B Questions - Alex Flashcards
Who wrote the book of Genesis?
What was the name of the tree whose fruit Adam and Eve were not allowed to eat?
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil; Genesis 2:17
Who said it? - This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
Adam; Genesis 2:23
Name That Person - I was the second son of my father. My older brother killed me because my sacrifice was acceptable and his wasn’t.
Abel; Genesis 4:1-8
What was the name of Adam’s third son?
Seth; Genesis 5:3
Who lived so close to God that he was taken into heaven without dying?
Enoch or Elijah; Genesis 5:24, II Kings 2:1
What were the names of Noah’s three sons?
Shem, Ham and Japheth; Genesis 5:32
What sign did God give that He would not destroy the earth again with water as He did in the days of Noah?
The rainbow; Genesis 9:11-17
What woman advised her husband to “curse God, and die”
Job’s wife; Job 2:9
Name one of Job’s three friends who came to comfort him.
Eliphaz, Bildad or Zophar; Job 2:11
How did the Lord cause the people building the Tower of Babel to be scattered?
He confused their language; Genesis 11:6-9
Who was considered the “father of the nation of Israel”?
Abraham; Genesis 12:2, John 8:39
What were the three parts to the promise that God gave to Abraham?
Seed, nation and land; Genesis 12:1-3, 7
What lie did Abraham tell to Pharaoh?
He said that Sarah was his sister, implying that she was not his wife; Genesis 12:11-19
Name Abraham’s wife.
Sarah, Keturah or Hagar; Genesis 11:31, 16:3, 25:1
What was the name of Abraham’s nephew?
Lot; Genesis 11:27, 14:12
On what day was circumcision to be performed on Jewish baby boys?
On the eighth day; Genesis 17:10-12
Who was the mother of Ishmael?
Hagar; Genesis 16:15
Why were the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by God?
The sin of homosexuality; Genesis 19
Who lied to king Abimelech about his wife being his sister?
Abraham & Isaac; Genesis 20:2, 26:1-10
Name That Person - I was the nephew of Abraham and I lived in Sodom until it was destroyed.
Lot; Genesis 14:12, 19:1-29
What cities were destroyed by God when He told Lot to get away?
Sodom and Gomorrah; Genesis 19:24-25
Name the wife of Isaac.
Rebekah; Genesis 24:67
Name the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah.
Esau and Jacob; Genesis 25:25-26
One of Isaac’s sons was hairy and red. Which one?
Esau; Genesis 25:25
Name That Person - I deceived my father by wearing my brother’s clothes and the skins of goats.
Jacob; Genesis 27:5-29
Who dreamed about a ladder which reached up to heaven?
Jacob; Genesis 28:10-12
Name the father-in-law of Jacob.
Laban; Genesis 29: 21-23
Who were the two sisters who were married to Jacob?
Leah and Rachel; Genesis 35:23-24
How long did Jacob work for Laban for each of his daughters?
7 years/ea; Genesis 29:18-30
What work did Jacob do for his father-in-law, Laban?
He took care of Laban’s flocks; Genesis 30:29
Name the oldest son of Jacob.
Reuben; Genesis 46:8
Name the youngest son of Jacob.
Benjamin; Genesis 42:29-36
Who was Judah’s sister?
Dinah; Genesis 29:35; 34:1
How was Jacob convinced that Joseph was dead?
a bloody tunic; Genesis 37:31-35
Who bought Joseph from the Midianite merchants who took him to Egypt?
Potiphar; Genesis 37:36
Name That Person - I fled from Potiphar’s wife, leaving my garment in her hand. For this I went to prison.
Joseph; Genesis 39:11-20
What man went from dungeon prisoner to steward over Egypt in one step?
Joseph; Genesis 41:14-44
Name the two sons of Joseph.
Manasseh and Ephraim; Genesis 41: 50-52
Joseph’s silver cup was found in the grain sack of which of his brothers?
