C. Other laboratory tests Flashcards
refer to bacteriological diagnosis to confirm TB. This requires collection of the necessary specimens for testing, performing the test, and making the diagnosis based on the results
Primary diagnostic tools
shall be the primary diagnostic test for PTB and EPTB in adults
and children
Once a presumptive TB case is identified by symptom-based screening or by chest Xray, diagnosis through [?] must be conducted.
bacteriologic confirmation
All presumptive TB patients who are at high risk for [?] shall be referred for Xpert MTB/ RIF testing
Multidrug-resisant TB (MDRTB)
Smear microscopy or [?] shall be the alternative diagnostic test if Xpert is not accessible. Unavailability of Xpert MTB/RIF test shall not be a deterrent to diagnose TB disease bacteriologically
loop mediated TB LAMP
TB LAMP may be utilized to process large sample loads especially in [?}, but not for children, PLHIV and MDR-TB risk groups
ACF activities
If bacteriologic testing is negative or not available/accessible, patients shall be
evaluated by the health facility physician who shall decide on [?] based on best clinical judgment.
clinical diagnosis
[?] practices and procedures, containment equipment and facilities are required for non-aerosol-producing manipulations of clinical specimens such as preparation of acid-fast smears.
Biosafety Level 2
All aerosol-generating activities must be conducted in a [? or ?] biological safety cabinet
Class I or II
[?] practices, containment equipment and facilities are required for laboratory activities in the propagation and manipulation of cultures of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis.
Biosafety Level 3
for screening are rapid, sensitive molecular tests for detecting TB.
Molecular WHO-recommended rapid diagnostics (mWRD)
It is an automated molecular assay based on the extraction and amplification
of genetic material in clinical specimens
Xpert MTB/RIF (Cepheid, USA)
It is used for the rapid and direct detection of MTBC; and simultaneously detects genes that encode rifampin resistance
Xpert MTB/RIF (Cepheid, USA)
Traditionally, diagnosis of leprosy is most commonly based on
clinical signs and symptoms
slit skin smear examination
is a leprosy skin test to determine what type of leprosy the patient has. Now, molecular methods (e.g., PCR) are available for identification of M. leprae.
NOT diagnostic of exposure to or infection with M. leprae because it can be positive for any mycobacterial infections
Lepromin test
Lepromin test is a prognostic test of an individual’s capability to develop cell-mediated
immunity (a [?] reaction) to M. leprae.
delayed-type hypersensitivity
It involves intradermal injection of inactivated (?) M. leprae. The injection site is examined after 1-2 days, and if there’s 3-4 weeks of
injection for redness, swelling, or other skin changes
this reaction occurs within the first 2 days
Fernández reaction
this reaction occurs within 3-4 weeks. It can help to predict the evolution of the indeterminate lesion
Mitsuda reaction
Mitsuda test is negative
lepromatous leprosy
Mitsuda test is positive
tuberculoid leprosy
AFB (SSS): Few
AFB (SSS): Numerous
LEPROMIN TEST: Strongly positive
• Antibody detection methods remain the primary test method to confirm a
clinical diagnosis of this disease
It is measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay/immunofluorescence
assay and [?]
Molecular method (Nucleic Acid Amplification Test)
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)