C Flashcards
Cacophony (n)
A harsh discordant mixture of sounds
Cadaverous (adj)
Thin and haggard, ghastly
Caitiff (n)
A cowardly person
Cajole (v)
Persuade someone into doing something by flattery
Callous (adj)
Showing insensitivity towards others
Callow (adj)
Of a young person being inexperienced and immature
Calumniate (v)
To slander
Candid (adj) candour (n)
Being frank
Cant (v)
Talk hypocritically and sanctimoniously about sth
Capacious (adj)
Capitulate (v)
To surrender
Capricious (adj)
Sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour
Captious (adj)
Tending to find fault or raise petty objections
Caret (n)
Carnal (adj)
Carouse (v)
To drink alcohol and enjoy oneself in a noisy lively way
Castigate (v)
To reprimand severely
Causal (adj)
Caused by
Caustic (adj)
Sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way
Cede (v)
Give up power or territory
Censorious (adj)
Severely critical of others
Cessation (n)
To be brought to an end
Chagrin (v)
Feel distressed or humiliated
Chasten (v)
Of a misfortune or accident or wrongdoing causing someone to be restrained or more wary
Choleric (adj)
Bad tempered or irritable
Circumlocute (v)
To use too many words to express an idea to attempt to be vague or evasive
Circumscribe (v)
To confine something
Circumspect (adj)
Wary and unwilling to take risks
Clamorous (adj)
To be protesting or demanding
Clandestine (adj)
Kept secret or done secretively, surreptitiously
Clement (adj)
Of a person or their actions to be merciful
Coalesce (v)
To come together to form one mass or whole
Coddle (v)
Treat someone in an overprotective way, cosseted
Cogent (adj)
Of an argument clear, logical and convincing
Cognate (adj)
Related, connected
Cognisant (adj)
Having knowledge or awareness, aware
Cohere (v)
To form into a unified whole
Colloquy (n)
A conversation
Collusion (n)
Secret or illegal cooperation to deceive others
Comely (adj)
Comestible (adj)
Commingle (v)
Mix, blend