C-4 (Office Commercial District) Flashcards
What are the permitted uses in the C-4 district?
Uses permitted in the C-4 Office District shall be limited to offices, low volume retail, residential, and public uses. Uses permitted will include those similar in nature and function to the following:
1. Addressing, telephonic, or stenographic offices
2. Ambulance service
3. Animal hospital (small pets)
4. Apartment house
5. Artist’s or photographers’ studio
6. Barber or beauty shop
7. Book store or newsstand 8 Broadcasting or recording studio
9 Cemetery or mausoleum
10. Childcare institution, including day nursery
1 1. Churches, synagogues or temples, including Sunday School facilities.
12. Clinics
13. Community centers - public
14. Computing or data center office
15. Dwellings, single family and duplexes
16. Financial institutions excluding pawnshops
17. Interior decorating shop
18. Library
19. Locksmith or key shop
20 Offices: administrative, executive, professional, research, governmental
21 Optician or optical laboratory 20 Postal service office
23 Public off-street parking lot
24 School, public or private
25 Studio, photographic, musical, fine arts
26 Taxidermist
27 Other uses deemed similar in nature by the Planning Commission
What are the conditional uses in the C-4 district?
The following uses may be permitted, with conditions, upon review by the Planning
Commission in accordance with provisions contained in Chapter IV Article 4-1
l. Gas pressure control station or pipeline
2. Health studio or spa
3. Hospital or health center
4. Laboratory: research, development or testing
5. Newspaper offices, print shop
What are the area regulations for the C-4 District?
The area requirements for dwellings and buildings accessory thereto shall be the same as requirements for uses in the R-2 Residential Zone Districts.
What are the front yard requirements in the C-4 district?
Front yard: All buildings shall be set back from the street right-of -way line to provide a front yard having not less -than 25 feet in depth.
What are the side yard requirements in the C-4 district?
Side yard: Where a side yard is adjacent to a residential district, no building shall be located closer than 25 feet to the side lot line. In all other cases, no building shall be located closer than 20 feet to the side lot line except that where a former dwelling unit has been converted to a different use permitted under Article 5-7A., side yard requirements will be the same as those for the R-2 residential zone district.
What are the rear yard requirements in the C-4 district?
Rear yard: No building shall be located closer than 20 feet to the rear lot line.
What is the maximum percentage area of a lot that is allowed to be covered in the C-4 district?
Main and accessory buildings shall not cover more than 50 percent of the lot area and in no case shall the total gross floor area of the main building exceed the area of the lot.
What are the screening requirements in the C-4 district?
Where property zoned C-4 abuts a residential district, a planting screen or other visual barrier to be approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustment shall be constructed by the property owner or potential user of the property prior to the use of such property for other than residential purposes in a manner that it provides a continual visual buffer between the 2 districts a minimum of 6 feet in height, except that such buffer shall not be placed within 15 feet of the paved surface of a street or highway.
What are the Sign restrictions in the C-4 District?
One sign not exceeding 12 square feet in size shall be allowed on the principal structure. The sign may be attached to the building face or set in the front yard, providing it is not closer than 10 feet to the right-of-way of any street and the height of any such unattached sign shall not exceed 4 feet from the ground. Unattached signs may not be illuminated, and attached signs may be illuminated only by a constant indirect ray, the source of which is not visible from any property.
What are the off-street parking requirements in the C-4 District?
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter VI. In all cases, the forward most 25 feet of the front yard shall be maintained as unobstructed open space and shall not be used for parking unless proper control is provided through curb lines, entrances and exits, and in no case will parking be permitted in a manner so as to result in an automobile backing into any street or otherwise interfering with moving traffic.