Benjamin; Genesis 44:1-12
Where was Jacob’s family settled in Egypt?
The land of Goshen; Genesis 47:1-6
Who raised Moses?
Pharaoh’s daughter; Exodus 2:1-10
What man had to flee from Egypt because he killed a man and buried him in the sand?
Moses; Exodus 2:11-15
What was the name of Moses’ wife?
Zipporah; Exodus 2:21
Who did the speaking for Moses before Pharaoh and the Israelites?
Aaron; Exodus 4:14-16
What was the second plague of the ten plagues to afflict Egypt?
frogs; Exodus 8:1-6
What was the final plague to afflict Egypt?
death of the firstborn; Exodus 11:4-8; 12:29-30
Name That Animal - I am the animal sacrificed for the Passover Feast. At the first passover, my blood was spread on the doorposts.
lamb; Exodus 12:1-7
Whose bones were carried out of Egypt by Moses?
Joseph’s; Exodus 13:19
What happened to the Egyptians who pursued the Israelites as they left Egypt?
They were drowned in the Red Sea; Exodus 14:5-28
Where was Moses given the Ten Commandments?
on Mt. Sinai; Exodus 19:20
Name That Animal - Aaron made an image of me at Mt. Sinai and the Israelites worshipped my image.
calf; Exodus 32:1-6
Who were the two sons of Aaron who were devoured by fire from heaven because they didn’t worship according to God’s command?
Nadab & Abihu; Leviticus 10:1-2
What two Israelite spies said the children of Israel could conquer Canaan?
Joshua and Caleb; Numbers 14:6-9
Name That Person - I was the first high priest of Israel and the older brother of a great leader.
Aaron; Exodus 28: 1-4
Name That Person - My brother and I opposed Moses and God punished me by striking me with leprosy.
Miriam; Numbers 12
What tribe were the Old Testament priests from?
Levi; Numbers 3:1-10
Who was swallowed up in the earth for rebelling against Moses?
Korah and his followers; Numbers 16
Name That Person - When Moses died I became the next leader of Israel. I was one of the two spies who said Israel could take the land.
Joshua; Numbers 14:6-9, Deuteronomy 34:5-9
What was special about the way that Israel entered the promised land?
They crossed the Jordan River on dry ground; Joshua 3:12-17
What city is called “the city of palm trees?”
Jericho; Deuteronomy 34:3
Name That Animal - I am the animal that Balaam rode. I saved his life but he beat me.
donkey; Numbers 22
Name That Person - I lived in the city of Jericho and saved my family by hanging a scarlet thread from my window.
Rahab the harlot; Joshua 2:8-21; 6:17
Who stole things from Jericho as it was being conquered?
Achan; Joshua 7
Who said, ‘But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord’?
Joshua; Joshua 24:15
What was the name of the left-handed judge?
Ehud; Judges 3:15
Which judge killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad?
Shamgar; Judges 3:31
What was the name of the only judge who was a woman?
Deborah; Judges 4:4
Which judge picked his soldiers by watching how they drank water?
Gideon; Judges 7: 4-7
What son of Gideon killed all of his brothers except one?
Abimelech; Judges 9
What woman discovered the secret of Samson’s strength?
Delilah; Judges 16:4-19
What judge fell backward and broke his neck when he heard that the ark of God was captured by the Philistines?
Eli; I Samuel 4:14-18
Who married the Moabite woman Ruth?
Boaz; Ruth 4:13
Who was the mother-in-law of Ruth?
Naomi; Ruth 1:2-14
Name That Person - I was a prophet of God and anointed the first two kings of Israel.
Samuel; I Samuel 10:1, 16:12-13
Saul disobeyed God by failing to completely destroy what group of people?
The Amalekites; 1 Samuel 15:1-24
The giant Goliath was from what nation of people?
The Philistines; 1 Samuel 17:4
Who was the father of David?
