 2 Timothy, Scripture is profitable for four things. What are they?
Doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness; 3:16
Who were described by Paul as “liars, evil beasts, slow bellies”?
Cretans; Titus 1:12
What runaway slave is named in the New Testament?
Onesimus; Philemon
Jesus was a high priest after what order?
Melchizedek; Hebrews 5:5, 6
According to the book of Hebrews, Jesus is superior to Moses, Aaron and whom?
angels; Hebrews 1
In the general epistle of James, how is death defined?
the body without the spirit; James 2:26
What man did the apostle John say “loves to have the pre-eminence”?
Diotrephes; 3 John 9
What New Testament writer cited a prophecy of Enoch, the seventh from Adam?
Jude; vs. 14-15
What kind of literature is the book of Revelation?
Name the seven churches to which the book of Revelation was addressed.
Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea; Revelation 1:11
Which of the seven churches addressed in the book of Revelation were not criticized in any way?
Smyrna, 2:8-11; Philadelphia, 3:7-13)
What were the colors of the horses in the first four seals opened in Revelation?
White, red, black and pale [green]; Revelation 6:1-8
When the seventh seal was opened in the book of Revelation, there was silence in heaven for how long?
About thirty minutes; Revelation 8:1
In the book of Revelation, a great star which fell from heaven had a name. What was that name?
Wormwood; Revelation 8:10-11
In the book of Revelation, John was given a reed like a measuring rod and told to measure what?
The temple of God, the altar and those who worshipped there; Revelation 11:1
In the apocalypse of John, what is the number of the beast?
666; Revelation 13:18
How many bowls of wrath are there in the book of Revelation?
Seven; Revelation 15:7
In the book of Revelation, how is the bride, the Lamb’s wife, described?
As a great and precious city; Revelation 21:9-27
Who did John see riding on the back of the sea beast in Revelation?
the great harlot, Babylon; Revelation 17:3-6
In chapter 12 of Revelation, Michael and his angels fought with whom?
The dragon [Satan] and his angels; Revelation 12:7-8
What was the New Testament word for teacher?
Rabbi or Master; John 1:38
Name one of the two major rivers in Mesopotamia?
Tigris, Euphrates
What river joins the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea?
Jordan River
After the division of the kingdom, by what name was the southern kingdom known?
Ashdod, Ekron, Gath, Ashkelon and Gaza were major cities of what group of people?
Tyre and Sidon were major cities of what country?
What is the name of the peninsula in which the Israelites wandered for 40 years?
The Sinai Peninsula
What city was the capital of the Old Testament nation of Syria?
What is the more common name for “The Great Sea”?
Mediterranean Sea
What valley in northern Canaan was the site of several important military battles?
Valley of Jezreel
The Israelites crossed what body of water on dry land as they left Egypt?
The Red Sea
The southern kingdom of Judah was taken captive by what Mesopotamian power?
The northern kingdom of Israel was taken captive by what Mesopotamian power?
What is the more common name for the Sea of Chinnereth?
Sea of Galilee
What do the names Yarmuk, Jabbok, Arnon and Zered have in common?
They are all names of rivers in Palestine
The temple was located in what city?
What city was the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel from the time of Omri onward?
What was the New Testament name for the Old Testament Edomites?
When Joseph’s family came to Egypt, they were settled in what part of the land?
The Land of Goshen
What body of water in Palestine is so salty that no fish can live in it?
The Dead Sea
Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal on the top of what mountain?
Mount Carmel
Name the five books usually called the “major prophets.”
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel & Daniel
Who wrote the book of Hezekiah?
There is no book of Hezekiah
In what language was the Old Testament originally written?
In what language was the New Testament originally written?
Name the four books usually called the “prison epistles.”
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians & Philemon
Name all the books of the Bible written by John.
gospel of John, 1, 2 & 3 John, Revelation
What does the word “minister” mean?
What Bible character was renamed Israel?
Genesis 32:28
When Jacob returned from Haran, where did he live in Canaan?
Genesis 33:18
What two brothers of Dinah killed all the men in the city of Schechem?
Simeon and Levi
Genesis 34:25
How old was Joseph when he was given his coat of many colors?
17 years old
Genesis 37:2-3
One of Joseph’s brothers said, “Let us not kill him.” Who was that brother?
Genesis 37:21-23