C - Feldblum Rating Agencies Flashcards
2 types of ratings provided by Rating Agencies.
For each, give one example of rating agency.
Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s
for life and PC insurers (AM BEST)
-the focus of Feldblum article
2) What does it helps to assess?
3) Give example of its uses for REINSURERS?
1) to make insurance market more efficient by reducing information costs
3) Reinsurers may need investment grade ratings TO RETAIN CONSUMERS. Independent agents use ratings TO PLACE POLICIES WITH HIGHER RATED INSURERS
3 disadvantages of unrated insurers.
some BANKS DO NOT ISSUE MORTGAGE without property coverage from a rated insurer
insurers who do not pay for interactive ratings MAY RECEIVE PUBLIC RATING, WHICH HAS LESS CONTROL over the information reviewed by the agencies and greater chances of errors.
2 examples testifying of the public acceptance of insurance ratings.
1) INSURERS are willing to pay large amounts to keep high ratings
2) AGENTS AND INVESTORS base business decisions on these ratings
discuss INTERACTIVE MEETING by which the rating analysts meet with the sr. mngmnt of the insurer.
Rating analyst will meet officer responsible for U/W, Reserving, Reinsurance, Investments, Risk Management
Rating Agency’s focus is the quality of an insurer’s managers : their knowledge of industry trends, their experience with adverse scenarios, their handling of current problems
Insurer select the info they provide to the rating agency. Agency avoids specifying the data they want. They evaluate their client : DECEPTIVE, MISLEADING, INCOMPLETE INFO may lead to poor rating.
5 steps of an interactive rating
- BACKGROUND RESEARCH by rating analyst and SUBMISSION OF DATA by the insurer
- Preparation of RATING PROPOSAL by lead analyst and submission of add’t data by insurer
- DECISION by the RATING COMMITTEE after presentation by the lead analyst.
- PUBLICATION OF RATING on public web sites and provision of analysis to fee-paying subscribers.
An insurer with a $200M market value has $800M of bonds with average durations of 6 1/2 years.
Contrast RATING AGENCY vs INVESTORS in their ability to evaluate an insurer, were the interest rates to rise by 200 basis points.
The market value of the insurer would go down.
Investors would quickly offer a lower price for the stock.
Rating agency does not evaluate the insurer as quickly as investors do, and it may wait to downgrade the insurer to see if interest rates reverse.
3 reasons why an insurer would request rating from more than one agency.
1) The insurer may want to issue debt and seeks a rating from an agency with MORE EXPERIENCE WITH DEBT RATING
2) It may want a rating from an AGENCY BETTER KNOWN TO INVESTORS
3) it may NOT BE SATISFIED with current rating and believes the 2nd rating will be better.
6 commonly requested information by rating agencies for the initial meeting
Financial statements for the past 5 years.
History of the company (major events, mergers acquisitions, expansions)
Biographies of executives
Investment strategy, policy, guidelines
Org Chart
Product description and business strategy for each line
3 reasons why almost all insurers are rated by agencies as compared to a small percentage in other industries.
1) agents are CAUTIOUS OF UNRATED INSURERS, since they might be in distress
- it is less expensive to pay for a rating than to demonstrate financial strength individually to others
- independent agents use ratings to select insurers, insurers use ratings to select reinsurers
- Agents might be sued for providing insurance from a financially weak insurer
3) rating agencies EFFICIENCY at assessing financial strength
Public rating vs interactive rating
PUBLIC RATING rely on public data only, with no input from the insurer
INTERACTIVE RATING rely on proprietary data and meetings with senior managers
What would happen if the insurer pays for an interactive rating one year but does not want an interactive rating the next year?
The agency may issue a PUBLIC RATING based on public data only
Why would an insurer refuse an interactive rating? What would happen if this happens?
because insurer expects a downgrade
Agency may proceed with a public rating to inform investors that the previous rating is no longer valid.
how insurer should disclose information to the rating agency
should not hide potentially damaging data, even though analyst does not request it
bettter to inform rating agencies of adverse events before they become evident. May keep a good rating doing so.
The contrary would lead to downgrade
what may happen to an exhibit presented to rating agency and not supported by data or if confidential
Exhibit may not be presented to rating committee
If insurer tell rating analysts that the analysis is confidential, the analyst will not demand more information
But will give the rating committee a conservative (wost case) estimate from industry figures
how insurers can prepare for interactive meetings.