Jesse; I Samuel 17:58
What son of king Saul was a very close friend of David?
Jonathan; I Samuel 18:1
What priest gave David and his men bread to eat when they were fleeing from Saul?
Ahimelech; 1 Samuel 21:1-6
Saul and three of his sons died on what mount at the hands of the Philistines?
Mount Gilboa; 1 Samuel 31:8
Jerusalem was known as Zion and by what other name?
Jebus or The City of David; 2 Samuel 5:7-9
Who died when he touched the ark of the covenant?
Uzzah; 2 Samuel 6:6-7
David committed adultery with what woman who was the wife of Uriah the Hittite?
Bathsheba; 2 Samuel 11:1-4
Absalom had one of his half-brothers killed. What was that brother’s name?
Amnon; 2 Samuel 13:22-32
Who was the father of Absalom?
David; 2 Samuel 13:1
What kind of an animal was Absalom riding on when his head got caught in a tree?
a mule; 2 Samuel 18:9
Who put the darts through Absalom’s heart?
Joab; 2 Samuel 18:14
Who was Solomon’s father?
David; 2 Samuel 12:24
What important building for worship did Solomon build?
The temple in Jerusalem; 1 Kings 6:1-14
Who wrote most of the book of Proverbs?
Solomon; I Kings 4:29-32, Proverbs 1;1
Who said, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing”?
Solomon; Proverbs 18:22
What was the result of Solomon marrying so many wives?
His wives influenced him to follow after other gods; 1 Kings 11:1-8
What did Solomon say is “the whole duty of man”?
Fear God and keep His commandments; Ecclesiastes 12:13
What was the name of Solomon’s foolish son who reigned over Israel?
Rehoboam; 1 Kings 11:43-12:1
Who made two golden calves for Israel to worship?
Jeroboam; 1 Kings 12:28-30
What Israelite king married a Phoenician princess named Jezebel?
Ahab; 1 Kings 16:31
What did king Ahab take from Naboth the Jezreelite?
His vineyard; 1 Kings 21
Who was told to dip seven times in the Jordan River to be healed of his leprosy?
Naaman; 2 Kings 5:9-10
How was Elisha’s servant Gehazi punished for accepting gifts from Naaman?
He became a leper; 2 Kings 5:21-27
What man made an ax head float in water?
Elisha; 2 Kings 6:1-6
What man, described as a reckless chariot driver, killed both the king of Israel and the king of Judah?
Jehu; 2 Kings 9
Name That Person - I didn’t want to go to Nineveh to preach. Instead I sailed for Tarshish.
Jonah; Jonah 1:1-3
What city was Jonah supposed to go to when he got swallowed by the great fish?
Nineveh; Jonah 1:2
What preacher was angry because people listened to his preaching?
Jonah; Jonah 3:1-4:1
What nation carried Israel off into captivity?
Assyria; 2 Kings 18:11
Who wrote the book of Lamentations?
What nation carried Judah off into captivity?
Babylonia; 2 Kings 25
What king had a dream that Daniel interpreted?
Nebuchadnezzar; Daniel 2, 4
What three men were thrown into a fiery furnace?
Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego; Daniel 3:19-21
Name the last book of the Old Testament.
Which of the twelve tribes did Jesus come from?
Judah; Matthew 1:1-17
What was the name of the angel who told Mary that she would have a son?
Gabriel; Luke 1:26-31
Who was the prophetess that spoke about the baby Jesus in the temple?
Anna; Luke 2:36-38
What ruler tried to kill the baby Jesus?
Herod the Great; Matthew 2:13-16
Geography - What was the name of the little village where Jesus grew up?
Nazareth; Matthew 2:23
Zacharias and Elizabeth had a son. What was his name?
John; Luke 1:13
Who tempted Jesus in the wilderness?