Some insurer use a DRY RUN (REHEARSAL) with a RATINGS ADVISOR, such as an actuarial consulting firm
RATINGS ADVISOR will take the place of RATING AGENCIES, meet with senior managers, and tell them how to improve their presentation.
top-down approach in rating insurers
Agencies generally use a top-down approach.
They start with an industry forecasts and insurer’s competitive position.
The committee evaluates u/w cycles by LoB and the insurer’s own performance, and management quality.
The industry evaluation is made by senior officers of the rating agency, bringing more consistency to the ratings.
how rating committee of agency decides rating.
The rating analyst present the insurer’s data to the committee, which then decides the rating by majority vote.
why agencies hesitate to change ratings too quickly
Erroneous downgrades anger clients, who pay the agency’s fees
Erroneous upgrades ruin the agency’s reputation with investors and agents
Discuss the disclosures of the agency rating changes.
Agencies delay downgrades by repeating current rating with negative outlooks for several months and reduce only if insurer cannot raise capital.
Rating agencies have been publishing capital requirements for each rating.
Examples of insurer’s doing to meet these capital requirements.
1) setting high enough prices
2) limiting business expansion
3) avoiding high-risk policies
4) selling block of business
5) structuring reinsurance
how some reinsurance treaties explicitly link agency ratings and security with clause.
a treaty with a downgrade clause may specify that if reinsurer fails to maintain a certain rating, it must deposit funds covering its obligations or provide letter of credit as security.
How a downgrade clause benefits both parties (insurer and reinsurer)?
reinsurer: avoids the costs of collateral as long as it maintains its rating
insurer : gets collateral to cover reinsurance recoveries if the reinsurer cannot meet its obligations
3 rating agency models and who is using them.
use of the expected policyholder deficit (EPD) to calibrate risk
2) Moody’s and Fitch
use of Stochastic Cash Flow to model economic capital
3) Standard and Poor’s
use principles-based models and ERM practices.
What must a rating agency do to succeed against other rating agency?
- Must me better at distinguishing weak and strong insurers
- Identify stable insurers underrated by other agencies (gaining clients who will pay for the rating)
- Identify weak insurers who are overrated by other agencies (strengthening a reputation for accurate rating)
3 steps in Moody’s and Fitch stochastic CF models to assess capital requirements methodology.
1) the model form distributions of each risk an simulate repeatedly from them
2) cash flows are projected until all current liabilities are settled
3) required capital is set by a VaR or TVaR risk measure.
Describe principles-based systems in insurers rating.
It bases capital requirement evaluation on insurer ERM’s system and internal capital model
why Standard and Poors is using a principle based system.
SandP believes that well managed insurers evaluate their capital needs more accurately than a rating agency can (calculating VaR, TVaR, EPD, easier to assess for insurer than rating agency)
bottom-up vs top-down
economic models in insurers rating.
determines capital charges for each risk and LoB and combines them with diversification factor
determines overall capital requirement from a multivariate distribution of all risk and allocates the required capital back to risk and LoB
State BCAR formula.
What are the components of the formula?
What kind of risk does BCAR include that is not included in NAIC’s PC formula?
Discuss impact on small risk and weight?
sqrt(b1^2 + b2^2 + b3^2 + b4^2 + b5^2 + b6^2) + b7
b7 is off-balance sheet risk
b1-b6 are bond, equity, interest rate, credit, reserve, new business risks
Interest rate risk
BCAR uses the expected policyholder deficit (EPD) 1% risk measure
Overall capital is still heavily weighted toward underwriting risk
Calculate implied interest rate from 2 to 3 years if:
The term structure of interest rates is 5% for one year, 6% for two years, and 7% for three years.
$1 invested now yields $1.05 in one year, $1 × 1.06^2 = $1.12 in two years, and $1 × 1.07^3 = $1.23 in three years. The implied interest rate from 2 to 3 years is $1.23 / $1.12 – 1 = 9%.
given following info, calculate EPD, EPD ratio (Expected Policyholder Deficit) and required capital:
general liability reserves have a market value of 1,200,000,
aggregate excess-of-loss reinsurance treaty that pays the adverse development above 25,000 have a pure premium of 500
aggregate excess-of-loss reinsurance treaty that pays the adverse development above 1,700 have a pure premium of 12,000.
- Best’s chooses required capital so that the EPD ratio is 1%.
- The EPD ratio is the EPD divided by the market value of held reserves.
- The EPD is the pure premium for unlimited aggregate excess-of-loss reinsurance.
EPD ratio = PP/RMV, meaning that EDP ratio * RMV = PP
1%*12G=12M => for a PP of 12M, required capital is attachment point = 1.7M