Satan; Matthew 4
What was Matthew’s job before Jesus called him to be an apostle?
tax-collector; Matthew 9:9
What did Peter, Andrew, James and John do for a living before becoming apostles of Jesus?
fishermen; Luke 5:1-11
In what region of Palestine did Jesus do most of His preaching?
How many apostles did Jesus call?
Thirteen, including Paul; Matthew 10:2-4
What two disciples were called ‘sons of thunder’?
James and John; Mark 3:17
When Jesus went to Jairus’ house, whom did He heal?
Jairus’ daughter; Luke 8:41-56
Name one of the men who appeared with Jesus at His transfiguration?
Moses & Elijah; Luke 9:28-30
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who passed by the wounded man without helping him?
A priest and a Levite; Luke 10:30-32
Who did Jesus describe as a ?fox??
Herod Antipas; Luke 13:32
What ruler went to talk to Jesus at night?
Nicodemus; John 3:1-2
Name two tax collectors Jesus knew.
Matthew and Zaccheus; Matthew 9:9, Luke 19:2-5
In the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, how many virgins were foolish?
five; Matthew 25:1-2
When the prodigal son returned home, who was NOT glad to see him?
his elder brother; Luke 15:25-30
What was the name of the beggar whose sores the dogs licked?
Lazarus; Luke 16:20
When Jesus healed the ten lepers, how many returned and thanked Him?
One; Luke 17:15
Name That Animal - I am the animal that Jesus rode into Jerusalem.
a colt, the foal of a donkey; Luke 19:28-40, Matthew 21:5
Which one of the apostles of Jesus carried the money bag?
Judas Iscariot; John 12:1-6
What group of Jews condemned Jesus to die for the sin of blasphemy?
The Sanhedrin/council; Matthew 26:59-66
Who was the Roman governor that condemned Jesus to die?
Pontius Pilate; Luke 23: 1-25
What prisoner was set free the day Jesus died?
Barabbas; Luke 23:18-19, 25
Who carried the cross of Jesus when He was unable?
Simon of Cyrene; Matthew 27:32
What was done with Judas’ thirty pieces of silver?
potter’s field was purchased; Matthew 27:3-8
Who was crucified with Jesus?
Two robbers; Mark 15:27
At what city did Jesus die?
Jerusalem-just outside the city; John 19:20
For how long did darkness cover the earth when Jesus was crucified?
Three hours; Luke 23:44
In whose tomb was Jesus buried?
Joseph of Arimathea; Mark 15:43-46
How did those who guarded the tomb of Jesus explain the fact that it was empty?
They said that the disciples stole the body of Jesus; Matthew 28:11-14
Which of Jesus’ apostles saw him after His resurrection and said: “My Lord and my God”?
Thomas; John 20:28
Who did Jesus tell to feed his sheep?
Simon Peter; John 21:15-17
Who was chosen as an apostle to replace Judas Iscariot?
Matthias; Acts 1:26
Who wrote the book of Acts?
How many people were baptized on the Day of Pentecost?
about 3,000; Acts 2:41
What is the purpose of baptism?
for the remission of sins; Acts 2:38
Which word best describes baptism: pouring, sprinkling or immersion?
Immersion; it is a burial ? Romans 6:4
Which two apostles healed a lame man in the temple?
Peter and John; Acts 3:1-10
Name That Person - My wife and I lied to the church about the purchase price of a piece of land. As a result, God struck us both dead.
Ananias; Acts 5:1-10
What can a person do to earn salvation?
Nothing. It is the gift of God; Romans 6:23
How did Stephen die?
He was stoned to death by the Jews; Acts 7:54-60
What man who was a sorcerer became a Christian when he heard Philip preach?
Simon; Acts 8:9-13
Who preached to the Ethiopian eunuch?
Philip; Acts 8:26-35
Who was blinded on the road to Damascus?
Saul of Tarsus; Acts 9:1-9
How many days was Saul of Tarsus blind?
3; Acts 9:9
Who told Saul (Paul) what he had to do to be saved?
Ananias; Acts 22:12-16
Which of the twelve tribes was the apostle Paul from?
Benjamin; Romans 11:1
What woman in Joppa was raised from the dead by the apostle Peter?
Dorcas; Acts 9:36-41
Who saw a vision in which a sheet with unclean animals was lowered three times?
Peter; Acts 10:9-16
Who was the first Gentile converted?
Cornelius; Acts 10
What was Cornelius? occupation?
Soldier; Acts 10:1
Where did Cornelius live?
Caesarea; Acts 10:1
In what city were the disciples first called Christians?
Antioch of Syria; Acts 11:26
Who did Herod Agrippa kill among the apostles?
James the brother of John; Acts 12:1-2
Who guided Peter out of the prison at night?
An angel; Acts 12:7-10
How did Herod Agrippa die?
Eaten by worms; Acts 12:23
Who went with Paul on his first missionary journey?
Barnabas/John Mark; Acts 13:2-5
In what city was Paul stoned and dragged out of the city?
Lystra; Acts 14:8-19
What question was the subject of debate in Jerusalem in Acts 15?
The circumcision of Gentiles for salvation; Acts 15:1-5
What young man joined Paul and Silas on the second missionary journey?
Timothy; Acts 16:1-3
What two preachers sang praises in a jail cell at midnight?
Paul & Silas; Acts 16:25
In what city was a jailor converted to Christ?
Philippi; Acts 16:12-34
What five things must a person do to be saved?
Hear, believe, repent, confess [faith], be baptized; Mark 16:16;,Acts 2:38, Romans 10:9-10
Where was the altar with the inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD?
Athens; Acts 17:16-23
Who was the wife of Aquila?
Priscilla; Acts 18:2
Where did Paul first meet Aquila & Priscilla?
At Corinth; Acts 18:1-2
What was the name of the Roman governor of Achaia who declined to try Paul?
Gallio; Acts 18:12-16
What was the name of the Jew from Alexandria who was ?an eloquent man, and mighty in the Scriptures??
Apollos; Acts 18:24
What woman helped her husband teach the truth to a man named Apollos?
Priscilla; Acts 18:26
Who was the silversmith at Ephesus who caused a great commotion against Paul?
Demetrius; Acts 19:23-41
Who fell out of the window while Paul was preaching?
Eutychus; Acts 20:7-9
Name That Person - I was the apostle “born out of due season.” I was taken as a prisoner to Rome.
Paul; I Corinthians 15:8-9
What five acts do we normally do in our worship?
Sing, Pray; Ephesians 5:19-20, Teach; 2 Timothy 4:2, Lord’s Supper; Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 11:23-25, Give; I Corinthians 16:1-3
Why did the Roman commander in Jerusalem refrain from scourging Paul?
Paul was a Roman citizen, uncondemned; Acts 22:23-29
How long was Paul kept a prisoner in Caesarea?
2 years; Acts 24:27
Paul appeared before two Roman governors in Caesarea? Name either one.
Felix and Festus; Acts 24,25
Who wrote the book of Romans?
Paul; Romans 1:1
Who wrote the book of James?
James; James 1:1
Paul was taken to Rome as a prisoner because he had appealed to whom?
Caesar; Acts 25:11; 27:1
Name That Person - I was a run-away slave who returned to my master after I became a Christian.
Onesimus; Philemon 10-16
Who wrote the book of Jude?
Jude; Jude 1
Who wrote the book of Colossians?
Paul; Colossians 1:1
Who wrote the book of Philemon?
Paul; Philemon 1
What was the name of the island on which Paul was shipwrecked?
Malta; Acts 28:1
Name all the books of the Bible written by Peter.
1 & 2 Peter
The book of Revelation was addressed to whom?
The seven churches of Asia; Revelation 1:4
Who wrote the book of Revelation?
John the apostle; Revelation 1:4